AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v7.11.0.4 Release Notes (10-Apr-2017)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Application specific backup
- Optimize the performance in listing folders in Office 365 Exchange Online (ref: T-16154)
- Enhance the speed of logging in and listing user mailboxes in Office 365 Exchange Online (ref: T-16407)
- Support ESXi v6 Update 2 without handshake problem (ref: T-13633)
- Support VMware vCenter Server / ESXi 6.5 (ref: BOL-823-91790, DXI-331-97677, CWO-242-91664, SCA-352-85000, T-15609)
- Support backup of VM on Windows 2016 with Hyper-V (ref: NAO-463-10454, HYZ-434-11451, T-13162)
- Support restoring Hyper-V VMs to another Hyper-V server or Hyper-V Cluster environment (ref: T-16061)
- Support backup of VM with Hyper-V Server 2016 Failover cluster (VHD Set .VHDS) (ref: T-16140)
- Support restoring VM to raw files in VMDK format (ref: T-16627)
- Add an option to allow using osql for MSSQL backup (ref: YKC-546-15202, ZCP-120-59390, ONZ-195-59431, TGT-984-18582, T-14006)
- Support Office 365 Exchange Online mailbox backup for single personal user account on AhsayACB per backup set (ref: T-16546)
Backup Destination
- Update Aliyun Bucket Regions (ref: T-16725)
- Zhangjiakou [oss-cn-zhangjiakou]
- US Virginia [oss-us-east-1]
- Asia Pacific (Sydney) [oss-ap-southeast-2]
- Asia Pacific (Japan) [oss-ap-northeast-1]
- EU (Frankfurt) [oss-eu-central-1]
- Middle East (Dubai) [oss-me-east-1]
- Update Amazon AWS S3 regions (ref: UGM-586-52631, ESR-427-81681, T-16549)
- Asia Pacific (Mumbai) [ap-south-1]
- Canada (Central) [ca-central-1]
- EU (London) [eu-west-2]
- US East (Ohio) [us-east-2]
- Update OEM cert for building OBC and CBS installers (ref: GXM-473-25889, T-16654)
- Avoid breaking the apt-get upgrade process of Linux when installing OBM v7 (ref: PSQ-461-15101, T-16673)
File backup
- Allow Unix/Linux device nodes to be backed up and restored properly (ref: FHH-412966, T-3069)
- OBM supports backup of a mount point file (ref: T-14202)
- Catch Java exceptions when running RunBackupSet.sh with a non-supported / non-existent backup set (ref: T-2904)
- Add an option "bUploadFullIfGenDeltaFailed" to In-file Delta settings in user profile (ref: CID-132-39364, PXQ-233-55332, T-16912)
General / Miscellaneous
- Support ListBackupJob script (ref: AUD-482-70525, T-14206)
- Support Italian (ref: ANN-419-81285, VNI-793-56112, T-16677)
- Support Italian (ref: ANN-419-81285, VNI-793-56112, T-16815)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Separate the policy in [GUI Settings] for adding and deleting backup set (ref: T-16639)
- Create two new policies "Add Contact" and "Remove Contact" in [GUI Settings] > "Contact Settings" for adding and deleting contact (ref: T-16640)
- Support showing/hiding the "Help" page for backup user (ref: T-16641)
- Support showing/hiding "Destination" and "Encryption" in new backup set wizard (ref: T-16642)
Reporting / Email report
- Remove actual predefined cloud destination (e.g. Amazon s3) in backup report (ref: T-16834)
User experiences
- Add an option to allow using login password as the encrypting key (ref: YKC-546-15202, LXG-629-47519, KCM-172-50254, KIV-602-81070, TCH-155-99277, T-14005)
- Enlarge the field for entering backup server address on OBM interface (ref: DAX-317-80914, T-15780)
- Support using login password as the backup set encryption key (Synology) (ref: T-16231)
Bug Fixes
Application specific backup
- Error with Office365 backup if the name of backup source that contain the character "\" (ref: T-15800)
- CBS 7920 office365 run on server backup is very slow (ref: UTR-618-99634, T-16401)
- OBM 62700 MSSQL backup cannot be completed after running post-command periodically (ref: HMM-560-40228, T-16395)
- OBM 7720 cannot restore Hyper-V guest to another Windows Hyper-V 2008 R2 SP1 host (ref: T-14379)
