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Monitoring (Web Console)

26 Feb, 2025

AhsayCBS is a web-based centralized management console for backup service administrators or users to manage and monitor backup, restore, replication and redirection activities.

Aside from these, administrators can set up an account with Read-only Admin role to help in the daily monitoring of backup and restore jobs using Live Activities, and other activities using the different report logs.

Monitoring is divided into six sub menus, which are:



To get information regarding the state of your AhsayCBS system, simply click the Dashboard icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console.


The dashboard is a one-stop overview providing important information that the system administrator should pay attention to, for example, system errors/warnings, the system health conditions and real-time activities of the system. With this information, system administrator can quickly identify potential issues that might pose a threat to the AhsayCBS system and therefore can react accordingly to fix the issues. Below is a summary of the information that the dashboard section provides.

There are seven tabs, each of which is described below:

To Dos

The following shows the “To Dos” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. It contains system announcement, errors and warnings such as “Missed Backups”, “Failed Backups”, “System Errors”, “Replication Errors”, “API Errors” and “Email Errors”. Administrators and operators can refer to these messages to take corresponding action.

To Dos

There are two viewing options for the log entries: Logs Period and Number of Rows per Page.

  • Logs Period

    You can select to display the log entries of the errors and warnings from a period of time you selected. Click the drop-down menu on the right in the “Errors and Warnings” section to select the desired period of time.

    To Dos

    A chart illustrating the number of errors for different types of errors/warning will be displayed if the selected period of time is other than Today and Yesterday.

    In the chart below, for example, the vertical axis denotes the number of errors/warnings while the horizontal axis denotes the date. The lines on the chart in different colors correspond to the different types of errors/warnings as shown in the number counter below the chart in their respective colors.

    Errors and Warnings

  • Number of Rows per Page

    You can also select the number of rows (i.e. the number of entries) to display on each page. Click on the drop-down menu as shown in the screen shot below to select the desired setting.

    To Dos

Missed Backups

Missed Backups

This page shows all details on all missed backups from all backup users using the AhsayCBS server. Missed backup refers to backup jobs that failed to run according to the set backup schedules. Any backup jobs failed to run backup 6 hours after the scheduled backup time is considered as missed backup.

Missed Backups

Login NameLogin name of the backup user.
OwnerOwner of the backup account.
Backup SetName of the backup set that has missed the scheduled backup.
DestinationBackup destination of the missed backup.
JobDate and time when the backup job was classified as missed backup.
StatusStatus of the missed backup job.

Failed Backups

Failed Backups

This page shows all details on all failed backups from all backup users using the AhsayCBS server. Failed backup refers to backup jobs that are not performed successfully. The backup failure could be caused by various reasons, such as storage capacity on the backup destination, Internet connection between the client backup agent and the AhsayCBS server/backup destination, user interruption during backup, etc.

Failed Backups

Login NameLogin name of the backup user.
OwnerOwner of the backup account.
Backup SetName of the backup set that has missed the scheduled backup.
DestinationBackup destination of the missed backup.
JobDate and time when the backup job was classified as missed backup.
StatusStatus of the missed backup job.
ReportDownloadable report in pdf format.

System Errors

System Errors

System Errors

TimestampDate and time when system error was recorded.
Login NameName of the backup user related to the system error.
OwnerOwner of the backup account.
MessageMessage showing the system errors in detail.

Replication Errors

Replication Errors

Replication Errors

TimestampDate and time when replication error was recorded.
MessageMessage showing the replication errors in detail.

API Errors

API Errors

API Errors

TimestampDate and time when API error was recorded.
Login NameName of the backup user related to the API error.
OwnerOwner of the backup account.
MessageMessage showing the API errors in detail.

Email Errors

Email Errors

Email Errors

TimestampDate and time when email error was recorded.
Login NameName of the backup user related to the system error.
OwnerOwner of the backup account.
MessageMessage showing the email errors in detail.


The following shows the “Overview” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard.


This is an overview of the system resource and system settings. These are useful information for administrator or support staff to collect regarding machine information. This information includes “Virtual Machine”, “VM version”, “Vendor”, “Java version”, “Operating System”, “CPU Architecture”, “Number Of Processors”, “Committed Virtual Memory”, “Physical Memory”, and “Swap Space”.

In addition, a list of system settings such as “VM Arguments”, “Class Path”, “Library Path”, “Boot Class Path” and “System Properties” are shown for reference.


The following shows the “CPU” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. Here you can see the current CPU utilization, the percentage that the system and application use.


There are two parts of information from this page.

CPU Usage Chart

The CPU Usage shows the daily usage of the machine’s CPU where the AhsayCBS is installed, with the vertical axis denotes the CPU utilization rate while the Y axis denotes the time.

CPU Usage

Usage Distribution

This chart shows the CPU usage distribution in percentage on System and Application.

Usage Distribution


The following shows the “Memory” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. This is a graphical view of the memory pool/managers usage on this machine.


Heap SizeThe heap memory is the runtime data area from which the Java VM allocates memory for all class instances and arrays.
Non Heap SizeNon heap memory includes a method area shared among all threads and memory required for the internal processing or optimization for the Java VM.
Par Eden SpaceThe pool from which memory is initially allocated for most objects.
Par Survivor SpaceThe pool containing objects that have survived the garbage collection of the Eden space.
CMS Old GenThe pool containing objects that have existed for some time in the survivor space.
Code CacheThe HotSpot Java VM also includes a code cache, containing memory that is used for compilation and storage of native code.
MetaspaceThe pool containing all the reflective data of the virtual machine itself, such as class and method objects. With Java VMs that use class data sharing, this generation is divided into read-only and read-write areas.
Compressed Class SpaceThis is part of the metaspace.


The following shows the “Storage” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. This is the local storage and predefined destination usage overview.


Disk Usage

Under the Disk Usage section, it shows all the drives on the machine where the AhsayCBS is installed. You can see the capacity used (“Used”) and capacity remaining (“Free”) for each drive.

Disk Usage

You can select to view the entries in the “Disk Usage” section sorted by Drive Letter or Free Storage.

Disk Usage View

Predefined Destination Usage

Under the Predefined Destination Usage section, it shows all the predefined destinations that you have added under the System Settings > Basics > Predefined Destination.

Predefined Destination Usage

You can select to view the predefined destination entries sorted by Destination Name or Free Storage.

Predefined Destination Usage View

Live Threads

The following shows the “Live Threads” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. It shows all the live threads that are running on this machine.

Live Threads

Live ThreadsActive process threads.
PeakThe largest number of live threads record in the above period.
Daemon ThreadsThreads that are handled in the background.
Total Threads StartedThe total number of started threads.

If you click on the Details button below the Live Threads icon, you will see a breakdown of all live threads that are running on this machine. It is shown as thread groups for developers or administrators reference.

Live Threads

Live Threads Detail


The following shows the “Network” tab under Monitoring > Dashboard. It shows all the network usage on this machine.


You can use mouse over at any point of the curve to obtain the network usage in Mbps at a particular time.

Network Usage


Live Activities

To check on the current backup and restore status with the progress monitor in percentage, simply click the Live Activities icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console.

Live Activities

Aside from backup and restore, you can also check the replication, receiver and redirection jobs that are currently running. As well as restore drill jobs that are pending or running.

There are six tabs, each of which is described below:

Backup Status

This section shows a list of agent based and agentless backup job(s) that is currently running. Once a backup job is completed, the entry will be immediately removed from the Live Activities.

Backup Status

For agentless Microsoft 365 and Cloud File backup job(s), aside from monitoring the backup job(s) from here, each agentless backup Java process can also be monitored at an operating system level on the AhsayCBS server.

For more details on how to monitor the agentless backup Java process, please refer to Monitor Run on Server Backup Java Process.

It will also show a list of agent based and agentless backup job(s) that were terminated abnormally. Examples of these are:

  • The backup machine was shutdown, rebooted or AhsayOBM/AhsayACB was killed using Windows Task Manager.
  • AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client crashed during a backup job, the affected entries will be automatically cleared after 72 hours.
  • Agentless Microsoft 365 and Cloud File backup job(s) that have become unresponsive and have been terminated. There are several methods to terminate the unresponsive agentless backup job(s). For more information, please refer to Terminate Unresponsive Run on Server Backup Jobs.

The following table shows if a backup type for a particular client can be monitored from the Backup Status tab.

Backup TypeAhsayOBMAhsayACBAhsay Mobile
File Backup 
Cloud File Backup 
IBM Lotus Domino Backup 
IBM Lotus Notes Backup 
MariaDB Backup 
MS Exchange Server Backup 
MS Exchange Mail Level Backup 
MS SQL Server Backup 
MS Windows System Backup 
MS Windows System State Backup 
MS Hyper-V Backup 
MySQL Backup 
Microsoft 365 Backup 
Oracle Database Backup 
ShadowProtect System Backup 
VMware Backup 
File BackupNA
Cloud File BackupNA
IBM Lotus Domino BackupNANA
IBM Lotus Notes BackupNA
MariaDB BackupNANA
MS Exchange Server BackupNANA
MS Exchange Mail Level BackupNANA
MS SQL Server BackupNANA
MS Windows System BackupNA
MS Windows System State BackupNANA
MS Hyper-V BackupNANA
Microsoft 365 BackupNA
Oracle Database BackupNANA
ShadowProtect System BackupNANA
VMware BackupNANA

Restore Status

This section shows a list of agent based and agentless restore job(s) that is currently running. Once a restore job is completed the entry will be immediately removed from the Live Activities.

