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AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v7.15.2.2 Release Notes (06-Feb-2018)

This release contains the major features listed below:



  • Include the COMODO cert in the keystore in OBC (ref: T-20200)
  • Support of install OBM/ACB and configure the credentials on the target machine without human interaction similar to v6. (ref: T-18993)

NAS / Synology OBM

  • Support Synology NAS OBM on model RS18017XS+ (ref: UHA-635-21218, SFZ-207-18347, T-17719)
  • Support x18 Series Synology (ref: XKU-434-30118, KAY-286-13600, FCT-169-73480, T-19724)

Bug Fixes

Application specific backup

  • Cloud File Backup to Google Drive get "[GDriveManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file, sParent=" error (ref: OXA-535-15212, T-17938)
  • Better error message for issue(s) encountered when restoring Hyper-V VM to alternate host (ref: T-19446)
  • Cloud file backup with OnedriveForBusiness files is failed with "429 TOO MANY REQUESTS" (ref: XZY-305-35378, KFI-130-96095, T-19747)
  • Lotus Database backup set with error "The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax are not correct." (ref: IRT-381-71062, T-19573)
  • Unable to perform Hyper-v 2012R2 Granular restore with "Fail to install "Virtual File System Driver" error (ref: JZY-332-68909, T-19501)
  • MSSQL Log backup runs with "The reference database is mismatched with backup database, backup will run in full backup type" (ref: IWN-195-10058, T-19581)
  • MSSQL backup shows "Instance is offline" warning even if the database is actually online in MSSQL management studio (ref: YTC-177-43143, TXZ-756-61699, VAQ-580-52815, T-19599)
  • OBM Hyper-v 2012R2 with Run Direct fails to start VM after restoring on another Hyper-v 2012R2 (ref: PJV-332-75792, EGF-108-97407, T-19601)
  • Backup fails with reason = [ObsManager.mkdirs] Failed to mkdirs...Connection pool shut down" (ref: RQH-294-37800, EOL-468-59664, NVE-196-70249, ISU-761-54844, T-19660)
  • Hyper-V 2008R2 backup error “Cannot start shadow copy, reason =Failed to get VM State. Error = Invalid namespace” (ref: XFJ-736-30159, FIU-318-70766, T-19727)
  • BSOD when running HyperV backup with Bit Defender AV (ref: MEB-256-61297, T-19776)
  • Exchange 2016 mail-level backup gets warning message: Backup source "Microsoft Exchange/Public Folders" does not exist ! (ref: SOB-113-30143, T-20211)
  • MSSQL Backup getting "OK ( no files backed up )") after migrated from v6 to v7 (Without Data Migration enabled) (ref: EHN-804-86919, T-19993)
  • "Cannot start shadow copy, ...Failed to get VM State. Error = The virtual machine...could not be found" is shown in Hyper-V 2008R2 Cluster backup (ref: T-20114)
  • Failed to backup System Databases with MSSQL VSS mode backup set (ref: T-19614)

Auto upgrade agent

  • OBM leaves a CMD opened after auto update (ref: BRL-311-88436, T-19583)
  • Unable to auto-update on Mac OS X (ref: BOD-776-41465, T-19870)

Backup Destination

  • Cannot backup to local NAS (ref: NWD-733-77115, T-19698)


  • OBM installation prompts FSRedirector.sys filter driver blocked on Windows Server 2016 (Shows Unsigned) (ref: NJW-209-81227, DOT-545-52836, T-19585)
  • Move mail count are not displayed in backup log for Office 365 Online backup set (ref: T-20087)
  • Client installers unable to be installed correctly if CBS hostname contains client products name (e.g. (ref: T-20216)

File backup

  • Schedule backup "Failed to get FileAttribute: 1492465432158 from cache" error message in scheduler debug log (ref: IXK-428-12451, T-19788)
  • Backup gets "[BlockDB.init][BlockFileCorruptedExpt] Error initializing bptree" error (ref: MUN-816-44970, SQD-690-40535, UJK-357-65797, JUW-280-63162, IKB-921-16411, MBY-836-82892, HAY-714-28754, UFP-352-32610, YEE-151-43507, RYC-460-55547, UTN-568-97983, XBY-766-34580, UON-359-48323, OHJ-380-36877, T-19018)
  • cbpsx64.exe consumes high CPU without running backup (ref: T-18917)
  • "[warn] ...Path "xxx\My Documents" does not exist!" is shown after upgrade (ref: BTO-746-93990, YYX-781-97258, T-19619)

General / Miscellaneous

  • Cannot Start OBM services > Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly (ref: UTW-540-17809, T-19114)
  • Exchange 2010 mail level restore fails with "Unexpected IOException, error=[ObsManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file..." (ref: IWW-285-15804, T-19605)

NAS / Synology OBM

  • Synology Security Center recognise /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ as malicious startup script (ref: HJG-290-64443, DGC-508-89884, T-19461)

Restore / Decrypt

  • Unable to restore backup files (ref: NRQ-857-89153, T-19140)


  • Migration stay in Stage 0, file backup encounter "[CloudFileSystem.delete] bf cannot be null" (ref: HRB-869-66559, T-19544)
  • The process of data migration is keeping to restart everyday. (ref: LBZ-559-98291, T-18430)
  • Fail to backup with error "Failed to migrate v6 index, [c] [CloudFileSystem.createFile] Directory exists already." error (ref: TVF-765-12843, T-19571)
  • Fail to backup with error "Failed to get v6 retention index in xml. Reason=Java heap space & Reason=bad record MAC" (ref: FIS-225-47948, T-19763)
  • Fail to migrate index with error "Failed to get v6 retention index in xml. Reason=Java heap space" (ref: MXA-193-72353, FIS-225-47948, SFJ-497-57549, T-19814)
  • Fail to migrate v6 index, caused by [c] [CloudFileSystem.createFile] Directory '...' exists already. (ref: IGI-779-50160, T-19916)

Product Abbreviations:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayOBR - OBR
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayMobile - MOB
  • Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS