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Troubleshooting Login on AhsayCBS

27 Feb, 2025

Here are troubleshooting scenarios when users cannot login:


Forgot Password

Users who have forgotten their password may click the Forgot Password link.

AhsayCBS Login

Provide either the “Login Name” or “Email” then click Send Request.

Forgot Password

This message will be displayed.

Reset password link message

This is a sample of the email that will be sent. Click the link to reset your password:

Email sample

Enter your new password and click Save once done.

Reset Password

Once this message is displayed, you can now open AhsayCBS and login using your new password.

Reset Password Confirmation

Here are a couple of scenarios where you will not be able to reset your password:

  • If no “Login Name” or “Email” was provided, this will be the message displayed.

    Error message

  • If the wrong “Login Name” or “Email” was provided, this will be the message displayed.

    Error message

  • If no email address was saved in the user’s profile, this will be the message displayed.

    Error message


Unable to login with 2FA

AhsayCBS supports “Unable to login” feature for users who were not able to accept the notification request from Ahsay Mobile and/or cannot obtain the TOTP code from Ahsay Mobile on subsequent login to AhsayCBS.

Unable to login

Here are the three scenarios after clicking the Unable to login link:

  • No recovery number was registered on Ahsay Mobile for the 2FA account

    If no recovery number was registered on Ahsay Mobile for the 2FA account, then the following message will be displayed "Please contact your backup server administrator for assistance", to gain access to your account.

    Unable to login

  • "Authentication Recovery" procedure

    If a recovery number was registered on Ahsay Mobile for the 2FA account, then select the registered mobile device to perform the "Authentication Recovery" procedure.

    Unable to login

    For the detailed steps in performing Authentication Recovery, please refer to Appendix - Troubleshooting Login of the Ahsay Mobile User Guide for Android and iOS.
  • Unable to perform the "Authentication Recovery" procedure

    If you are not able to perform the "Authentication Recovery" procedure, click the Unable to login/Do not have any Authenticator App(s) link, then the following message will be displayed "Please contact your backup server administrator for assistance" to gain access to your account.

    Unable to login