Windows Requirements
The following are the requirements to be able to install AhsayOBM onto Windows operating systems:
Hardware Requirements
Refer to the link below for details on the minimum and recommended requirements for installing AhsayOBM:
FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Requirement List (HRL) for version 9.1 or above
Software Requirements
Please refer to the following article for the list of compatible operating systems and Hyper-V platforms:
FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for version 9.1 or above.
Refer to the following article for the list of compatible operating systems for OpenDirect and Granular Restore:
Antivirus Exclusion Requirement
To optimize performance of AhsayOBM on Windows, and to avoid conflict with your antivirus software, refer to the following wiki article for the list of processes and directory paths that should be added to all antivitus software white-lists / excluson lists:
FAQ: Suggestion on antivirus exclusions to improve performance of Ahsay software on Windows
For mobile backups, the mobile backup destination must also be added to all antivirus software white-lists / exclusion lists.
Upgrade VMWare Tools
To avoid an unexpected java crash, if the Windows machine is a guest VM hosted on a VMware Host, it is highly recommended that the VMware tools version installed on the guest VM is 10.3.5 or higher.
Below is the warning message that will be displayed if the version of the VMWare Tools is lower than 10.3.5
For more information about the upgrade of VMWare Tools, please refer to this article:
Temporary Directory Requirements
The temporary directory is used for various purposes, such as storage of temporary spooled file (for database specific backup type in AhsayOBM), remote file list, local file list, temporary delta file and other files of temporary nature.
It is strongly recommended to use a local drive instead of a network drive to ensure optimal backup/restore performance.
Network Drive Requirements
The login accounts for network drives must have read and write access permission to ensure that backup and restore would be successful.
Two-Factor Authentication
Please refer to the Ahsay Mobile User Guide for Android and iOS for details of the minimum and recommended requirements for using Two-Factor Authentication on Ahsay Mobile app.
Mobile Backup Requirements
Please refer to the Ahsay Mobile User Guide for Android and iOS for details of the minimum and recommended requirements for installing the Ahsay Mobile app.
Firewall Settings
Make sure that your firewall settings allow network traffic through the following domain and / or ports:
- For AhsayOBM to function correctly, users must allow outbound connections to [sample] via port 80 and 443.
- For mobile backup inbound / outbound network traffic must be allowed through the following default ports: HTTP port: 54000 and UDP port: 54200.
The actual ports used may be different - please refer to Ahsay Mobile User Guide for Android and iOS for more details.