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File Backup Set XML Template (With Explanation)

11 Feb, 2025

This appendix explains all configurable items of a File backup set XML scripts including the available options. It will be highlighted in red for easy identification.

Backup Set Setting

The following items define the basic configurations of the file backup set.

  • Backup set type - the backup set type, for instance, File, MySQL etc.
  • Backup set name - the name of your backup set.
  • Temporary directory for storing backup files - the directory path where you would like to have the backup files stored temporarily. The temporary directory is used for various purposes, such as storage of temporary spooled file (for database specific backup type in AhsayOBM), remote file list, local file list, temporary delta file and other files of temporary nature.
  • Remove temporary files after backup - option to remove temporary files after backup is finished.
  • Support of opening backup data directly without restoration - option to open the backup data without the need to restore the whole backup data first. This is only supported on File backup sets created and backed up on Windows platform. So for Linux (CLI), “Value data” for this option should be “N”.
  • Select compression type - the backup compression mode which defines the compression method to be used during a backup job for the corresponding backup set. The Compression Type can be changed at any time after backup set creation. There are four compression types available: Normal, Fast, Fast with optimization for local, or No compression.
  • Backup files' permissions - option to backup operating system file permission of the data selected as backup source.
  • Follow link of the backup files - option to follow a NTFS junction point or NTFS symbolic link during backup. When the follow link option is enabled, not only is the symbolic link or junction point backed up, but directories and files that the junction point links to will also be backed up.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Setting class="more-space">
        <!-- This is the backup set setting -->
        <Key name="Backup Set Setting" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
            <!-- Backup set type (Read Only) -->
            <Value data="FILE" name="Type" type="string" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Backup set name -->
            <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Temporary directory for storing backup files -->
            <Value data="" name="Temporary Working Directory" type="string" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Remove temporary files after backup -->
            <!-- Y: Yes -->
            <!-- N: No -->
            <Value data="Y" name="Delete temporary files after backup" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Support of opening backup data directly without restoration -->
            <!-- Y: Yes -->
            <!-- N: No -->
            <Value data="N" name="OpenDirect" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Select compression type -->
            <!-- GzipDefaultCompression : Normal -->
            <!-- GzipBestSpeedCompression: Fast (Compressed size larger than normal) -->
            <!-- SnappyDefaultCompression: Fast with optimization for local -->
            <!-- Leave the field blank for no compression -->
            <Value data="" name="Compression Type" type="string" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Backup files' permissions -->
            <!-- Y: Yes -->
            <!-- N: No -->
            <Value data="Y" name="Upload files permission" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
            <!-- Follow link of the backup files -->
            <!-- Y: Yes -->
            <!-- N: No -->
            <Value data="Y" name="Follow links" type="boolean" class="more-space" />

Selected Source

The file path of the files you would like to backup.

<!-- This includes the files you want to backup -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more selected sources -->
<Key name="Selected Source" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
    <Value data="" name="Path" type="string" class="more-space" />

Deselected Source

The file path of the files you would like to exclude from the backup.

<!-- This excludes the files from the included source -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more deselected sources -->
<Key name="Deselected Source" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
    <Value data="" name="Path" type="string" class="more-space" />

Schedule Settings

Option to create scheduled time when backup jobs will run for a particular backup set. There are four types of schedule: Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Custom.

<!-- Settings for your scheduled backups -->
<Key name="Schedule Settings" class="more-space">
    <!-- Enable scheduled backup on this computer -->
    <!-- Y: Yes -->
    <!-- N: No -->
    <Value data="N" name="Enable" type="boolean" class="more-space" />

Daily Schedule Settings

Set backup jobs to run daily at the time you specified.

  • Name of schedule

    The name of the schedule.

  • Start hour

    Hour when the backup will start, from 0-23.

  • Start minute

    Minute when the backup will start, from 0-59.

  • Duration of this backup in hours

    The duration you would like this backup to perform, in hours. Set to -1 if you would like the backup job to run until it finishes.

  • Interval

    The interval when the backup job will run, in minutes or hours.

