AhsayCBS v7.5.0.0 Release Notes (07-Dec-2015)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- (Key Feature) Support a new set of API in JSON format
- Allow to set IP restrictions by API (in JSON) (ref: IXQ-862706, T-3684)
- Allow to set alias to be empty by API (in JSON) (ref: CIZ-871572, T-3695)
- Included deleted backup set in the result of [ListBackupJobs - CDP only] (in JSON) (ref: T-6536)
Backup Destination
- Add supported region for Amazon S3 (ref: T-12578)
- (Key Feature) Simplify the preparation process of AhsayOBM/ACB installer with customized content. Partners can now prepare customized content and build customized installer directly on AhsayCBS instead of Ahsay Customization Portal. The building time of customized installer is much shortened.
- Support migration from previous version of AhsayOBS
- Support auto-update for multi brand at the same time by "include/exclude-users" in index.xml (ref: FME-540-33228, HNH-322-70715, T-10392)
- Support exporting/importing selective users' setting from AhsayCBS (ref: T-11985)
- Support moving users from one disk partition to another partition within the same AhsayCBS (ref: T-11987)
- Auto upgrade function is enabled in AhsayCBS by default while auto upgrade setting for all users is disabled by default. Auto upgrade setting for users can be set by "Users, Group & Policies" > "Backup User" list (ref: T-12354)
External applications / systems
- Support TLS 1.2 with SSL handling (ref: GGQ-625-40628, T-9454)
File backup
- Enable "Run Retention Policy after backup" by default for newly created backupset (ref: T-11951)
General / Miscellaneous
- Trial users should be removed according to "Remove User xx days after registration" setting, regardless "Enable Free Trial Registration" is enabled or not (ref: VJT-320495, T-6645)
- Remote monitoring with mobile support (by browser) (ref: T-10219)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- (Key Feature) Support system user / resellers (ref: T-10881)
- Resellers can define his hostname for his AhsayCBS for his users
- Resellers can define his own "Custom Destinations" for his users
- Resellers can have his own branded client software (AhsayOBM / ACB)
- Resellers can view his users' live backup status in User Status
- Resellers can view his Cloud Storage Usage in System Status > Cloud Storage Usage
- Resellers can view / edit / delete his Users, User Groups, Policies
- Resellers can receive notification broadcasted by AhsayCBS Owner
- AhsayCBS reflect his own branding
- Option to restrict sub-admin's ability to configure user home/bandwidth setting (ref: T-5902)
- Allow Admin role system users to control the license/disk space used by Sub-Admin (ref: MHN-747-10836, ZYM-211-75224, T-9507)
- Allow Sub-admin can create 'Admin' system account from the AhsayCBS console (ref: VQT-990-61573, T-10012)
- Change ownership is replaced by delegation to another sub-admin (ref: PEB-239-93481, ZOZ-631-57036, ROX-653-28257, YCR-294-23090, ZQP-347-47003, KKR-543-45678, GNL-300-29152, DRH-865-71106, SJC-441-28698, SRS-218-45724, THR-680-96923, QWM-493-49970, CRA-458-67515, CVL-687-12407, ANM-254-79045, BGB-273-47904, VOJ-966-98638, RGS-886-98129, XUN-957-52317, RZE-600-31092, BDL-455-94832, GES-546-90042, DYL-648-17056, JKJ-741-85402, TBZ-588-42178, T-10881)
- Provide warning when user set multiple user homes replicating to the same Replication stores (ref: UUU-799095, T-2322)
- Not allow the same home directory to be specified on more then one reciever (ref: T-3014)
Reporting / Email report
- Include "Uncompressed Size" in usage report (ref: EQV-310-34298, T-10329)
- Add link to PDF report under [Monitoring] > [Backup/Restore Logs] > [Backup Jobs]/[Restore Jobs] (ref: PJJ-137-63851, T-12052)
System maintenance
- Support retrieval of system logs/files from web interface (ref: T-10891)
User experiences
- Support 20 languages
- Allow customized value for 'Bandwidth' setting from the [User Profile] page (ref: JSG-443-41477, SFD-179-71121, T-10014)
