AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v8.5.2.33 Release Notes (26-May-2021)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- Allow users to update Mobile Backup Destination path (ref: T-29717)
- Update default destination folder path in macOS and Linux (ref: T-29718)
- Device backup destination matching (ref: T-30646)
Operating Systems
- Support OBM on Debian 9 (ref: T-30772)
- Support OBM on Debian 10 (ref: FAF-678-13620, FKX-690-55595, MYI-432-49451, NUL-817-58386, QFV-874-57139, T-26508)
- Support OBC on macOS Big Sur (ref: CIB-650-41734, DBV-601-54275, FIL-562-78700, KFT-708-32442, LTA-997-59914, PJC-261-95934, QDX-779-80946, REF-549-59466, SIZ-516-96829, SLV-628-82853, WJH-291-44518, XUZ-830-16747, T-29145)
- Enhanced File Listing Logic to list all Files Attributes in a go during Backup (ref: T-29553)
- Enhanced Index Files Handling Logic to reduce Download/Reupload to Backup Destination (ref: T-30452)
Bug Fixes
Backup Destination
- OBM - Backup with multiple Destination hit "Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud. Error=Database Index ".../index.db" in use (ref: T-27741)
- OBM - Run on Server Cloud File Backupsets from OneDrive for Business encounters "The server encountered an error processing the request" error on random files" (ref: TGP-932-71179, T-30633)
- OBM - File Backupset to Google Drive gets error "Failed to check the integrity of the target "%Destination_ID%." (ref: ZQW-983-41316, T-30790)
Application specific backup - Hyper-V
- OBM - Hyper-V 2016/2019 Incremental backup, restoring the delta backup job only resulted in content of the full backup job (ref: WYS-677-56556, T-30181)
Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail
- OBM - Exchange 2016 Mail Level backup gets "Read timed out" error when exporting items or logging in to EWS (ref: KCR-307-78428, ZLN-160-48429, T-30460)
Application specific backup - MSSQL
- OBM - With backup scheduled at 23:30 missed, scheduler log shows null error and cannot determine next job's start time (ref: MFC-965-36684, T-30374)
Application specific backup - Office365
- OBC - Office365 Backup Source/Restore Explorer unable to list files from directory if its name contains apostrophe (') (ref: CEK-792-33172, T-30393)
- OBC - Office365 Backup gets "Failed to load sPath=''. Reason='ListAllSitesStatus=ALLOW but fail to list sites'" error (ref: FMW-221-88043, FZC-788-51600, TNB-364-62759, XYW-173-82612, T-30220)
- OBC - Office365 Backup keep retrying with "[EwsService.getItems] Retry after "XX" seconds" and "Read timed out" (ref: RBV-103-68044, T-30230)
- OBC - Office365 Backup gets "400 Bad Request" error (ref: AWX-791-46258, BID-321-59013, ENQ-144-90911, IQB-953-25593, JLW-976-29077, LWS-755-41778, NBV-398-48458, NVX-572-66088, TCI-991-16404, VLB-132-12326, WCN-959-66990, XYI-844-70018, YVH-542-48623, T-30560)
- OBC - Office365 SharePoint Backup gets "Connection reset" error (ref: WCN-959-66990, T-30645)
- OBC - Office365 Backup gets "Fail to process ... Reason=Unknown item ... found" (ref: NES-216-95232, UJY-706-37875, T-29942)
- OBC - Office365 Backup encounters "[New File] File=\ %File_Path%" Error="com.independentsoft.share.bk: Connection reset" (ref: WMI-206-84572, T-30575)
- OBC - Office365 Backup keeps getting the "Unable to generate Delta File ... Target is not a file ..." warnings (ref: LTG-903-42433, T-30720)
Application specific backup - Windows System / System State
- OBM - Scheduled Windows System Backup start in every minute. (ref: YUP-511-72841, T-29526)
- OBM - Windows Backup gets "...size incorrect (Expected=XXX Retrieved=YYY)" error with slightly different sizes (ref: T-20201)
Application specific backup - VMware
- OBM - VMware vCenter 6.7 Restore gets error "Failed to obtain symlink target for bfSymLink='[BackupFile][Version=10130][ClientPath=01.." (ref: T-30323)
File backup
- OBM - Backup halted after running multiple "Quota Exceeded" backup jobs in a row (ref: NXX-227-44753, T-30521)
- OBM - Backup to Wasabi has connection retries & some bak files sized 0 discovered during File Validation (ref: FRC-931-65345, YCO-978-20471, T-30360)
- OBM - Application crashed "# Problematic frame: # V [jvm.dll+0x139142]" when backing up locked files on Network Location (ref: DLS-205-60084, RCO-225-37279, YAN-706-29323, T-30447)
- OBC - Backup generated empty folder with "Local@XXX" file name in temp directory for every file backup job with CBS OR Local destination (ref: T-29818)
Auto Update
- OBM - OBM AUA does not go through Proxy when connecting to CBS, cannot fetch auto update index.xml (ref: NZS-556-95238, T-30631)
Synology / QNAP OBM
- OBM - When view log entries on QNAP QTS 4.5 gets error "DataTables warning: table id =reportLogViewerTable - Unable to load ..." (ref: T-30491)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS