Register Device using Ahsay Mobile for AhsayOBM
Using Ahsay Mobile
To register a device for 2FA in AhsayOBM using Ahsay Mobile, there are two possible scenarios:
The Mobile Add-on Module is assigned by your backup service provider.
To check if you have this module, open AhsayCBS and go to Backup / Restore > User > User Profile > Backup Client Settings > Add-on Modules.
Register Device without Mobile Add-on Module
A shortcut icon of AhsayOBM will be available on your desktop after installation. Double-click the icon to launch the application.
The Free Trial registration option may be displayed when you launch AhsayOBM for the first time. If you want to create a free trial account, please refer to the Create Free Trial Account section. Otherwise, click Login if you already have an AhsayOBM account.
The "Free Trial" registration option may not be available. This depends on the settings of your backup service provider. Please contact your backup service provider for more information.The "Show advanced option" may not be available if the backup server settings are already setup by your backup service provider. Please contact your backup service provider for more information.
If Show advanced option is clicked, this will be displayed.
The backup server settings to be used to login to AhsayOBM should be given to you by your backup service provider.Enter the "Login name" and "Password" of your AhsayOBM account provided by your backup service provider. Then, click OK to log in.
The "Save password" option may not be available. This depends on the settings of your backup service provider. Please contact your backup service provider for more information.You will have the optio to set up your 2FA. Click Setup Now.
If you do not want to setup the 2FA feature, click the Skip Feature Setup link. If you click Yes in the pop-up message that will be displayed, it will skip to step 8. Otherwise, click No to continue with the setup of the 2FA feature.
The 2FA reminder screen will be displayed every time the user logs in if:
- 2FA is enabled
- The user does not have a paired device for 2FA
To stop the 2FA reminder screen from being displayed again upon login, tick the Do not show this message again checkbox.
Download the Ahsay Mobile app from the App Store / Google Play Store.
Ahsay Mobile supports two types of authentication method:
Ahsay Mobile can be configured to support two 2FA modes:
Push Notification and TOTP
To configure Push Notification and TOTP 2FA with Ahsay Mobile, tap 2FA and simply scan the displayed QR code using the Ahsay Mobile app.
In this example, the Ahsay Mobile app is installed on a mobile device named "A32".
Tap OK to continue.
Once the device is successfully paired, the following message will be displayed in the Ahsay Mobile app. You can set up a recovery number here that will be used in case of "Authentication Recovery" procedure by tapping OK. Otherwise, tap LATER to set it up later on.
After successful scan of the QR code, you have now registered Ahsay Mobile for Push Notification and TOTP 2FA. Click OK to continue.
Phone number verification for account recovery.
Although push notification and TOTP will still work if the recovery phone number registration is not completed, it is still strongly recommended to complete step iv as you will not be able to access AhsayOBM if you lose your mobile device which also means loss of access to backup data.In the Ahsay Mobile app, go to 2FA then tap Enter recovery phone number.
Select your country code and enter your phone number. Tap Send SMS verification code.
Enter the verification code sent to your mobile device.
Example of verification code:
Your phone number for account recovery is successfully verified.
To configure a TOTP only 2FA with Ahsay Mobile, click the Not able to scan QR code? Click here to pair with TOTP secret key link.
After clicking the "Not able to scan QR code? Click here to pair with TOTP secret key" link, the QR code for the TOTP only authenticator will be displayed.
To show the secret key, click the Show Secret Key link to display the 16-character alphanumeric secret key. The display name will be "Ahsay Mobile" by default.
In the Ahsay Mobile app, go to 2FA. Tap the Not able to scan QR code? link.
Enter the "User name" and "Secret Key" shown in the AhsayOBM then tap Connect. Once the device is paired successfully, tap OK to continue.
Enter the one-time passcode from the Ahsay Mobile app.
Example of the one-time passcode generated by Ahsay Mobile:
Once the registration is successful, the following screen will be displayed. You have now registered Ahsay Mobile for TOTP only 2FA.
In case device pairing takes a while, session timeout message will be displayed. Just click OK to resume with the device pairing.
After successful pairing, the following screen will appear.
Register Device with Mobile Add-on Module
- Please refer to steps 1-6 in the Without Mobile Add-on Module section for instructions.
- Using the Ahsay Mobile app:
For the first time, tap Next and scan the QR code displayed in AhsayOBM.
For subsequent use, tap Backup then Activate and start backup. Then scan the QR code displayed in AhsayOBM.
Tap OK to continue.
Once the device is successfully paired, this message will be displayed in the Ahsay Mobile app. Tap OK to continue.
- Follow step 7 in the Without Mobile Add-on Module for instructions on how to setup 2FA.
After successful scan of the QR code, you have now registered Ahsay Mobile for Mobile Backup and 2FA (Push Notification and TOTP). Click OK to continue.
After successful pairing, the following screen will appear.