- Show Logs/Reports under Monitoring page in reverse chronological order (ref: T-10837)
- Turn Off form auto-completion on AhsayCBSS logon page (ref: KJI-175-23923, T-11097)
- Add registration date and expiry date in trial user list (ref: JCH-587-23396, T-11796)
Bug Fixes
- ListBackupJobStatus API indicates backupjob still running even job is dead (in JSON) (ref: ABU-329043, T-6754)
Backup Destination
- Predefined Destination could be removed from AhsayCBS even when it is set as destination for replication (ref: T-11913)
- [Refresh] button should not exist in Standard Destination Pool which contains "OneDrive/Dropbox/Google Drive" (ref: T-11844)
- Local Destination with empty path could be added in a Predefined Destination Pool (ref: T-11845)
- "Project" for OpenStack standard destination does not show properly in Backupset > Destination overview page (ref: T-11961)
- "Region" for Rackspace standard destination does not show properly in Backupset > Destination overview page (ref: T-11961)
- Unable to add Predefined Destination and Destination Pool with MS OneDrive for Business into Policy Group (ref: T-12602)
- System Home is still in old path after upgrading AhsayRDR with migration of old settings enabled (ref: T-5670) - DPL
File backup
- AhsayCBS shows incorrect Backup Status values under User Status page (ref: T-10812)
- AhsayCBS v7.3.2.0 reports high number of "[UpdateProgress] Null" errors while running backups (backup is successful) (ref: PJA-877-38281, T-12336)
General / Miscellaneous
- Multiple backup sets with the same name can be created (ref: T-6769)
- Newly added user with same user name but different capitalization is hidden on AhsayCBS web console (ref: XVE-775373, T-7110)
- Cannot create / edit user if "Suspend At" setting is enabled (ref: T-10831)
- When logon AhsayOBM/ACB, it should redirect to the encryption page for entering encryption keys for new backupsets created on AhsayCBS (ref: T-10835)
- AhsayCBS > Backup User > Settings > Windows event log > Log option, "Restore" option can't be saved (ref: T-11193)
- No validation for adding/editing SMTP Server (ref: T-11239)
- "Invalid tolerance period" checking logic still applies when "Reminder" option is disabled (ref: T-11799)
- Checking logic for duplicated destinations within the same backup set is missing (ref: T-11820)
- Sometimes HTTP 500 error returns after AhsayCBS web console timeout on popup pages (ref: T-11858)
- The certificate trusting logic for Predefined FTP (with SSL) and SFTP destination does not handle wrong logon credentials properly (ref: T-11916)
- For backupsets which are not configured for encryption settings yet, AhsayCBS shows that the encryption settings already setup (ref: T-11930)
- Trigger [Refresh] in AhsayCBS for destination in Predefined Destination Pool causes AhsayOBM/ACB not able to connect to the destination (ref: T-11948)
- NullPointerException when deleting user without an account folder in AhsayCBS v7.3.0.0 (ref: GTM-930-92854, T-12523)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- When creating VMware backup set, [Port] doesn't follow default backup setting after change [Product] (ref: T-6387)
- Unable to add pattern for CDP exclude filter in AhsayCBS [Group Policy] (ref: T-11400)
- Missing checking logic for "Allowed IP" in [Default Values] and [Preempted Values] (ref: T-11416)
- Preempted backupset Advanced Retention Policy page not always show up properly (ref: T-11417)
- For VMware vCenter preempted backupset, after changing "Auto enable Changed Block Tracking (CBT)" option on AhsayCBS, old option is still shown on AhsayOBM (ref: T-11452)
- It is allowed to define an empty backup destination list in Group Policy [User Settings] (ref: T-11517)
- Missing or incorrect schedule options for Default or Preempted value/backupset for various backupset types (ref: T-11569)
- Unable to configure "Stop until full backup completed" option for backup schedules in group policy (ref: T-11741)
- Backupsets created in AhsayCBS not get default value for "Follow Link", "VSS" & "File Permissions" properly (ref: T-11746)
- [User Settings] > [Encryption Key] policy control is not shown in [Effective Policy] (ref: T-11754)
- Failed to handle OS specific entries under [Default Values] for Default policy (ref: T-11782)
- Version specific Default Values and Preempted Values not shown in AhsayCBS [Effective Policy] page (ref: T-11965)
- Encryption Key can be left empty in AhsayCBS [Default Values] and [Preempted Backup Set] (ref: T-12010)
License / Billing module
- AhsayOBM quota used by MS Exchange DAG is not counted correctly for AhsayRDR license (ref: T-7990)
- "Used" and "Available" number of backup servers are not shown correctly under License > Redirector (ref: T-11762)
- Performance issues with large number of users like more than 1000 users (ref: T-11756)
- Incorrect error message when setting invalid hostname/port number under Redirector configuration page (ref: T-11761)
- No progress bar shown in Replication Status for user with login names containing dot (ref: T-11195)
- Invalid path is accepted for Receiver's System Home and Replication Home (ref: T-11208)
- "Use Proxy" checkbox for Replication setting does not work (ref: T-11258)
- The Traffic Limit Setting in Replication Receiver could not restrict the transfer speed (ref: T-11505)
- No validation for Replication receiver's Restore Point Interval (ref: T-11511)
- Replication finished but Receiver Status never reaches 100% (ref: T-11748)
- No message show up in AhsayCBS console and Replication Log when failed to access Microsoft Azure (ref: T-11760)
- Duplicate RPS destination can be added in AhsayCBS [Predefined Destination] (ref: T-11770)
- Duplicated custom folder created for each user after restart replication with new folder name for Google Drive destination (ref: T-11841)
- AhsayCBS can't detect removed/corrupted replicated data on Google Drive (ref: T-11847)
- "Encryption Keys" rgz file in AhsayCBS user home "settings" folder are not replicated (ref: T-11857)
- Replication to MS Azure fails if replication folder or user name contains space (ref: T-11934)
- Replication fail to MS Azure if Replication Folder or User Name contains space (ref: T-11934)
- System Home folder is not replicated (ref: T-12059)
- It may replicate files twice or more when encountered error during replication with AhsayCBS v7.3.2.0 (ref: NPV-395-80301, T-12528)
Reporting / Email report
- Missing destination names for destinations other than AhsayCBS in User report page (ref: T-10810)
- Backup status on the Backup Report Summary page shows "OK(no files backed up)" for CDP backup with files uploaded (ref: T-10814)
- Wrong compression ratio shown in Backup Report (ref: T-11714)
- Wrong information for CDP backupset is shown on Monitoring > Backup/Restore Log > Backup Jobs page (ref: T-11821)
- Wrong information for "Missed Backup" Filter is shown on Monitoring > Backup Jobs page (ref: T-11833)
- "Restore Job Summary" table on the restore report in PDF should show compressed size instead of the total size of the restored files (ref: T-11943)
User experiences
- New backupset created in AhsayCBS with encryption set to disabled, encryption is shown as enabled in AhsayCBS and AhsayOBM/ACB (ref: T-10836)
- Fail to delete multiple users at the same time under Backup User list (ref: T-11006)
- Press "Enter" (Keyboard key) sometimes trigger unexpected tabs to open (ref: T-11386)
- Add new user wizard in AhsayCBS not re-start from the first page if it is previously terminate in the middle (ref: T-11485)
- Disable "CDP/Backup Schedule/Reminder" settings in AhsayCBS does not take effect in AhsayOBM/ACB (ref: T-11486)
- Custom retention period cannot be set in the advanced retention policy (ref: LAW-995-80892, T-12103)
- The first [Save] action in AhsayCBS login session unable to save changes in backup set/user profile (ref: T-12134)
- AhsayCBS display issues for IE (ref: T-11294, T-11499)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS