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OBS to CBS Upgrade Procedure for Windows using Zip File

26 Feb, 2025

To be used by advanced Ahsay Admins, Windows running AhsayRDR / AhsayOBS / AhsayRPS.

For customers who still require installation or upgrade via ZIP file (, for example the installation/upgrade of multiple AhsayCBS instances on a single AhsayPRD server, please contact Technical Support for further assistance and to request the download link.

The following steps refer to Ahsay product with standard installation.

If you are using OEM version (branded installation), you are unable to use (or request-for) custom branded file for your AhsayOBS upgrade.

By using this method to perform the upgrade, admins will have full control on the files added to the upgrade software. This method is recommended for admins who run multiple Ahsay instances installed on a single Windows server, or who are advanced users with experience with Ahsay products.

The following steps are the instructions on how to upgrade AhsayRDR/AhsayOBS/AhsayRPS with file on Windows platform.

  1. Download the AhsayCBS zip file ( from the link provided by Ahsay Support.
  2. Logon as administrator to Windows.
  3. Expand the zip file into your template directory.

    e.g. D:\Applications\AhsayCBS.template\CBS9.1.0.13

    It is not supported to upgrade into a nested folder of an existing v6 installation path. If the upgrade process is done on the same AhsayOBS/AhsayRPS/AhsayRDR path, the upgrade process would fail.
  4. Modify the name of the Java folder in the installation path, for 64-bit machine, change the folder “java17x64” to “java”
  5. Stop the AhsayOBS service from the Services management console, this can be reached from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Click the Stop button to stop the related service.

    Here are the service names for the Ahsay products:

    AhsayRDR - Ahsay Redirector

    AhsayOBS/AhsayRPS - Ahsay Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server

  6. Once the service has been stopped, make a backup of your existing Ahsay installation %AHSAYOBS_SYSTEM_HOME% directories and User Home directories if possible.
  7. Open command prompt to remove the v6 service. Change the working directory to:


    cd "%AhsayRDR_HOME%\util\bin" 


    cd "%AhsayOBSR_HOME%\util\bin" 
  8. Run the following command within the command prompt to remove the service.

    service.exe -r <Service name> 


    • Parameter "-r" means removing the service and parameter
    • <Service name> is the name of the service.

    For example, we should run the following command:


    service -r RDRServer 


    service -r OBSRServer 
    If you run AhsayPRD with multiple Ahsay instances, the <Service Name> is unique for each instance. Before executing removal command, verify the name.

    You will see service stopped and service removed message in the command prompt.


    C:\Program Files\AhsayRDR\util\bin>service -r RDRServer
    Start to remove RDRServer
    Stopping RDRServer. 
    RDRServer stopped. 
    RDRServer removed. 


    C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\util\bin>service -r OBSRServer
    Start to remove OBSRServer
    Stopping OBSRServer. 
    OBSRServer stopped. 
    OBSRServer removed. 
  9. Migrate the current Ahsay Product to AhsayCBS by running the migrate script, Migratev6.bat in %CBS_HOME%\bin.

    MigrateV6.bat <CBS_HOME> <RDR_HOME> <OBS_HOME> <obsoleted_variable> <RPSHOME> 


    • <CBS_HOME> is the directory of the AhsayCBS.
    • <RDR_HOME> is the directory of the AhsayRDR.
    • <OBS_HOME> is the directory of the AhsayOBS.
    • <obsoleted_variable> is obsoleted, please enter a null value "".
    • <RPS_HOME> is the directory of the AhsayRPS.

    For example, we should run the following command where <RDR_HOME>, <obsoleted_variable> and <RPS_HOME> are null.

    cd C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\bin
    MigrateV6.bat "C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS" "" "C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS" "" "" 
  10. If your AhsayOBS and AhsayRDR are hosted on the same machine, both AhsayOBS and AhsayRDR will be upgraded at the same time. You are required to manually add the HTTP and HTTPS connector definitions for the Redirector in the %CBS_HOME%/conf/server.xml.

    First, shutdown the AhsayCBS Service.

    Second, modify the server.xml as shown in the example below.


    If your Redirector was using HTTP 8080 and HTTPS 8443 as the connection (substitute your port numbers), you need to add 2 extra connectors by duplicating the two connector definitions (Backup Server) and change to your Redirector ports.

    Your server.xml contains:

    You will need to duplicate the existing two Connectors, then modify the ports for the Redirector connector as shown in red.

    Assuming that you are using wildcard SSL certificate for both Redirector and Backup Server.

    If you are using different SSL certificates, you will need to change the values in SSLCACertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and SSLCertificateFile in your HTTPS connector definition so they point to the correct files.

    Restart the AhsayCBS service after you made the changes.

  11. Run the following command to install AhsayCBS service with the command prompt:

    service.exe -i <Service name> <Service Display Name> <exe path> <Service Description> 


    • Parameter “-i” stand for install service.
    • <Service Name> is the name of the service.
    • <Service Display Name> is the display name of the service.
    • <exe path> is the file path to executable

      cbssvcX64.exe (for 64bit OS). It is located at %CBS_HOME\bin.

    • <Service Description> is the description of the service.

    For example, we should run the following command on a 64 bit platform:

    cd "C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\util\bin"
    service.exe -i "AhsayCBS" "AhsayCBS" "C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\bin\cbssvcX64.exe" "This is the CBS service." 
    If you run AhsayPRD with multiple Ahsay instances, the <Service Name> must be unique for each instance.

    Here is a sample of the output.

    C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\util\bin>service -i "AhsayCBS" "AhsayCBS" 
    "C:\Program Files\ AhsayCBS\bin\cbssvcX64.exe" "This is the CBS service."
    Start to Change Config AhsayCBS 
    Open Service Control Manager
    Open Service 
    Service does not exists, install a new Service 
    AhsayCBS installed. 
  12. The service is now starting up, it should take a few minutes while the migration starts to migrate User Profiles and User Group policies to the AhsayCBS. Since it is required to scan through each User Profile to extract this information, many users could result in longer user migration process.
  13. After installation, you may manually open the %CBS_HOME%\logs\obs_context_yyyy-mm-dd.log to check if there are any errors during the startup, (yyyy-mm-dd refers to the upgrade/migration date).

  14. Logon to the AhsayCBS web management console to check on your upgrade.
  15. Continue with the Post Upgrade section.