- In-File delta VMware backup to Local and/or CBS RunDirect DISABLED destinations in v7910 OBM, "IOException" error shown in backup log (ref: T-15179)
- Office 365 backup large mailbox failed with "[OutOfMemoryError] GC overhead limit exceeded" (ref: T-16363)
- OBM 7922 Exchange 2007 mail-level backupset could not show the mailboxes in the backup source (ref: ZFZ-482-37982, T-16903)
- OBM 7922 MySQL backupset error mysqldump: unknown option '--events' on Linux after OBM upgrade from (ref: ORG-265-88242, T-16872)
- OBM crashed with "Java(TM) Platform SE binary has stopped working" during VMware backup (ref: GFF-438-98156, T-16084)
- OBM 7920 Exchange backup fails with Error="[d] [ChunkedOutputStream.FlushData.execute] Failed to flush buffer (ref: MZV-895-10903, ETD-805-25695, T-16489)
- CBS dest name and icon on OBCv7 do not align with the CBS dest name and icon on CBSv7 (ref: LDB-641-32288, T-13641)
- CBS dest name and icon on OBCv7 do not align with the CBS dest name and icon on CBSv7 (ref: T-16238)
- Missing OBC icon in launchpad when both OBM & ACB are installed on OS X (ref: T-15002)
- AUA upgrade from v7.9.0.0 to v7.9.1.0, fails to reinstall the NFS service & NFS folders removed in v7.9.0.0 (ref: T-14946)
File backup
- OBM hangs at the stage "Saving encrypted backup file index to .../blocks at destination" when backing up to FTP (ref: XWM-591-26703, T-16311)
General / Miscellaneous
- Missing prompt for taking ownership of backup set when switching schedule backup in v7.9.1.0 OBM (ref: T-15045)
- OBM v7.9.1.2 DIC logs "null null null" error with current index is removed and last backup job index is empty (CBS as backup destination) (ref: T-16272)
- OBM v7.9.2.0 Run DIC on local dest backup set with empty current index and temp index deleted will fail to delete old set of index files (ref: T-16300)
- Wrong spelling for error message of Windows System Backup backup set (ref: T-16615)
- "Encryption Key Reminder" is shown after the Windows Auth page when Schedule is ENABLED for Wins Junction Points backup set (ref: T-16767)
- Title of [Settings] missing on OBC GUI in Catalan (ca) language (ref: T-16472)
Reporting / Email report
- Cannot display usage in Report section (ref: T-16055)
- CBS Backup / Restore Logs > Activities Log shows "FileServiceError" errors while the backup job is working fine (ref: HJT-787-30939, T-16225)
Restore / Decrypt
- Restore from S3 with "Failed to list bucket" error (ref: T-16168)
- OBM Decrypt Files Wizard got errors on decrypting the data (ref: JZG-987-15925, T-16576)
- Restore vCenter-v6 Datastore/Hosts and Clusters to Original location is failed when the default Alarm in vCenter is long in length (ref: T-14601)
- OBM 7900 VMware RunDirect Restore successfully but the restored VM is corrupted and not usable (ref: QRK-613-70490, CEY-683-78045, T-16332)
- OBM 7922 restore.bat prompts for overwriting exiting file even with SET REPLACE_EXISTING_FILE="--all" (ref: LUJ-855-65666, T-16420)
Software Update
- CBS 7926 cannot auto update some clients on 7900 (OBC on Windows Server 2016) (ref: LEY-567-55561, T-16682)
System maintenance
- CBS 7926 users.xml is corrupted with the symbol "|" (ref: KAK-298-45655, T-16605)
User experiences
- OBM v7.7.2.0 does not check the server for updates when clicking on 'Backup Set' on UI (ref: T-14271)
- Uninstall OBM on Hyper-V Core has "The program can't start because MAPI32.dll is missing from your computer" error prompted (ref: T-14635)
- OBM takes a long verifying time to load Office 365 backup settings (ref: T-16262)
- OBM 7922 could not create backupset for Amazon S3 Standard Destination with bucket name specified on Linux CLI mode (ref: QBM-579-30046, T-16462)
- OBM 7922 Amazon S3 Keys being Displayed on the error message when adding the Predefined Destination twice (ref: XQP-489-78301, T-16518)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS