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Upgrade Sequence

11 Feb, 2025

Before upgrading your Backup Server, Replication Server, and Redirector Server; please consider the upgrade sequence to avoid possible issues. The following details provide the recommended sequences for AhsayCBS upgrade.

We recommend you have enabled AutoSave feature for each AhsayCBS server, and allow it to run at least one day in advance of your upgrade.

Ahsay Redirector (if applicable)

Upgrade of Redirector Host has a higher precedence than the Backup Server or Replication Receiver. We recommend this server be upgraded first, before proceeding with the AhsayCBS Backup Server upgrade.

It is assumed that you no longer have a mixed Redirector environment, consisting of AhsayOBS v6 Backup Servers with AhsayCBS Backup Servers, joined to the same AhsayCBS Redirector network.

This specifically applies to AhsayOBM/AhsayACB v6 clients with Backup Set Local Copy feature enabled, which is incompatible with AhsayCBS if you modify the Redirector Server’s “Hosting a Redirector” setting before these clients upgrade to v9 client.

AhsayCBS (Backup Server)

The Backup Server must be upgraded to AhsayCBS before your clients are upgraded, as the AhsayCBS Backup Server is the source of the client installers.

AhsayCBS (Backup Server) is backward compatible and will be able to process backup clients from v6.29, v7.17.2.2+, and v8.

It is suggested to disable any Replication (if enabled) before upgrading your AhsayCBS server.

If you are branded, you should disable AUA for all users prior to upgrade. This will allow you to verify branding properties after AhsayCBS upgrade and avoid unintentional branding errors pushed to client devices.

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

Before enabling the auto update or manual update for your users:

  • It is strongly recommended to allow your AhsayCBS system to run for a day or two, in order to resolve any outstanding issues first, before planning to upgrade the AhsayOBM/AhsayACB of clients to the latest version.
  • When enabling Auto Update, it is recommended to perform the upgrade of the clients in small batches e.g. 5-10 users, to avoid network congestion and potentially overloading the AhsayCBS server. Each v7+ clients will poll the CBS server every 15-minutes for AUA instruction, and it may take another 30-60 minutes for the client to complete the upgrade.
  • Backup Set Index Conversion

    Backup set index conversion will take place for all v6, v7 and pre-v8.3 AhsayOBM/AhsayACB backup sets after upgrading. The index conversion process will be performed on the backup set on the first backup job immediately after the upgrade.

    The backup set index conversion cannot be disabled.

  • Periodic Data Integrity Check

    After AhsayOBM/AhsayACB is upgraded from v6, v7, or pre-8.3.4.x versions, on the first backup job after upgrade, a mandatory PDIC job will be triggered to verify the integrity of the data and index. Depending on the number of files and jobs in the backup set, this process could take some time to complete.

    If there are a large number of AhsayOBM/AhsayACB clients upgrading within a short period of time, the resulting large concentration of mandatory PDIC jobs could negatively affect the performance and stability of the AhsayCBS server.

Supported Linux and FreeBSD clients must have installed GLIBC v2.14 or later.

As some of the platforms have been de-supported, before you enable the auto-upgrade or manual upgrade, please refer to the links found under System Requirements section.

Ahsay Replication Receiver (if applicable)

It is recommended that Ahsay Replication Receiver is upgraded last to provide a secondary copy of your AhsayCBS Backup Server’s system’s configuration and data. The Replication Receiver(s) should be disabled before AhsayCBS upgrade is carried out.

Please consider only upgrading your Replication system after AhsayCBS Backup Server has been running stable for a short period of time.

Upgrading out of order can result in failure of the upgrade and may cause service interruption to your customers.

We recommend you maintain identical version and branding, between all your AhsayCBS servers, regardless if they are Redirector, Replication and/or Backup Servers.