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File Backup Set Setting (XML) Example

11 Feb, 2025

Below is an example of a File backup set setting.

Backup Set NameBackupSet-1
Temporary Working Directory/tmp
Remove temporary files after backupYes
Compression TypeFast
Backup files' permissionsYes
Follow linkYes
Backup Source/Templates
Exclude/root/.obm, /usr/local/obm, /tmp
Daily ScheduleRuns every 8 hours

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <!-- This is the backup set setting -->
            <Key name="Backup Set Setting" allowMultiple="Y">
                <!-- Backup set type (Read Only) -->
                <Value data="FILE" name="Type" type="string" />
                <!-- Backup set name -->
                <Value data="BackupSet-1" name="Name" type="string" />
                <!-- Temporary directory for storing backup files -->
                <Value data="/tmp" name="Temporary Working Directory" type="string" />
                <!-- Remove temporary files after backup -->
                <!-- Y: Yes -->
                <!-- N: No -->
                <Value data="Y" name="Delete temporary files after backup" type="boolean" />
                <!-- Support of opening backup data directly without restoration -->
                <!-- Y: Yes -->
                <!-- N: No -->
                <Value data="N" name="OpenDirect" type="boolean" />
                <!-- Select compression type -->
                <!-- GzipDefaultCompression : Normal -->
                <!-- GzipBestSpeedCompression: Fast (Compressed size larger than normal)-->
                <!-- SnappyDefaultCompression: Fast with optimization for local -->
                <!-- Leave the field blank for no compression -->
                <Value data="GzipBestSpeedCompression" name="Compression Type" type="string" />
                <!-- Backup files' permissions -->
                <!-- Y: Yes -->
                <!-- N: No -->
                <Value data="Y" name="Upload files permission" type="boolean" />
                <!-- Follow link of the backup files -->
                <!-- Y: Yes -->
                <!-- N: No -->
                <Value data="Y" name="Follow links" type="boolean" />
                <!-- This includes the files you want to backup -->
                <!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more selected sources -->
                <Key name="Selected Source" allowMultiple="Y">
                <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
                <Value data="/Templates" name="Path" type="string" />
                <!-- This excludes the files from the included source -->
                <!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more deselected sources -->
                <Key name="Deselected Source" allowMultiple="Y">
                    <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
                    <Value data="/root/.obm" name="Path" type="string" />
                <Key name="Deselected Source" allowMultiple="Y">
                    <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
                    <Value data="/usr/local/obm" name="Path" type="string" />
                <Key name="Deselected Source" allowMultiple="Y">
                    <!-- Please enter your file path, e.g. /root/Documents -->
                    <Value data="/tmp" name="Path" type="string" />
                <!-- Settings for your scheduled backups -->
                <Key name="Schedule Settings">
                    <!-- Enable scheduled backup on this computer -->
                    <!-- Y: Yes -->
                    <!-- N: No -->
                    <Value data="Y" name="Enable" type="boolean" />
                    <!-- Daily settings -->
                    <!-- Copy and paste the whole <Key> to add more daily schedules -->
                    <Key name="Daily Schedule Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
                    <!-- Name of schedule -->
                    <Value data="Daily-Schedule" name="Name" type="string" />
                    <!-- Start hour -->
                    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 23 -->
                    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
                    <Value data="0" name="Hour" type="integer" />
                    <!-- Start minute -->
                    <!-- 0, 1, 2... 59 -->
                    <!-- This value will be ignored if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
                    <Value data="0" name="Minute" type="integer" />
                    <!-- Duration of this backup in hours -->
                    <!-- 1, 2, 3... -->
                    <!-- A value of -1 means run until job finish -->
                    <!-- Duration can only be -1 if the schedule is set to be periodic ("Interval" field contains value other than -1) -->
                    <Value data="-1" name="Duration" type="integer" />
                    <!-- Interval -->
                    <!-- 1 : 1 minute -->
                    <!-- 2 : 2 minutes -->
                    <!-- 3 : 3 minutes -->
                    <!-- 4 : 4 minutes -->
                    <!-- 5 : 5 minutes -->
                    <!-- 6 : 6 minutes -->
                    <!-- 10 : 10 minutes -->
                    <!-- 12 : 12 minutes -->
                    <!-- 15 : 15 minutes -->
                    <!-- 20 : 20 minutes -->
                    <!-- 30 : 30 minutes -->
                    <!-- 60 : 1 hour -->
                    <!-- 120: 2 hours -->
                    <!-- 180: 3 hours -->
                    <!-- 240: 4 hours -->
                    <!-- 360: 6 hours -->
                    <!-- 480: 8 hours -->
                    <!-- 720: 12 hours -->
                    <!-- A value of -1 means a non-periodic normal schedule -->
                    <Value data="480" name="Interval" type="integer" />
            <!-- This is the collection of destinations -->
            <Key name="Destination Settings">
                <Value data="1" name="concurrency-level" type="integer" />
                <!-- AhsayCBS destination is where the files are backup to server -->
                <Key name="AhsayCBS Destination Settings" allowMultiple="Y">
            <!-- This shows the deduplication setting -->
            <Key name="Deduplication Setting">
                <!-- Enable deduplication -->
                <!-- Y: Yes -->
                <!-- N: No -->
                <Value data="Y" name="Enable" type="boolean" />
                <!-- Deduplication scope -->
                <!-- F: Same file path within the same backup set -->
                <!-- B: All files within the same backup set -->
                <Value data="B" name="Deduplication level" type="string" />