<!-- Daily settings -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more daily schedules -->
<Key name="Daily Schedule Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of schedule -->
    <Value data="Daily-Schedule" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start hour -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 23 -->
    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="21" name="Hour" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start minute -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 59 -->
    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="0" name="Minute" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Duration of this backup in hours -->
    <!-- 1, 2, 3... -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means run until job finish -->
    <!-- Duration can only be -1 if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Duration" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Interval -->
    <!-- 1 : 1 minute -->
    <!-- 2 : 2 minutes -->
    <!-- 3 : 3 minutes -->
    <!-- 4 : 4 minutes -->
    <!-- 5 : 5 minutes -->
    <!-- 6 : 6 minutes -->
    <!-- 10 : 10 minutes -->
    <!-- 12 : 12 minutes -->
    <!-- 15 : 15 minutes -->
    <!-- 20 : 20 minutes -->
    <!-- 30 : 30 minutes -->
    <!-- 60 : 1 hour -->
    <!-- 120: 2 hours -->
    <!-- 180: 3 hours -->
    <!-- 240: 4 hours -->
    <!-- 360: 6 hours -->
    <!-- 480: 8 hours -->
    <!-- 720: 12 hours -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means a non-periodic normal schedule -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Interval" type="integer" class="more-space" />

Weekly Schedule Settings

Set backup jobs to run weekly at the time you specified.

  • Name of schedule

    The name of the schedule.

  • Start hour

    Hour when the backup will start, from 0-23.

  • Start minute

    Minute when the backup will start, from 0-59.

  • Duration of this backup in hours

    The duration you would like this backup to perform, in hours. Set to -1 if you would like the backup job to run until it finishes.

  • Interval

    The interval when the backup job will run, in minutes or hours.

  • Backup on these days of the week

    Option to enable or disable backup on each day of the week.

<!-- Weekly settings -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more weekly schedules -->
<Key name="Weekly Schedule Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of schedule -->
    <Value data="Weekly-Schedule" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start hour -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 23 -->
    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="21" name="Hour" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start minute -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 59 -->
    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="0" name="Minute" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Duration of this backup in hours -->
    <!-- 1, 2, 3... -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means run until job finish -->
    <!-- Duration can only be -1 if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Duration" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Interval -->
    <!-- 1 : 1 minute -->
    <!-- 2 : 2 minutes -->
    <!-- 3 : 3 minutes -->
    <!-- 4 : 4 minutes -->
    <!-- 5 : 5 minutes -->
    <!-- 6 : 6 minutes -->
    <!-- 10 : 10 minutes -->
    <!-- 12 : 12 minutes -->
    <!-- 15 : 15 minutes -->
    <!-- 20 : 20 minutes -->
    <!-- 30 : 30 minutes -->
    <!-- 60 : 1 hour -->
    <!-- 120: 2 hours -->
    <!-- 180: 3 hours -->
    <!-- 240: 4 hours -->
    <!-- 360: 6 hours -->
    <!-- 480: 8 hours -->
    <!-- 720: 12 hours -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means a non-periodic normal schedule -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Interval" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Backup on these days of the week -->
    <!-- Y: Yes -->
    <!-- N: No -->
    <Value data="Y" name="Sunday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Monday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Tuesday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Wednesday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Thursday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Friday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />
    <Value data="Y" name="Saturday" type="boolean" class="more-space" />

Monthly Schedule Settings

Set backup jobs to run monthly at the time you specified.

  • Name of schedule

    The name of the schedule.

  • Start hour

    Hour when the backup will start, from 0-23.

  • Start minute

    Minute when the backup will start, from 0-59.

  • Duration of this backup in hours

    The duration you would like this backup to perform, in hours. Set to -1 if you would like the backup job to run until it finishes.

  • Schedule date of month

    The exact date in a month when the backup job will run. Set to “0” if you would like the backup job to be done using a specified occurrence and criteria format, e.g., the third Wednesday of the month.

  • Backup occurrence

    The specific week of the month when the backup job will run, i.e., First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Last. This works together with “Backup criteria”.

  • Backup criteria

    The specific day of the month when the backup job will run, i.e., Sunday thru Saturday, Weekday, and Weekend. This works together with “Backup occurrence”.

<!-- Monthly settings -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more monthly schedules -->
<Key name="Monthly Schedule Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of schedule -->
    <Value data="Monthly-Schedule" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start hour -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 23 -->
    <Value data="21" name="Hour" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start minute -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 59 -->
    <Value data="0" name="Minute" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Duration of this backup in hours -->
    <!-- 1, 2, 3... -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means run until job finish -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Duration" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Schedule date of month -->
    <!-- 1, 2, 3... 31 -->
    <!-- 32: Last -->
    <!-- Set to 0 if you want to use the format of occurrence + criteria, e.g. Third Wednesday, instead -->
    <Value data="1" name="Schedule Date" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Backup occurrence -->
    <!-- First / Second / Third / Fourth / Last -->
    <!-- If "Schedule Date" is not zero, this value will be ignored -->
    <Value data="First" name="Occurrence" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Backup criteria -->
    <!-- Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Weekday / Weekend -->
    <!-- If "Schedule Date" is not zero, this value will be ignored -->
    <Value data="Friday" name="Criteria" type="string" class="more-space" />

Custom Schedule Settings

Set backup jobs to run at the date and time you specified.