Restore Status

It will also show a list of restore job(s) that were terminated abnormally. Examples of these are:

  • The backup machine was shutdown, rebooted or AhsayOBM/AhsayACB was killed using Windows Task Manager.
  • AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client crashed during a restore job, the affected entries will be automatically cleared after 72 hours.
OpenDirect restore of file backup sets or granular restore from VMware and Hyper-V backup sets performed using Windows File Explorer will not show up on the “Restore Status” tab in Live Activities. This only applies to restores performed directly through AhsayOBM/AhsayACB/AhsayOBR or AhsayCBS User Web Console.

The following table shows if a backup type for a particular client can be monitored from the Restore Status tab.

Restore TypeAhsayOBMAhsayACBRestorerAhsay Mobile
File Backup  
Cloud File Backup  
IBM Lotus Domino Backup  
IBM Lotus Notes Backup  
MariaDB Backup  
MS Exchange Server Backup  
MS Exchange Mail Level Backup  
MS SQL Server Backup  
MS Windows System Backup  
MS Windows System State Backup  
MS Hyper-V Backup  
MySQL Backup  
Microsoft 365 Backup  
Oracle Database Backup  
ShadowProtect System Backup  
VMware Backup  
File BackupNormal RestoreNA
OpenDirect RestoreNA
Cloud File BackupNA
IBM Lotus Domino BackupNANA
IBM Lotus Notes BackupNA
MariaDB BackupNANA
MS Exchange Server BackupNANA
MS Exchange Mail Level BackupNANA
MS SQL Server BackupNANA
MS Windows System BackupNA
MS Windows System State BackupNANA
MS Hyper-V BackupNormal RestoreNANA
Run Direct RestoreNANA
Granular Restore with AhsayOBM File ExplorerNANA
Granular Restore with Windows File ExplorerNANA
Microsoft 365 BackupNA
Oracle Database BackupNANA
ShadowProtect System BackupNA
VMware BackupNormal RestoreNANA
Run Direct RestoreNANA
Granular Restore with AhsayOBM File ExplorerNANA
Granular Restore with Windows File ExplorerNANA

Restore Drill

This section shows a list of backup set where the restore drill was performed.

Restore Drill


Here is the replication jobs status from the backup server to the corresponding receiver.



In this menu, you will see all the replication jobs that the receiver on this server is currently running.



You can see a list of all redirection jobs that are currently running.



Administration Logs

To check on the SNMP logs, list of notifications/announcements/alerts, activities logs and audit trail, simply click the Administration Logs icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console.

Administration Logs

There are four tabs, each of which is described below:


You can see a list of SNMP log message in this page. You need to enable the SNMP log in System Settings > Advanced > Logging > Enable SNMP Service and need to download the MIB definition file and pass to your SNMP machine. The logs may be filtered by type, user group and date.


Message History

This page contains a list of notifications, announcements and alerts. The logs may be filtered by type.

Message History

Activities Log

In this page, you will see a list of activities/system logs generated by system events, v6 migration or other user activities. The logs may be filtered by type and date.

Activities Log

Audit Trails

In this page, you can only see the activity logs of the selected user. The logs may be filtered further according to type and date.

Audit Trails


Backup / Restore Logs

To check the list of backup and restore jobs, restore drill jobs, backup errors, backup set logs and activities logs, simply click the Backup / Restore Logs icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console.

Backup / Restore Logs

The username and backup set are clickable links that will directly take you to the user details and backup set details. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking the “Download” link

Backup / Restore Logs

There are six tabs, each of which is described below:

Backup Jobs

Here is a summary of the backup jobs. The logs may be filtered by backup job, job status, where the backup was run either client or server, user group and date.

Backup Jobs

Restored Jobs

Here is a summary of the restored jobs. The logs may be filtered by user group, date and where it was run either client or server.

Restored Jobs

Restore Drill Jobs

Here is a summary of the restore drill jobs. The logs may be filtered by job status, login name and date.

Restore Drill Jobs

Backup Errors

Here is a summary of the backup errors encountered by all backup users. The logs may be filtered by user group and date.

Backup Errors

Backup Set Log

Here is a summary of backup set logs of backup users. The logs may be filtered by user or user group.

Backup Set Log

Activities Log

Here is a list of backup/restore related system activities logs. The logs may be filtered by type, user group, date and page.

Activities Log


Replication Logs

To check the list of send, receive and activities logs, simply click the Replication Logs icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console.

Replication Logs

There are three tabs, each of which is described below:

Replication Sending

You can see a list of sending job from the AhsayCBS to the corresponding receiver. Logs can be filtered by type and date.

Replication Sending

Replication Receiving

Here is the receiver log on the AhsayCBS. It only shows the logs of the selected receiver. Logs can be filtered further by type and date.

Replication Receiving

Activities Log

Here is the page to view all the replication activities log, such as creation of new receiver, changes in the settings, retention policy job etc.

Activities Log


Redirection Logs

To check on the redirection activity logs, simply click the Redirection Logs icon under “Monitoring” from your AhsayCBS web console. The logs may be filtered by type and date.

Replication Logs

Replication Logs