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Deduplication Overview for AhsayOBM

26 Feb, 2025


Starting with AhsayOBM v9.0.0.0 or above, the In-File Delta feature (i.e., Incremental, Differential and Full) will be replaced with Deduplication. This feature is On (enabled) by default.

When this feature is On (enabled) for the backup set, a checksum verification of each backup file which was split into several blocks of varying size will be performed to compare its content and identify which block is duplicated, thus will perform deduplication of data.

When this feature is Off (disabled) for the backup set, a checksum verification of each backup file will not be performed, thus the duplicated data will NOT be removed or deduplicated during a backup job.


There are two (2) types of Deduplication scope:

Deduplication scopeDescription
Same file path within the same backup setDeduplication will be applied to the duplicated contents within a file during the current backup job.
All files within the same backup setDeduplication will be applied across different files in the backup set.

Configuring Deduplication Settings

  1. Select the "Deduplication scope".


  2. Click the drop-down button to select the block size that will be used for the deduplication data block.


    The 128 k - 512 k block size is the optimal setting for small files which is good for frequently changed source data, as this is the block size deduplication will use to compare and determine if the data is new and should be uploaded or discarded as duplicate. The larger the deduplication block size, the less efficient it would be but faster as there are less blocks of data to create. Frequent changes to this setting is not advisable since all data may need to be reuploaded because the previous block size and new block size are now different

  3. Tick the checkbox if you want the existing data to be migrated to the latest version during a backup job.


  4. Click the Save button to store the modified Deduplication settings.

    For more details about the Deduplication feature, refer to the AhsayCBS v9 New Features Datasheet
Run Backup Job

When the Deduplication feature is enabled for the backup set, a "Migrate Data" option will be available in the advanced backup options which can be configured before starting a backup job.

Below is an example of a backup set with Deduplication setting enabled.


Below is an example of a backup set with Deduplication setting disabled, the "Migrate Data" option will not be displayed.
