AhsayCBS v7.11.0.4 Release Notes (10-Apr-2017)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- Support adding standard CBS and local destinations to backup set by using JSON API "AddBackupSet" and "UpdateBackupSet" (ref: TFY-145-30119, T-16337)
Application specific backup
- Optimize the performance in listing folders in Office 365 Exchange Online (ref: T-16154)
- Enhance the speed of logging in and listing user mailboxes in Office 365 Exchange Online (ref: T-16407)
- Support MSSQL Server transaction log backup (ref: HEB-142-65482, HEK-145-19018, PIR-718-14438, VVS-110-11577, EVL-804-21724, XYZ-314-56373, EFZ-156-49227, T-13607)
- Support Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox backup for single personal user account on AhsayACB per backup set (ref: T-16547)
Backup Destination
- Update Aliyun Bucket Regions (ref: T-16725)
- Zhangjiakou [oss-cn-zhangjiakou]
- US Virginia [oss-us-east-1]
- Asia Pacific (Sydney) [oss-ap-southeast-2]
- Asia Pacific (Japan) [oss-ap-northeast-1]
- EU (Frankfurt) [oss-eu-central-1]
- Middle East (Dubai) [oss-me-east-1]
- Update Amazon AWS S3 regions (CBS) (ref: T-16434)
- Asia Pacific (Mumbai) [ap-south-1]
- Canada (Central) [ca-central-1]
- EU (London) [eu-west-2]
- US East (Ohio) [us-east-2]
- Support customizing the CBS destination name and icon on branded OBM/ACB v7 (ref: SKH-616-24537, FZA-765-36791, WTH-858-42564, T-13668)
- Preserve the branded icons / files when upgrading CBS by Windows installer (ref: T-16935)
- Request on replacing "ahsay.com" for the sample domain under "Windows User Authentication" in CBS v7 (ref: SBT-608-31778, VNI-793-56112, DOZ-430-85054, T-14906)
- Provide the ability to enable/disable branding feature on customized CBS (ref: VNI-793-56112, T-16523)
File backup
- Add a backup option "bUploadFullFileWhenGenDeltaFailed" to schedule in user profile and pass it when running backup for RunOnServer Backup Set (ref: CID-132-39364, T-16981)
General / Miscellaneous
- Support Italian (ref: ANN-419-81285, VNI-793-56112, T-16287)
- Renew Ahsay self-signed SSL Certificate (ref: T-16942)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Change the default values of temporary directory for MSSQL Backup Set and MS Windows Backup Set for policy group "Default Settings" (ref: T-16950)
- Separate the policy in [GUI Settings] for adding and deleting backup set (ref: T-16635)
- Create two new policies "Add Contact" and "Remove Contact" in [GUI Settings] > "Contact Settings" for adding and deleting contact (ref: T-16636)
- Support showing/hiding the "Help" page for backup user (ref: T-16637)
- Support showing/hiding "Destination" and "Encryption" in new backup set wizard (ref: T-16638)
Operating systems
- Support MS Hyper-V Server 2016 in v7 (ref: ACX-200-82368, PIJ-444-21280, PIJ-444-21280, QBI-908-59699, ZIQ-113-39731, CZM-593-21186, UQS-888-39663, BIY-247-12748, SCA-352-85000, T-15163)
- Support replicating v6 backup files (ref: T-16723)
User experiences
- Support using login password as the backup set encryption key (ref: T-16232)
- Add a new button "Copy From English" in [Rebrand Web Console] / [Rebrand Clients] > [Custom Properties] (ref: T-17080)
Bug Fixes
- Unsafe XML character shown in the return of API "GetBackupJobReport" (ref: AIL-825-18580, T-16314)
- CBS when using AddSchedule.do API to add backup schedule the backup time is incorrect (hour) (ref: T-15881)
- JSON API UpdateSchedule.do call returns "Key already exists" error message (ref: T-13699)
- CBS v79020 JSON API will get different backup job status for the same job when calling with different JSON API (ref: CPA-785-76640, T-16118)
- CBS 7900 missing parameters in ListUsers.do API JSON (ref: LFO-108-72436, T-16340)
- CBS 7921 ListUserGroups.do fails with "[UserCacheManager.NoSuchUserExpt] User '#xxxx' not found." error (ref: WXR-135-59479, T-16412)
Application specific backup
- Error with Office365 backup if the name of backup source that contain the character "\" (ref: T-15800)
- CBS 7920 office365 run on server backup is very slow (ref: UTR-618-99634, T-16401)
- CBS 7922 Office365 backup set is created with empty backup source screen (ref: GCB-302-44391, T-16558)
- Branding - "AhsayCBS" appears in Backup Data Migration "Help" page (ref: T-16705)
- Branding - "AhsayCBS" appears in Rebrand Web Console Connector "Help" page (ref: T-16706)
- Branding - "AhsayCBS" appears in Monitoring > Dashboard > Live Threads > Details (ref: T-16716)
