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Your backup data may be corrupted over time due to hardware failure or storage problems. If a disaster were to happen, your data recovery process may fail due to errors caused by corrupted or incomplete backup data. As a best practice, the integrity of your backup data should be tested with regular recovery drills to ensure full recoverability. Although organizations conducting regular recovery drills can be time-consuming, resource-intensive, and disruptive to existing workflows, it ultimately benefits their customers.

Ahsay Restore Drill provides MSPs with an efficient and cost-effective option for ensuring their backup data's health and complete confidence in backup data recoverability. Enables MSPs to conduct regular disaster recovery drills without needing to deploy or purchase additional hardware. All Restore Drills can be done using existing resources.

Ahsay Restore Drill

What are the benefits?

Ahsay Restore Drill helps you by fully automating regular testing of your backups. It gives backup data a regular clean bill of health for extra peace of mind, along with a restore report to certify the status of your backup data.

Users will view the details in the Restore Drill report if data corruption is detected. Ahsay will run a backup job to ensure the latest files are uploaded to replace the corrupted files to ensure the backup data is recoverable.

Ahsay Restore Drill

How does it work?

The Restore Drill process compares the checksum values of the files restored during the current drill with those generated by the original backup job. The comparison is done for all files in the backup, including those in retention. The feature must be enabled for each backup set and a Restore Drill interval must be set, i.e. every 6 months, 12 months, or 24 months. The default Restore Drill interval is every 6 months. Furthermore, the system administrator can initiate an ad-hoc Restore Drill job to validate the health of backup data stored on the AhsayCBS backup server at any time using the Ahsay web-based management console.

Ahsay Restore Drill

Ahsay Restore Drill

The Ahsay Restore Drill is scheduled and executed from either the Ahsay backup server or the Ahsay backup agent running on the client's machine, depending on the location of the actual backup data. If a backup set has more than one storage destination, the Restore Drill job will validate the data based on ordering the storage destination on the backup set one after the other.

  • Suppose the backup data is stored directly on the Ahsay backup server, which applies to agentless and agent-based backups. The Ahsay backup server will do the scheduling and checksum comparison of the backup data. No download of the backup data is required.
  • For agentless backups where the backup data is stored on a predefined destination, the Ahsay backup server will do the scheduling and checksum comparison of the backup data. The backup data must be downloaded to the Ahsay backup server for this task.
  • If the backup job is run by the Ahsay backup agent and the backup data is stored locally on the client site, FTP/SFTP server, or cloud storage, the scheduling and checksum comparison of the backup data will be made by the Ahsay backup agent running on the client machine. For backup data stored remotely on FTP/SFTP server or cloud storage, it is downloaded for checksum generation and comparison. No download is required for backup data stored on local storage.

Ahsay Restore Drill

Frequently Asked Questions

Ahsay uses advanced data deduplication and compression technology to significantly reduce backup data storage and therefore storage costs. This also lowers network utilization and enables faster backup and restore performance.

Experience significant backup and storage costs savings now. Try it free!

Yes, Ahsay Mobile App is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Android and iOS app here.

Get extra phone storage without extra costs.

Ahsay Mobile app enables you to optimize your mobile phone storage for even more selfies, video, audio and document files. Download Ahsay Mobile App on your phone now. 

Yes, you can use your own storage based on your requirements. Ahsay supports popular cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure, Wasabi, Backblaze etc.

Alternatively, you can use our Ahsay Drive storage which is powered by Microsoft Azure. Check out our pricing

If customers subscribe to an Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS), they are entitled to software updates free of charge. Ahsay will be automatically updated whenever the latest hotfix or version upgrades are available. You will never have to worry about missing any fixes, enhancements, features, or latest security patches that can make your backup software work even better.

You even get online support if you have any technical support questions.
