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Create a VMware Backup Set on AhsayOBM

26 Feb, 2025

Creating a VMware Backup Set

  1. Log in to the AhsayOBM application user interface.

    For instructions on how to log in, please refer to the Login section.

    For Backup Client Computers on Linux, enter the following command to launch the application user interface:

    # sh /usr/local/obm/bin/
  2. In the AhsayOBM main interface, click Backup Sets.


  3. Create a VMware VM backup set by clicking the "+" icon before "Add a new backup set".


  4. Enter a "Name" for your backup set, then select VMware Backup as the "Backup set type"


  5. Select the "Version" of the corresponding host:


    • Select VMware ESXi 5.5/6/6.5/6.7/7.0/8.0 for a VMware ESXi backup set


    • Select VMware vCenter 5.5/6/6.5/6.7/7.0/8.0/ for a VMware vCenter backup set

    Refer to the following article for the list of compatible VMware platforms:

    Software Compatibilty List (SCL) for version 9

  6. Enter the VMware host and access information. For a VMware ESXi backup set, enter the “Password” of the root account, “Host”, “Port” and “SSH Port” information of the ESXi host.


    For a VMware vCenter backup set, enter the “Username” and “Password” of the Administrator account, then enter the “Host” and “Port” information of the vCenter server.


    Click Next to proceed when you have finished entering all necessary information.

  7. For VMware ESXi backup set, select the settings, virtual machines or individual virtual disks that you would like to back up.


    For a VMware vCenter backup set, select the settings, virtual machines or individual virtual disks that you would like to back up.


    In the "Schedule" window, you may edit the existing backup schedule, or you may create a new schedule for backup jobs to run automatically at your specified time interval. Click the Add button to add a new schedule.


    The default backup schedule is daily backup at 20:00 where the backup job will run until completion.

    Click OK when you are done setting, then click Next to proceed.

    For details on how to configure the backup schedule settings, please refer to the Overview (GUI) section.

  8. In the “Destination” window, click the “Backup mode” drop-down menu to select the appropriate backup mode.


    • Sequential (default value) - run backup jobs to each backup destination one by one.
    • Concurrent - run backup jobs to all backup destinations at the same time.

    To add a backup destination for the backup data storage, click the + icon next to "Add new storage destination / destination pool".

  9. In the “New Storage Destination / Destination Pool” menu, select the “Destination storage”.


    • Further to the above settings, there are also other requirements for the Run Direct feature. Refer to the Run Direct Requirements for more details.
    • The actual number of available destinations may be different. Please contact your backup service provider for details.
    • For more details on the Backup Destination, refer to the following article:

      FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Backup Destination.

    If you have chosen the Local/Mapped Drive/Network Drive/Removable Drive option, you can change the Name of the storage. Click Change to browse to a directory path where the backup data will be stored. The path must be accessible to the VMware vCenter or ESXi host.

    1. Click the Test button to verify if AhsayOBM has permission to access the folder.


    2. "Test completed successfully" will be displayed once the test is finished. Click OK to proceed.


    Click OK to proceed when you are done with the settings.

  10. You can add multiple storage destination if you wish. The backup data will be uploaded to all the storage destinations you have selected in this menu in the order you added them. Press the Up or Down icons to alter the order. Click Next to proceed when you are done with the selection.


    Multiple backup destinations can be configured for a single backup set.

  11. In the “Encryption” window, the default “Encrypt Backup Data” option is enabled with an encryption key preset by the system which provides the most secure protection.


    For best practices on managing your encryption key, refer to the following article:

    FAQ: Best practices for managing encryption key on AhsayOBM or AhsayACB.

    You may also refer to the Overview (GUI) section for more details.

  12. If you have enabled the Encryption Key feature in the previous step, the following pop-up window will be displayed regardless of the selected encryption type.


    The pop-up window has the following three options to choose from:

    • Unmask encryption key - The encryption key is masked by default. Click this option to show the encryption key.


    • Copy to clipboard - Click to copy the encryption key, then you can paste it in another location of your choice.
    • Confirm - Click to exit this pop-up window and proceed to the next step.
  13. The following screen prompts you to enter the Windows login credentials for user authentication.


    • Windows Authentication is only required for:
      • VMware Server
      • VMware Workstation
      • VMware Player
    • If the backup schedule is turned off for the backup set, the Windows User Authentication screen will be automatically skipped. The Windows User Authentication login credentials can be added or updated post backup set creation.
  14. Backup set created. Click Backup now if you wish to run a backup for this backup set. Otherwise, click the Close button.


  15. Based on Best Practices and Recommendations, it is highly recommended to change the "Temporary Directory" to another location. Select another temporary location with sufficient free disk space other than Drive C:\ (e.g. Drive D:\temp).

    To do this, open the Backup Set, then go to Others > Temporary Directory and click the Change button to browse for another location.


  16. Optional: Select your preferred compression type. By default, the compression type is Fast with optimization for local.

    Go to Others > Compressions, then select the following:

    • No Compression
    • Normal
    • Fast (Compressed size larger than normal)
    • Fast with optimization for local


  17. Optional: Check if Changed Block Tracking is enabled. Go to Others > Changed Block Tracking (CBT), by default it is enabled.
