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Create a Tibero Database Backup Set for Linux (CLI)

11 Feb, 2025

For Linux (CLI), this section shall focus primarily on filling in specific information needed to create a Tibero Database Backup Set, as can be seen in step 4 of the GUI section for Creating a Tibero DB Backup Set.

  1. Login to the Linux machine via CLI. Afterwards, run and log in to AhsayOBM. For more information on this, please refer to the Login (CLI) section.
  2. In the "Main Menu" after logging in, select option (5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template. This will generate a backupSet.xml file in the config folder of the .obm folder.

    Main Menu
    	(1). List Backup Sets
    	(2). Delete Backup Set
    	(3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
    	(4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
    	(5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
    	(6). Change Language [English]
    	(7). Update Profile Settings
    	(8). Quit
    Your Choice: 5
  3. Navigate to where the backupSet.xml file is saved. In this example, it can be found in ~/.obm/config.

    User Home
    [root@xxx ~]# cd .obm/config
  4. Use a text editor to open and edit the backupSet.xml file.

    [root@xxx ~]# vim backupSet.xml

    Fill out the required information in the xml file. For more information, please refer to the Overview (CLI) section.

    The required information for specifically creating a Tibero Database Backup Set is listed below, with the required fields to be filled out highlighted in red.

    <Key name="Tibero Database Server Setting">
    	<!-Tibero Login ID ->
    		<Value data="FILL" name="Login ID" type="string" />
    	<!-Tibero Password->
    		<Value data="FILL" name="Password" type="string" />
    	<!-Tibero Host ->
    		<Value data="FILL" name="Host" type="string" />
    	<!-Tibero Port ->
    		<Value data="FILL" name="Port" type="string" />
    	<!-Tibero SID ->
    		<Value data="FILL" name="SID" type="string" />
    • Name - the name of the backup set
    • Backup set type - the type of the backup set (i.e. Tibero Database Server Backup)
    • Tibero Home - path where Tibero is installed.
    • Login ID - the login ID of the Tibero server. The default login ID is "SYS".
    • Password - the password of the login account
    • Host - this value is set to
    • Port - the port where the connections to the Tibero server is made. The default port is “8629”
    • SID - the Tibero System Identifier. For more details, please contact your system administrator.

    Once all appropriate fields in the xml file are filled, save and exit the editor.

    For a detailed example of a completed backupSet.xml file for Tibero Database Server, please refer to Tibero backupSet.xml Example.

  5. Navigate back to your AhsayOBM install directory.

    Use the sh command to start Select (1). Login to Log in to the AhsayOBM account that will be used. In the Main Menu, select (4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML to start the Backup Set creation process.

    Main Menu
    	(1). List Backup Sets
    	(2). Delete Backup Set
    	(3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
    	(4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
    	(5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
    	(6). Change Language [English]
    	(7). Update Profile Settings
    	(8). Quit
    Your Choice: 4
  6. Optional: You will be presented with a choice of encrypting your backup set. Choose if you wish to do so.

    For more information, please refer to the Linux (CLI) Backup and Restore section.

    The backup set creation process will continue afterwards until successful conclusion.