Start AhsayCBS in debug mode
11 Feb, 2025
Article ID
Last Reviewed Date
Product Version
AhsayCBS: 7.17 or above
Operating System
All platforms
This article contains instructions on how to start AhsayCBS in debug mode.
Refer to the following steps to start AhsayCBS in debug mode.
Edit the 'cbs.opt' file, located in the installation home and installation home conf folder:
Value of ${Install-Home} for various operating systems:
- Windows C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS
- Linux/Unix /usr/local/cbs
Open the 'cbs.opt' file with a text editor. Edit the debug option parameters by adding the value 'true' to the end of the corresponding line, similar to the example below:
cbs.opt (Updated) ... # # OBS debug options # Verify backup data (hashed path, client path, size, block sequence, crc, etc.) during upload com.ahsay.obs.core.bfs.append.debug= # # Verify rebuild operation com.ahsay.obs.core.bfs.Rebuild.debug= com.ahsay.obs.core.bfs.debug= true # ... There are multiple debug options that are available in the 'cbs.opt' file.
Consult with Ahsay support representatives if you are unsure which debug mode should you enable (e.g. to troubleshoot your server issue.)- Save the changes to the 'cbs.opt' file afterward, then restart the AhsayCBS and AhsayCBS NFS service.