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OBS to CBS Upgrade Procedure for Windows using Executable File

26 Feb, 2025

Detailed steps for in-place upgrade of Windows running: AhsayRDR / AhsayOBS / AhsayRPS. If your Windows server runs multiple OBS instances (AhsayPRD), the cbs-win.exe is not for you.

The following steps refer to Ahsay product with standard installation. If you are using OEM version (branded installation), please substitute the default cbs-win.exe with your branded installer

  1. Download the AhsayCBS executable (cbs-win.exe) from our website.
  2. Logon as administrator to Windows.
  3. Stop the AhsayOBS service from the Services management console, this can be reached from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Ahsay Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server.
  4. Double-click the downloaded cbs-win.exe to start the AhsayCBS setup wizard.
  5. Select the language to use during the installation from the dropdown box and click on OK.
  6. Upgrade from AhsayOBS v6, to AhsayCBS will not prompt or display that it has detected an earlier installation. As part of the installer process, it will briefly display during the installation progress that it will uninstall OBSR, before it unpacks the AhsayCBS binaries for installation.

    Starting from AhsayCBS v8.3.0.0 or above, the installer will detect there is already an AhsayCBS installed, click on Yes to migrate the settings from your existing installation to the new installation.
  7. A Welcome screen will be shown, please click the Next button to go to the next step.
  8. On the next screen, it will prompt the License Agreement window. After you have read the Terms and Conditions, choose I accept the agreement and click the Next button to proceed.
  9. The system will check the validity of your maintenance license before proceeding with the installation. Click Next to continue.

    Before installing AhsayCBS make sure that your license key has a valid support maintenance otherwise installation will fail.
  10. The installation wizard will ask for the installation path. If you want to change the default installation path, click the Browse button to change the location. Click Next to continue.

    It is not supported to upgrade into a nested folder of an existing v6 installation path. If the upgrade process is done on the same AhsayOBS/AhsayRPS/AhsayRDR path, the upgrade process would fail.
  11. Select/Unselect the shown Options according to your preferences and click the Next button.
  12. The next screen will provide a summary detail of the options selected. Please verify the installation options. If they are correct, click the Install button to begin the installation.
  13. Wait until the upgrade process is completed. The installer will expand the installation files to the AhsayCBS installation folder and it should take a while when the import starts to migrate user’s profile and user group policies to the AhsayCBS. Since it is required to scan through each user profile to extract this information, many user profiles could result in longer import process.
  14. After installation, you may manually open the %CBS_HOME%/logs/obs_context_yyyy-mm-dd.log to check the progress of the upgrade and if there are any errors during the startup (yyyy-mm-dd refers to the upgrade/migration date).

  15. Click the Finish button and AhsayCBS should be started automatically. You can verify this by checking the %CBS_HOME%/bin/Migrate.log.

  16. If your AhsayOBS and AhsayRDR are hosted on the same machine, both AhsayOBS and AhsayRDR will be upgraded at the same time. You are required to manually add the HTTP and HTTPS connector definitions for the Redirector in the %CBS_HOME%/conf/server.xml.

    First, shutdown the AhsayCBS Service.

    Second, modify the server.xml as shown in the example below.


    If your Redirector was using HTTP 8080 and HTTPS 8443 as the connection (substitute your port numbers), you need to add 2 extra connectors by duplicating the two connector definitions (Backup Server) and change to your Redirector ports.

    Your server.xml contains:

    You will need to duplicate the existing two Connectors, then modify the ports for the Redirector connector as shown in red.

    Assuming that you are using wildcard SSL certificate for both Redirector and Backup Server.

    If you are using different SSL certificates, you will need to change the values in SSLCACertificateFile, SSLCertificateKeyFile, and SSLCertificateFile in your HTTPS connector definition so they point to the correct files.

    Restart the AhsayCBS service after you made the changes.

  17. Logon to the AhsayCBS web management console to check on your upgrade.
  18. Continue with the Post Upgrade section.