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Reminder Feature Scenarios

11 Feb, 2025

Here are some sample scenarios for the Reminder feature.

Windows Log Off, Restart, and Shutdown

The following example shows when the user performs Windows Log off, Restart, or Shutdown with the “Reminder” setting turned on.

  1. Turn on the "Reminder" setting, then click the Save button.


  2. Choose to perform a Windows Log off, Restart, or Shutdown.


  3. A dialog box will prompt the user to back up all the backup sets with enabled “Reminder" setting.


Complex Settings Scenarios

Below is a list of example scenarios with complex settings:

Scenario 1: (Windows Log Off + Enabled Locking Workstation)

The following scenario shows when the user performs Windows log off with the “Reminder” setting turned on, and “Locking workstation” enabled.


Yes - If Yes is selected, then the Windows will be locked, and the displayed backup sets will start backing up in the background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will log off automatically even if Windows is still on lock.
No - If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will proceed to log off.

The machine will log off after four (4) seconds if no action is selected.

Scenario 2: (Windows Log Off + Disabled Locking Workstation)

The following scenario shows when the user performs Windows log off with the “Reminder” setting turned on, and “Locking workstation” unselected.


Yes - If Yes is selected, an alert messagewill be displayed to inform the user that a backup job is still running which prevents Windows from logging off.
No - If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will proceed logging off.

Clicking the Yes button will result in the following screen:


Force log off - If you choose to force log off the machine, the backup job will not push through, then the machine will log off immediately.
Cancel - If Cancel is selected, the backup job will run in the background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will log off automatically.

Scenario 3: (Windows Restart + Enabled Locking Workstation)

The following scenario shows when the user performs Windows restart with the “Reminder” setting turned on, and “Locking workstation” enabled.


Yes - If Yes is selected, then the Windows will be locked, and the displayed backup sets will start backing up in the background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will log off automatically even if Windows is still on lock.
No - If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will restart immediately.
  • You can select “Shutdown Computer” from the options in the dialog box, but the machine will still follow the action that you selected in Windows, which is ‘Restart’. The machine will reboot once all the backup jobs are completed.
  • The machine will restart after four (4) seconds if no action is selected.

Scenario 4: (Windows Restart + Disabled Locking Workstation)

The following scenario shows when the user performs Windows restart with the “Reminder” setting turned on, and “Locking workstation” unselected.


No - If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will restart immediately.
Yes - If Yes is selected, an alert message will be displayed to inform the user that a backup job is still running which prevents Windows from restarting.

Clicking the Yes button will result in the following screen:


Force restart - If you choose to force restart the machine, the backup job will not push through, then the machine will restart immediately.
Cancel - If Cancel is selected, the backup job will run in the background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will restart automatically.

Scenario 5: (Windows Shutdown + Enabled Locking Workstation)
opt5Yes - If Yes is selected, then the Windows will be locked, and the displayed backup sets background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will shut down automatically even if the Windows is still on lock.
No - – If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will shut down immediately.
  • You can select “Restart Computer” from the options in the dialog box, but the machine will still follow the action that you selected in Windows, which is “Shut down”. The machine will shut down once all the backup jobs are completed.
  • The machine will shut down after four (4) seconds if no action is selected.

Scenario 6: (Windows Shutdown + Disabled Locking Workstation)


Yes - If Yes is selected, an alert message will be displayed to inform the user that a backup job is still running which prevents Windows from shutting down.
No - If No is selected, then no backup job will run, and the machine will shut down immediately.

Clicking the Yes button will result in the following screen:


Force shutdown - If you choose to force shutdown the machine, the backup job will not push through, then the machine will shut down immediately.
Cancel - If Cancel is selected, the backup job will run in the background. Once all the backup jobs are completed, the machine will shut down automatically.