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Linux (GUI) AhsayOBM Uninstallation

26 Feb, 2025

Uninstall Instructions

There are three (3) uninstallataion methods available for Linux (GUI). To uninstall AhsayOBM from your system, choose from below:

Uninstallation using SH Installer

  1. Log in to a Linux machine using the root account. (Alternatively, you can remotely invoke the GUI of another Linux machine using SSH client.)


  2. To open the Terminal, click the Applications menu bar then select Utilities > Terminal


  3. Go to:

    # cd /usr/local/obm/bin
  4. Use the script, then run the rm command to remove the remaining AhsayOBM files from the Linux machine.

    # sh
    Log Time: Mon Jan 23 10:43:07 HKT 2023
    Verifying current user privilege ...
    Current user has enough privilege to "uninstall".
    Uninstall Ahsay Online Backup Manager from /usr/local/obm
    Shutting down Scheduler
    Wait 5 seconds before Scheduler exits
    Kill running Ahsay Online Backup Manager
    Kill Process by Image Name: /usr/local/obm/jvm/bin/bJW
    Ignore Process by Image Name:
    Kill Process by Image Name: /usr/local/obm/jvm/bin/bschJW
    Ignore Process by Image Name:
    Kill Process by Image Name: /usr/local/obm/jvm/bin/java
    Ignore Process by Image Name:
    Removing Scheduler script obmscheduler from service
    Uninstall Service for NIX type OS
    Using init script path /etc/init.d
    Using run level script path /etc/rc.d AhsayOBM Installation Guide for Linux (GUI) | 22 of 28
    Removing symbolic link from run levels
    Removing script file obmscheduler from /etc/init.d
    Remove shortcut /usr/share/applications/obm.desktop
    Remove shortcut /root/Desktop/obm.desktop
    Ahsay Online Backup Manager uninstall procedure is complete!It is now safe to remove files from /usr/local/obm
    # rm -fr /usr/local/obm
  5. After successful uninstallation, AhsayOBM will be removed from the "Application"

Uninstallation using RPM Installer

  1. Log in to a Linux machine using the root account. (Alternatively, you can remotely invoke the GUI of another Linux machine using SSH client.)


  2. Go to the application installer, in this case we used "Software".


  3. Search for "Ahsay Online Backup Manager", then click the Remove button to proceed.


  4. After successful uninstallation, AhayOBM will be removed from the "Applications".

Uninstallation using DEB Installer

  1. Log in to a Debian or Ubuntu machine using the root account. (Alternatively, you can remotely invoke the GUI of another Debian or Ubuntu using SSH client).


  2. Go to your package installer, in this case we are using "Ubuntu Software".


  3. Go to Installed and locate AhsayOBM then click the Remove button.


  4. Click the Remove button to confirm.


  5. After successful uninstallation, AhsayOBM will be removed from the "Applications."