AhsayCBS v8.3.2.11 Release Notes (6-Feb-2020)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Operating systems
- Support CBS on CentOS 8 (Release date: 24/9/2019) (ref: T-25322)
System maintenance
- Reduce number of threads used in CBS process (ref: DBN-130-39983, T-26040)
Bug Fixes
General / Miscellaneous
- File backup to Backblaze Standard destinations failed with block (.bak) NOT FOUND error (ref: T-25167)
Restore / Decrypt
- When backup to Linux CBS, or restore with Delta on Linux OBM from Windows CBS, job failed on [JniUtil.c.getLstat] stat() (ref: T-26098)
- CBS O365 restore failed due to "Cannot get backup file "Office 365" at job ""... Cannot get backup file "Office 365" at job "" error (ref: LRZ-301-39838, T-25671)
- CBS GetUserStorageStat.do API returns zero for the UploadSize value when the backupset ID is specified in the call (ref: ZHD-876-79139, T-25196)
- AddFilter.do does not accept empty TopDir parameter, cannot create filter which applies to all hard drives (ref: QOY-556-26296, T-25660)
Application specific backup - MS SQL Server
- Unable to backup MSSQL database with "Skip backing up ... Instance does not exist" warning (ref: FIS-980-74056, RLH-486-31095, T-25307)
- Fail to run MSSQL backup with warning message "Database of "%DB_Name%" not found!" (ref: ASF-613-77555, T-25658)
- MSSQL backup encountered error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials())." (ref: HSH-517-18106, NJN-677-68934, T-26054)
Application specific backup - Office365
- Exchange Mail, Office 365 - When perform backup, backup errors caused by various java.lang.NumberFormatException is hit (ref: T-26100)
- Office 365 SharePoint backup encounters "400 BAD REQUEST" & incorrect size error (ref: HBC-791-72331, T-25974)
- CBS Office 365 backup encounters Failed to load sPath='xxx'...$APP_HOME/temp/%username%' does not exist (ref: ASH-179-22438, DIJ-798-73690, IKS-573-73702, MNN-537-81859, NCR-831-19162, PBZ-336-64434, PLC-121-73588, SUS-712-38546, TTD-879-68817, WGQ-745-85395, T-25704)
- Most of backup data will be upload again after completed index migration (Office365 Backup) (ref: PGX-220-38488, T-25491)
Application specific backup - Others
- Missing Proxy checkbox in Cloud File backup set settings with Backblaze as backup source (ref: T-25303)
- Upon having Run on Server backup set with Backup Schedule in the list (With Schedule slider OFF), Schedule Backup is still triggered (ref: BMT-767-36748, T-23125)
- Unable to build OBC Mac .dmg online installers (ref: T-25981)
Group feature / Reseller panel
- CBS FileBackup Set cannot define encryption key (ref: KHJ-927-78275, LAX-516-34685, VVX-349-91982, T-25506)
- Using "Preempted Source - Advanced" will make filter (preempted or per backup set) ineffective (ref: T-25839)
License / Billing module
- CBS License page incorrectly shows zero Used Hyper/VMware (Per Guest VM) module (ref: ETU-172-32688, T-25866)
- Backup failed in delete file, path: ... http code: 500, java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed ReplicableManager.addMovedPath().. (ref: AFL-269-73788, CND-490-93437, NFA-355-81479, T-25938)
- Replication receiver getting Throwable='null' error after patching hotfix, slow replication speed (ref: FIY-691-63559, T-25931)
- CBS Replication bandwidth limit does not apply to Wasabi predefined destination (ref: HMV-987-89062, T-25744)
Reporting / Email report
- Some updated files that does not show on backup report (ref: QJD-389-38452, T-25747)
- CBS logs "Failed after waiting for (milliseconds): 600000" error while report being sent (ref: OUJ-578-49654, UWC-332-25474, T-24822)
- CBS shows backup start time and end time in server time zone instead of client time zone on the backup report page and the PDF backup report (ref: UEK-970-86475, T-24877)
- CBS Vulnerability Fix - Prevent DLL preloading attack (ref: GRC-996-93218, T-25294)
- CBS Vulnerability Fix - Prevent access to directory out of UserHome (ref: GRC-996-93218, T-26030)
- CBS Security Fix - Prevent browser prompted to save Office 365 account credential when saving backupset settings
Server Crash
- CBS web console always encounter "Too many redirects" and not working properly (ref: UXZ-198-54445, T-24638)
- CBS stopped working / SocketTimeoutException after upgrade due to extra CPU resources usage in massive API calls (ref: PUF-804-98770, T-25466)
- After applied 8.3.0.-76 JAR build, CBS live threads kept increasing and caused web console unresponsive and clients could not connect (ref: T-25829)
- CBS crashes at random time after upgrading to v8.3 (ref: CRF-593-61996, T-25579)
System maintenance
- After applied JAR build, Error "[UsersParam.flush.rWriteUserXML] Failed to flush D:\AhsayCBS\conf\users.xml" is hit (ref: T-25940)
- When running daily job to compress all configuration settings, hit "[RestoreOutputStream.BlockWriter.run] Failed to flush buffer" error (ref: T-25943)
- Reduce the chance of CBS High CPU performance issue by introducing NIO2 as an option for CBS Connectors (ref: T-25879)
- Unexpected new threads found while running CBS without service restart (ref: T-26077)
- Default "cbssvc.ini" missed the java option "-Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=262144" (ref: T-26249)
- CBS upgraded to CBS, getting false error about "Failed to delete the connector" (ref: SHI-969-31324, T-25374)
User experiences
- Incorrect Korea Translations (ref: T-25401)
- Incorrect Korean Translation in Backup / Restore > Basic > User Home page (ref: T-25142)
- Month display incorrectly in suspend date calendar picker (ref: T-23750)
- Searching result from OBC Restore > Search is not accurate (ref: VYK-500-55771, T-25531)
- Unnecessary "Rebuild Index" option is shown in Data Integrity Check feature pages (ref: T-25786)
- Showing blank page when accessing the Cloud File backupsets on CBS web console (ref: TCR-979-93242, T-25720)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS