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Downgrade AhsayCBS to AhsayOBS

11 Feb, 2025

Since the changes made by AhsayCBS/AhsayOBM/AhsayACB are not backward compatible with v6, all historical backups are lost and you need to start over the backup again in v6. Please communicate with your clients and check if they are comfortable with this.

The only acceptable time when you can successfully downgrade to v6, is if you just upgraded to AhsayCBS and have not yet upgraded any client devices, and now found issues with the upgrade preventing you from further troubleshooting to resolve the upgrade problem. If several days or longer has passed, we do not advise downgrade as there would have been many changes to both the User Profile and configuration, which could corrupt your environment if you downgrade. If any client devices have upgraded, you should not downgrade unless your user can afford to redo their backup set from scratch.

If you still have a valid copy of v6 replicated data, you may recover your v6 Backup Server with the AhsayRPS, returning back to the day of last replication.

If you still have a copy of your v6 OBS installation directory and a copy of the User Home from just before you upgraded to AhsayCBS, then you may be able to rollback to that day.

If you don’t have a valid copy of v6 replicated data, please check if you still have the following 2 items that was prepared in the Upgrade from v6 section.

  1. A set of the latest v6 configuration files.
  2. A copy of your existing v6 binaries/system home and client installers.

If you don’t have a valid copy of v6 replicated data, or don’t have the latest v6 configuration, binaries/system files. You won’t be able to restore your backup server to v6.

Any new users created while running AhsayCBS, cannot be used in v6 and must be recreated, along with any backups they may have run will need to start over, after successful downgrade.


Your backup copy of v6 binaries and System Home are located in:

  • Windows

    C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS_62900

  • Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD


Steps to downgrade in Windows
  1. Open command prompt and change the working directory to %CBS_HOME%\util\bin.

    cd "c:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\util\bin" 
  2. Run the following command within the command prompt would remove the service for AhsayCBS:

    service.exe -r <Service Name>   


    • Parameter "-r" means removing the service and parameter.
    • <Service Name> is the name of the service.

    For example, in our case, we should run the following command:

    c:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\util\bin>service -r CBSServer   

    A message of “CBSServer removed” as shown below will be displayed on the screen to advise that uninstallation of the service has been successful.

    c:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\util\bin>service -r CBSServer 
    Start to remove CBSServer
    Stopping CBSServer.
    CBSServer stopped.
    CBSServer removed.

    Rename the folder of your v6 copy from

    C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS_62900


    C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS

  3. Change the working directory to C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\util\bin.

    cd "c:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\util\bin" 
  4. Run the following command within the command prompt to install the service:

    service.exe -i <Service Name> <Service Display Name> <exe path> 


    • Parameter "-i" stands for install service.
    • <Service Name> is the name of the service.
    • <Service Display Name> is the display name of the service.
    • <exe path> is the path to AobService.exe. By default, it is located at %OBSR_HOME%\bin.

    For example, in our case, we should run the following command:

    c:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\util\bin>service -i OBSRServer "AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS" "C:\Program Files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\bin\AobService.exe"   

    A message of “OBSRServer installed” as shown below will be displayed on the screen to advise that the service has been installed successfully.

    Start to Change Config OBSRServer 
    Open Service Control Manager
    Open Service
    Service does not exists, install a new Service
    OBSRServer installed.
  5. Please start AhsayOBS service via the Service management console.

    This can be reached from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Click the Start button to start the AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS service.

    Check availability of your Backup Server. Please point the web browser to

    Please also contact your client to run the v6 AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installer again if they have upgraded the client to v7/v8/v9.

Steps to downgrade in Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD
  1. Log in with root access to the Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD machine.
  2. Change to the $CBS_HOME directory and run the uninstall script using the command shown below.

    cd /usr/local/cbs
    sh ./bin/ 

    The script would stop AhsayCBS service and also remove the startup script so that the service will not start at boot up.

  3. Move the current working directory of the AhsayOBS folder /usr/local/obs to a backup folder. This obs folder should contain outdated information.

    mv /usr/local/cbs /usr/local/obs_7500 
  4. Move the previous backup copy of the v6 AhsayOBS folder back to the original location.

    mv /usr/local/obs_7500 /usr/local/obs 
  5. For FreeBSD environment only, since you have upgraded the Java to OpenJDK8, to run AhsayCBS v9. In order to downgrade and run AhsayOBS v6, you need to have the native Java version 1.6 and set the environment variable of Java home pointing to the native Java version 1.6.

    From the command line, run the following command:

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/diablo-jrel.6.0 
  6. Install and startup the OBS service by the following command:


    Check the backup server. Please point the web browser to http://your-backup-server/.

    Please also contact your client to run the v6 AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installer again if they have upgraded the client to v7/v8.