- Hide the "Ahsay" wording in the help page for [Recover Encryption Key] button (ref: T-16718)
- Branded edition name is incorrect in AUA index.xml for different subadmins (ref: PVO-867-48750, TZB-237-57427, T-16630)
- Branding - "AhsayCBS" appears in Rebrand Client Digital Signature "Help" page (ref: T-16707)
- Branding - "AhsayCBS" appears in Replication > Accepting Data > Create > "Help" page (ref: T-16713)
- Branded CBS - Creating second Admin account breaks branding text properties (ref: FZM-827-69768, T-16294)
- CBS 7922 "Backup User" page does not show the customized CBS icon (ref: MZB-667-28073, T-16442)
- CBS customization is not able to hide the [Recover Encryption Key] button (ref: VNI-793-56112, T-16443)
- Branded UBS with CBS Hotfix - Creating second Admin account loses some branded custom properties (ref: ASV-756-77993, FDV-749-22420, T-16501)
- CBS 7.9.2.x Manage User > Backup User > View = Quota, shows unbranded Destination logo (ref: QHB-833-58145, T-16562)
- CBS CBS > Live Activities > Backup Status > clicking on an active job, shows unbranded Destination logo (ref: QHB-833-58145, T-16579)
- CBS CBS > Live Activities > Restore Status > clicking on an active job, shows unbranded Destination logo (ref: QHB-833-58145, T-16581)
- Branding - "Ahsay" appears in Product Name of a Backup "EvaluationOnly" Licensee Name key (ref: QPM-716-99705, T-16708)
- Branding - "Ahsay" appears in Product Name of a Redirector "EvaluationOnly" Licensee Name key (ref: QPM-716-99705, T-16709)
File backup
- ACB 7922 backup fails with "Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud" error after upgrading CBS (ref: RXO-212-85457, KEW-434-48018, T-16722)
General / Miscellaneous
- CBS 7900 cannot import SSL cert with "Incomplete certificate chain" message (ref: FOY-428-18414, T-16045)
- OBMv62700 to CBS7900 returning error "o1 is not an instance of String" (ref: MXA-662-70032, T-16207)
- CBS 7922 move user option causes data to be deleted with error (ref: SGF-497-31618, T-16426)
- CBS upgraded from OBS 6.27 (Windows), Windows Event Log enabled but Event Log Name blank (ref: VZR-343-79486, T-16582)
- CBSv7.9.2.13 Subadmin user logon to CBS Dashboard > Storage, returning error status code : 500 (ref: FBS-960-76429, XUA-887-77238, DFC-968-85195, T-16650)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- CBS 7920 rundirect is not enabled for backup with predefined destination using Default Values (ref: AIU-543-24365, T-16341)
- CBS 7922 subadmin can create ACB/OBM accounts more than the assigned ACB/OBM licenses (ref: MEB-488-57848, T-16604)
- Sub-admin (A) is able to view the predefined destination which is owned by other sub-admin (B) in Group Policy (ref: HPP-180-75196, T-16719)
- Cannot set default encryption for Cloud File & Office 365 backup sets on CBS console when [Default Values] > [Encryption Settings] is not default (ref: T-16771)
- CBS 7922 Backup failed when replication is enabled (ref: ZTW-544-95298, EIB-547-97192, YBB-647-11043, WKI-450-73089, LLA-950-49758, T-16513)
Reporting / Email report
- Fail to filter backup jobs using "This month" in [Monitoring] > [Backup / Restore Logs] > [Backup Jobs] (ref: T-16919)
- Return error "[DateFormat.parse] sLanguage is not supported." when sending consolidated report (ref: T-17024)
- Backup to Amazon S3 shows completed in OBM backup log while CBS console shows "Backup not yet finished" (ref: AVI-200-57381, T-16113)
- CBS Korean language "User setting updated" emails show the word "Ashay" in email content (ref: HXJ-778-15967, T-16249)
- CBS7922 Backup Report Predefined Destination "Storage" Type cannot be hidden/modify (ref: IWS-156-54532, T-16792)
Restore / Decrypt
- OBM7922 Restore failure when User Storage Quota Exceeded - [Exception][ObsManager.logStartRestore]Failed to log start restore, Http code: 507 (ref: CZJ-194-15547, T-16820)
System maintenance
- CBS 7900 fails to upload digital cert for email with "DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=127, too big" error (ref: PNI-288-49521, T-15999)
- CBS 7922 shows http 500 when opening "Backup / Restore" > "Basic" page on new browser (ref: HYI-905-65540, T-16588)
- CBS 7926 users.xml is corrupted with the symbol "|" (ref: KAK-298-45655, T-16631)
User experiences
- CBSv7 Korean Translation incorrect (ref: AFV-503-73264, T-16464)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS