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Creating a Tibero Database Backup Set for Windows and Linux (GUI)

11 Feb, 2025

The screenshots used for this guide are based on using AhsayOBM on Windows and will include screenshots for Linux (GUI) if applicable.

  1. Log in to AhsayOBM.

    For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the Login (GUI) section.

  2. Create the Backup Sets icon on the AhsayOBM main interface.


  3. Create a new backup set by clicking the "+" icon next to "Add new backup set".


  4. When the “Create Backup Set” window appears, select Tibero Database Server Backup as the “Backup set type”. Configure the following settings:


    • Name - the name of the backup set.
    • Backup set type - the type of the backup set (i.e. Tibero Database Server Backup).
    • Tibero Home - path where Tibero is installed. By using the Browse feature, users can select, if there are multiple Tibero users on the machine, which home path they will be using.
    • SID - the Tibero System Identifier. This can be selected based upon the specified Tibero Home path, as it clarifies which instance of Tibero is to be used for creating the Backup Set.
    • Host - this value is set to This is automatically filled in based upon the selected SID.
    • Port - the port where the connections to the Tibero server is made. The default port is “8629”. This is automatically filled in based upon the selected SID.
    • Login ID - the login ID of the Tibero server. The default login ID is “SYS”.
    • Password - the password of the login account.

    Once all the fields are configured, click Next to proceed.

    The SID can be selected from a drop-down menu that features all active Tibero instances running on the machine. Furthermore, the Host and Port fields will be greyed out and will be automatically filled by information based upon the selected SID.


  5. In the “Backup Source” window, select the Tibero database you would like to backup. Once done, click Next to proceed.


    All databases including SYSTEM, TBS1, UNDO USR and related application databases except for “TEMP” must be selected in the backup source when creating the backup set. Otherwise, without a backup of these databases, a full Tibero database instance recovery will NOT be possible.

    Even if "TEMP" is selected in the backup source, this database will be skipped during the backup job.

  6. A backup schedule for a backup job to run automatically at your specified time interval can be configured. The backup schedule is enabled by default.


    There are two default backup schedules:

    Tablespace Backup Schedule - Tibero

    This type of backup schedule will automatically run weekly, every Friday at 23:00.


    Archived Redo Log Backup Schedule - Tibero

    This type of backup schedule will automatically run weekly, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 23:00.


    Click Next to proceed once done.

    For backup sets with multiple backup schedules configured at the same time, this will be the order of priority to determine which schedule will be run.

    1. Backup Type: Full > Differential
    2. Stop: after X hours > after Y hours until full backup completed (where X < Y)
    3. Run Retention Policy after backup: enabled > disabled
    4. Schedule Type: Daily > Weekly > Monthly > Custom
    5. Creation order


    • If there are 2 backup schedules with Full backup type and with Stop after 2 hours and 4 hours respectively. The backup schedule with Stop after 2 hours will be run.
    • If there are 2 backup schedules with any Run Retention Policy enabled, it will have priority and execute the Schedule in this instance and ignore Schedule Type prioritization.
    • For backup sets with backup schedules Daily and Weekly, the Daily backup schedule will be run.
  7. In the “Destination” window, select a backup destination where the backup data will be stored. Click the "+" icon before “Add new storage destination / destination pool”.


  8. Select the destination storage, then click OK to proceed.


    If you have chosen the Local / Mapped Drive / Network Drive / Removable Drive option, click Change to select the storage destination. Tick This share requires access credentials if credentials are needed to access the directory path.


    Click Test to validate the path, "Test completed successfully" shows whn the validation is done. Click OK to continue.


  9. When you are done with the settings, click Next on the "Destination" window to proceed.


  10. In the “Encryption” window, the default “Encrypt Backup Data” option is enabled with an encryption key preset by the system which provides the most secure protection. Select the “Encryption Type” to be used then click Next when you are done setting.


    For details on how to configure the “Encryption” settings, please refer to the Overview section.

    For best practices on managing your encryption key, please refer to the following article:

    FAQ: Best practices for managing encryption key on AhsayOBM or AhsayACB

  11. If you have enabled the Encryption Key feature in the previous step, the following pop-up window will be displayed regardless of the selected encryption type.


    The pop-up window has the following three options to choose from:

    • Unmask encryption key - The encryption key is masked by default. Click this option to show the encryption key.


    • Copy to clipboard - Click to copy the encryption key, then you can paste it in another location of your choice.
    • Confirm - Click to exit this pop-up window and proceed to the next step.
  12. Upon successful creation of the backup set, the following screen will appear.


  13. You can click Backup now to start a backup immediately, or you can run a backup job later.
  14. Based on Best Practices and Recommendations, it is highly recommended to change the "Temporary Directory" to another location with sufficient free disk space other than Drive C: (e.g. Drive D:).


  15. Optional: Select your preferred compression type. For newly created backup set, Fast with optimization for local is selected by default.

    Go to Others > Compressions, then select form the following compression types:

    • No Compression
    • Normal
    • Fast (Compressed size larger than normal)
    • Fast with optimization for local


    Click Save to apply the changes.