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AhsayUBS (Ahsay Universal Backup System) is a cost-effective and easy-to-use operating system, for MSPs who prefer to host and manage their backup servers and data storage systems. It is specially optimized to work with Ahsay backup server software, which is included in the installation. Its storage system is based on ZFS's advanced file system that provides: 

  • Increased data integrity
  • Protection from the ground up
  • Tape backup for enhanced protection against ransomware with a physical air gap.

You can have a fully optimized and functioning Ahsay backup server up and running within minutes.

Ahsay Universal Backup System

Saves time on installation and setup

The AhsayUBS installation process includes the operating system (based on FreeNAS) and the Ahsay backup server application. In one single step, your backup server will be up and running within a few minutes. Compared with other operating systems like Windows or Linux/FreeBSD, that involves two separate time-consuming installation and configuration processes.

Save money on the operating system

The price of AhsayUBS is much lower than a regular operating system. Therefore, you can save a lot of money in license fees compared with using Windows or some commercial distributions of Linux and paying for the related maintenance fees.

Fine-tuned for the optimal performance

The AhsayUBS backup server is running straight out of the box with kernel memory consumption, file system block size, buffer size, cache size, and other parameters tuned for optimal performance - no need to spend time tweaking the server performance like other operating systems.

Web-based management interface

It is easily managed using a simple web management interface, with no need to learn complicated commands. System administrators can use it to monitor server health, manage storage, manage network settings, monitor system logs etc. All use just a web browser and an internet connection.

ZFS Storage System

Equipped with the latest ZFS advanced file system, which has excellent data integrity verification and automatic repair functions. Ensure your customers' data remains safe and error-free from the ground up. As well as supporting RAID-Z technology which enables system administrators to build RAID storage volumes without the need for additional software or expensive RAID hardware.

Tape backup (Air gap data protection)

The AhsayUBS system supports tape customer data backup hosted directly on the backup server. It provides high data protection with a physical air gap against ransomware and hackers. Having a copy of your customer's data that is physically inaccessible from any network connection and with physically restricted access control of the storage media significantly reduces the potential of a ransomware infection or unauthorized access. If your backup server is infected with ransomware or compromised by hackers, you can rest assured that your customer's data is still available and recoverable from a previous tape backup.

Fully Rebrandable and Customizable

It is fully re-brandable, thus enabling MSPs to build their branded backup appliances easily. All the interface wordings are customizable.

Download AhsayUBS

Frequently Asked Questions

Ahsay uses advanced data deduplication and compression technology to significantly reduce backup data storage and therefore storage costs. This also lowers network utilization and enables faster backup and restore performance.

Experience significant backup and storage costs savings now. Try it free!

Yes, Ahsay Mobile App is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Android and iOS app here.

Get extra phone storage without extra costs.

Ahsay Mobile app enables you to optimize your mobile phone storage for even more selfies, video, audio and document files. Download Ahsay Mobile App on your phone now. 

Yes, you can use your own storage based on your requirements. Ahsay supports popular cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure, Wasabi, Backblaze etc.

Alternatively, you can use our Ahsay Drive storage which is powered by Microsoft Azure. Check out our pricing

If customers subscribe to an Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS), they are entitled to software updates free of charge. Ahsay will be automatically updated whenever the latest hotfix or version upgrades are available. You will never have to worry about missing any fixes, enhancements, features, or latest security patches that can make your backup software work even better.

You even get online support if you have any technical support questions.
