"User Home is not available" warns in AhsayCBS
11 Feb, 2025
Article ID
Last Reviewed Date
Product Version
AhsayCBS: 7 or above
Operating System
All platforms
The user home for user 'username' is not available.
The issue indicates that CBS cannot locate the backup user's directory in any User Home path(s).
To resolve the issue, the CBS Admin will need to manually create a user directory for the username in any of the User Home path.
From your CBS server's OS, access any of the User Home paths.
For example, E:\Users
Manually create a directory with the username of the user (this is case-sensitive)
For example, if the username is "JaneSmith", then create E:\Users\JaneSmith
If the user is owned by a SubAdmin, then you will need the sub-directory with the SubAdmin ID#; for example E:\Users\JaneSmith#12345
- Once the directory is created, access CBS Main Menu, then [Manage Users, Groups & Policies], then [Backup User] tab, then click on the icon for "Rescan all user home directories".