  • Name of schedule

    The name of the schedule.

  • Start hour

    Hour when the backup will start, from 0-23.

  • Start minute

    Minute when the backup will start, from 0-59.

  • Duration of this backup in hours

    The duration you would like this backup to perform, in hours. Set to -1 if you would like the backup job to run until it finishes.

  • Date for performing custom schedule backup

    The specific date when the backup job will run. The date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD.

<!-- Custom settings -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more custom schedules -->
<Key name="Custom Schedule Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of schedule -->
    <Value data="Custom" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start hour -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 23 -->
    <Value data="21" name="Hour" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Start minute -->
    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 59 -->
    <Value data="0" name="Minute" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Duration of this backup in hours -->
    <!-- 1, 2, 3... -->
    <!-- A value of -1 means run until job finish -->
    <Value data="-1" name="Duration" type="integer" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Date for performing custom schedule backup -->
    <!-- Input in the format of YYYY-MM-DD -->
    <Value data="2023-1-9" name="Schedule Date" type="string" class="more-space" />

Destination Settings

Set the number of destinations to run backup job concurrently.

<!-- This is the collection of destinations -->
<Key name="Destination Settings" class="more-space">
    <Value data="1" name="concurrency-level" type="integer" class="more-space" />

Setup the destination to be used for the backup. There are thirteen choices for the backup destination:

AhsayCBS Destination Settings

This option allows backup files to be stored on the server.

<!-- AhsayCBS destination is where the files are backup to server -->
<Key name="AhsayCBS Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">

Local Destination Settings

This option allows backup files to be stored in your local computer. This should contain the directory path where you would like the backup files to be stored.

<!-- Local destination means backup files are stored in your computer -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more local destinations -->
<Key name="Local Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of your destination -->
    <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Directory to store your backup files -->
    <!-- e.g. /tmp -->
    <Value data="" name="Local Path" type="string" class="more-space" />

Alibaba Destination Settings

If you are using Alibaba Cloud as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- Alibaba Cloud destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more Alibaba Cloud destinations -->
<Key name="Alibaba Cloud Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y" class="more-space">
    <!-- Name of your destination -->
    <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Access key ID -->
    <Value data="" name="Access Key ID" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Access key secret -->
    <Value data="" name="Access Key Secret" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Region -->
    <!-- oss-cn-hangzhou : China (Hangzhou) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-shanghai : China (Shanghai) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-qingdao : China (Qingdao) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-beijing : China (Beijing) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-zhangjiakou: China (Zhangjiakou) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-huhehaote : China (Hohhot) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-wulanchabu : China (Ulanqab) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-shenzhen : China (Shenzhen) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-heyuan : China (Heyuan) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-guangzhou : China (Guangzhou) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-chengdu : China (Chengdu) -->
    <!-- oss-cn-hongkong : China (Hong Kong) -->
    <!-- oss-ap-southeast-1: Singapore -->
    <!-- oss-ap-southeast-2: Australia (Sydney) -->
    <!-- oss-ap-southeast-3: Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) -->
    <!-- oss-ap-southeast-5: Indonesia (Jakarta) -->
    <!-- oss-ap-northeast-1: Japan (Tokyo) -->
    <!-- oss-ap-south-1 : India (Mumbai) -->
    <!-- oss-eu-central-1 : Germany (Frankfurt) -->
    <!-- oss-eu-west-1 : UK (London) -->
    <!-- oss-us-west-1 : US (Silicon Valley) -->
    <!-- oss-us-east-1 : US (Virginia) -->
    <!-- oss-me-east-1 : UAE (Dubai) -->
    <Value data="" name="Region" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Bucket to store backup data -->
    <!-- Leave the field empty to use default -->
    <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" class="more-space" />
    <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
    <!-- Y: Yes -->
    <!-- N: No -->
    <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" class="more-space" />

CTYun Destination Settings

if you are using CTYun as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- CTYun destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more CTYun destinations -->
<Key name="CTYun Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <Value data="" name="Access Key ID" type="string" />
  <Value data="" name="Access Secret Key" type="string" />
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

Backblaze Destination Settings

If you are using Backblaze as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- Backblaze destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more Backblaze destinations -->
<Key name="Backblaze Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <Value data="" name="Key ID" type="string" />
  <Value data="" name="Application Key" type="string" />
  <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" />
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

Wasabi Destination Settings

If you are using Wasabi as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- Wasabi destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more Wasabi destinations -->
<Key name="Wasabi Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Access key -->
  <Value data="" name="Access Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Secret Key -->
  <Value data="" name="Secret Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Region -->
  <!-- us-west-1 : us-west-1 -->
  <!-- ap-northeast-1: ap-northeast-1 -->
  <!-- ap-northeast-2: ap-northeast-2 -->
  <!-- ap-southeast-1: ap-southeast-1 -->
  <!-- ap-southeast-2: ap-southeast-2 -->
  <!-- ca-central-1 : ca-central-1 -->
  <!-- eu-central-1 : eu-central-1 -->
  <!-- eu-central-2 : eu-central-2 -->
  <!-- eu-west-1 : eu-west-1 -->
  <!-- eu-west-2 : eu-west-2 -->
  <!-- us-central-1 : us-central-1 -->
  <!-- us-east-1 : us-east-1 -->
  <!-- us-east-2 : us-east-2 -->
  <Value data="" name="Region" type="string" />
  <!-- Bucket to store backup data -->
  <!-- Leave the field empty to use default -->
  <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

AmazonS3 Destination Settings

If you are using AmazonS3 as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- AmazonS3 destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more AmazonS3 destinations -->
<Key name="AmazonS3 Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Access key ID -->
  <Value data="" name="Access Key ID" type="string" />
  <!-- Secret access key -->
  <Value data="" name="Secret Access Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Location -->
  <!-- us-east-1 : US East (N. Virginia) -->
  <!-- us-east-2 : US East (Ohio) -->
  <!-- us-west-1 : US West (Northern California) -->
  <!-- us-west-2 : US West (Oregon) -->
  <!-- af-south-1 : Africa (Cape Town) -->
  <!-- ap-east-1 : Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) -->
  <!-- ap-south-1 : Asia Pacific (Mumbai) -->
  <!-- ap-northeast-3: Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) -->
  <!-- ap-northeast-2: Asia Pacific (Seoul) -->
  <!-- ap-southeast-1: Asia Pacific (Singapore) -->
  <!-- ap-southeast-2: Asia Pacific (Sydney) -->
  <!-- ap-northeast-1: Asia Pacific (Tokyo) -->
  <!-- ca-central-1 : Canada (Central) -->
  <!-- cn-north-1 : China (Beijing) -->
  <!-- cn-northwest-1: China (Ningxia) -->
  <!-- eu-central-1 : Europe (Frankfurt) -->
  <!-- eu-west-1 : Europe (Ireland) -->
  <!-- eu-west-2 : Europe (London) -->
  <!-- eu-south-1 : Europe (Milan) -->
  <!-- eu-west-3 : Europe (Paris) -->
  <!-- eu-north-1 : Europe (Stockholm) -->
  <!-- me-south-1 : Middle East (Bahrain) -->
  <!-- sa-east-1 : South America (Sao Paulo) -->
  <!-- us-gov-east-1 : AWS GovCloud (US-East) -->
  <!-- us-gov-west-1 : AWS GovCloud (US-West) -->
  <Value data="" name="Location" type="string" />
  <!-- Storage Class -->
  <!-- STANDARD : Standard Storage -->
  <!-- STANDARD_IA : Standard - Infrequent Access Storage -->
  <!-- INTELLIGENT_TIERING:Intelligent - Tiering Storage -->
  <!-- ONEZONE_IA : One Zone - Infrequent Access Storage -->
  <!-- REDUCED_REDUNDANCY : Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) -->
  <Value data="" name="Storage Class" type="string" />
  <!-- Bucket to store backup data -->
  <!-- Leave the field empty to use default -->
  <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

AWS Compatible Destination Settings

If you are using AWSCompatible as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- AWSCompatible destination for storing files --> <!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more AWSCompatible destinations --> <Key name="AWSCompatible Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y"> <!-- Name of your destination --> <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" /> <!-- Host --> <Value data="" name="Host" type="string" /> <!-- Port --> <Value data="0" name="Port" type="integer" /> <!-- Access key ID --> <Value data="" name="Access Key ID" type="string" /> <!-- Secret access key --> <Value data="" name="Secret Access Key" type="string" /> <!-- Bucket to store backup data (please create this bucket manually first) --> <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" /> <!-- Select whether to use proxy --> <!-- Y: Yes --> <!-- N: No --> <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" /> </Key> 

GoogleCloudStorage Destination Settings

If you are using GoogleCloudStorage as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- GoogleCloudStorage destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more GoogleCloudStorage destinations -->
<Key name="GoogleCloudStorage Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Access key -->
  <Value data="" name="Access Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Secret -->
  <Value data="" name="Secret" type="string" />
  <!-- Storage Class -->
  <!-- STANDARD: Standard -->
  <!-- NEARLINE: Nearline -->
  <!-- COLDLINE: Coldline -->
  <!-- ARCHIVE : Archive -->
  <Value data="" name="Storage Class" type="string" />
  <!-- Location -->
  <!-- NORTHAMERICA-NORTHEAST1: northamerica-northeast1 (Montreal) -->
  <!-- SOUTHAMERICA-EAST1 : southamerica-east1 (Sao Paulo) -->
  <!-- US-CENTRAL1 : us-central1 (Iowa) -->
  <!-- US-EAST1 : us-east1 (South Carolina) -->
  <!-- US-EAST4 : us-east4 (Northern Virginia) -->
  <!-- US-WEST1 : us-west1 (Oregon) -->
  <!-- US-WEST2 : us-west2 (Los Angeles) -->
  <!-- US-WEST3 : us-west3 (Salt Lake City) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-NORTH1 : europe-north1 (Finland) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-WEST1 : europe-west1 (Belgium) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-WEST2 : europe-west2 (London) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-WEST3 : europe-west3 (Frankfurt) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-WEST4 : europe-west4 (Netherlands) -->
  <!-- EUROPE-WEST6 : europe-west6 (Zurich) -->
  <!-- ASIA-EAST1 : asia-east1 (Taiwan) -->
  <!-- ASIA-EAST2 : asia-east2 (Hong Kong) -->
  <!-- ASIA-NORTHEAST1 : asia-northeast1 (Tokyo) -->
  <!-- ASIA-NORTHEAST2 : asia-northeast2 (Osaka) -->
  <!-- ASIA-NORTHEAST3 : asia-northeast3 (Seoul) -->
  <!-- ASIA-SOUTH1 : asia-south1 (Mumbai) -->
  <!-- ASIA-SOUTHEAST1 : asia-southeast1 (Singapore) -->
  <!-- AUSTRALIA-SOUTHEAST1 : australia-southeast1 (Sydney) -->
  <!-- US : us (multiple regions in United States) -->
  <!-- EU : eu (multiple regions in European Union) -->
  <!-- ASIA : asia (multiple regions in Asia) -->
  <!-- NAM4 : nam4 (Iowa and South Carolina) -->
  <!-- EUR4 : eur4 (Netherlands and Finland) -->
  <Value data="" name="Location" type="string" />
  <!-- Bucket to store backup data -->
  <!-- Leave the field empty to use default -->
  <Value data="" name="Bucket Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

Windows Azure Destination Settings

If you are using Windows Azure as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- Windows Azure destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more Windows Azure destinations -->
<Key name="Windows Azure Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Storage account name -->
  <Value data="" name="Storage Account Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Access key -->
  <Value data="" name="Access Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Region -->
  <!-- GLOBAL : Global -->
  <!-- CHINA : China -->
  <!-- GERMANY: Germany -->
  <!-- USGOV : US Government -->
  <Value data="" name="Region" type="string" />

Rackspace Destination Settings

If you are using Rackspace as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- Rackspace destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more Rackspace destinations -->
<Key name="Rackspace Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Username -->
  <Value data="" name="Username" type="string" />
  <!-- API key -->
  <Value data="" name="API Key" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

OpenStack Destination Settings

If you are using OpenStack as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- OpenStack destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more OpenStack destinations -->
<Key name="OpenStack Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Host -->
  <Value data="" name="Host" type="string" />
  <!-- Keystone public port -->
  <Value data="5000" name="Keystone Public Port" type="integer" />
  <!-- Username -->
  <Value data="" name="Username" type="string" />
  <!-- Password -->
  <Value data="" name="Password" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />

FTP Destination Settings

If you are using FTP as your backup destination, configure the login and network settings in this section.

<!-- FTP destination for storing files -->
<!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more FTP destinations -->
<Key name="FTP Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
  <!-- Name of your destination -->
  <Value data="" name="Name" type="string" />
  <!-- Host -->
  <Value data="" name="Host" type="string" />
  <!-- Port -->
  <Value data="0" name="Port" type="integer" />
  <!-- Username -->
  <Value data="" name="Username" type="string" />
  <!-- Password -->
  <Value data="" name="Password" type="string" />
  <!-- FTP directory to store backup data -->
  <!-- Leave the field empty to store to ~/Ahsay -->
  <Value data="" name="Directory" type="string" />
  <!-- Select whether to use proxy -->
  <!-- Y: Yes -->
  <!-- N: No -->
  <Value data="N" name="Enable proxy during backup" type="boolean" />