AhsayCBS v7.17.0.30 Release Notes (24-Sep-2018)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Application specific backup
- Office 365 Exchange backup performance tuning (ref: XKA-505-12590, PPB-581-61654, T-20768)
- Office 365 Exchange backup source listing performance tuning (ref: T-16274)
- Add restore filter for Office 365 Exchange Run on Server backup set (ref: T-19869)
- Improve Backup Performance on CBS Run On Server Backup Set (Office 365 & Cloud Backup) with Windows Defender ON (ref: T-21774)
Backup Destination
- Support of new Aliyun Bucket Regions - China North 5 (Huhehaote), Asia Pacific SE 3 (Kuala Lumpur), Asia Pacific SE 5 (Jakarta), Asia Pacific SOU 1 (Mumbai) (ref: LJR-148-61911, T-21596, T-19746, T-21047)
- Support new Amazon S3 Regions - EU (Paris) (ref: T-19913)
- Add checking to only allow single layer with 64x64 pixels for toast.ico (ref: T-21160)
- Support customized OBC installer on QNAP NAS (ref: T-21627)
- Use the customized Synology images for QNAP when upgrading from pre-v7.17 (ref: T-21829)
General / Miscellaneous
- Support of QNAP Module (ref: T-21628)
- Support CA DigiCert Global Root G2 cert (ref: IEY-325-28755, XGG-728-22174, QVX-327-27408, T-21632)
- Multi-Domain (SAN) Certificates (ref: MNZ-669-87181, CCO-917-34745, T-19704)
- Better tool tip text shown to explain "User Group" during Add New User wizard in CBS (ref: T-17710)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Add the destination table when creating sub-admin (ref: T-21250)
- Progressive Data Integrity Check run automatically before the backup operation (ref: T-21745)
License / Billing module
- Redirect to [Dashboard] > [To Dos] when CBS is stopped by license issue (ref: T-17508)
Operating systems
- Support of FreeBSD 10.4, 11.1 and 11.2 (ref: T-18929, T-21738)
- Support of Ubuntu 18.04LTS (ref: T-21364)
Reporting / Email report
- Enhance Daily User Report / Consolidated Report for Administrator to make it more informative (ref: T-21388)
System maintenance
- CBS performance tuning for get / set user profile and getEffective for policy (ref: T-21490)
User experiences
- Add the download link of backup report to [Dashboard] > [To Dos] > [Failed Backups] (ref: T-18114)
- Display the date last uploaded for CBS Auto Save (ref: T-20323)
Bug Fixes
- RunBackup.do JSON API cannot cancel Pending Backup (ref: PAY-223-97070, T-21701)
- AddUser.do JSON API cannot set "HostQuotaEnabled" and "HostQuota" for ACB users (ref: T-15460)
- Cannot edit any user setting with UpdateUserProfile.do / UpdateUser.do API for user with Exchange DAG server backup set (ref: HGK-596-78433, T-21962)
- Host Quota Settings not applied when adding ACB user with v2 AddUser.do API (ref: WMH-645-71640, T-22015)
Application specific backup
- Unable to handle '\' and '/' characters in Cloud Files Backup of Google Drive (ref: EAR-468-30240, BFA-204-98726, DEE-376-35601, T-21656)
- Unable to list Google Cloud Storage source files under folder name with space when create cloud file backup set via CBS/OBM (ref: T-20729)
- Fails to backup to Azure through Proxy (ref: DQP-199-95631, T-20877)
- Cloud File Backup cannot list FTP files and directories (ref: WEQ-686-74107, JEO-113-88484, T-21034)
- Public folder content is not shown in Office365 backupset (ref: VJZ-865-43484, T-21107)
- Unable to restore Cloud File Backup to alternative SFTP location with "socket is not established" error (ref: PVY-106-98577, T-21620)
- Unable to list mails of Office 365 Exchange Online Backup Set on CBS web console if folder contains mail WITHOUT sender (ref: T-21884)
- Change to show display path (decoded path) for Google Drive Cloud File Backup with the path contains "/" (ref: EAR-468-30240, T-21735)
Backup Destination
- Backup upload to MS Azure blob storage is being timed out on customers with slow internet lines (ref: VAQ-359-80177, JPH-105-78694, NOJ-520-91751, OMP-528-22469, NCH-442-56786, T-21959)
File backup
- Fail to run file backup with storage quota exceeded (ref: SOC-370-31603, T-20979)
General / Miscellaneous
- users data will be deleted unexpectedly while performing two "move user home" actions simultaneously (ref: UWD-528-34171, T-21316)
- OBM/ACB is not able to perform schedule backup after the password is changed (ref: T-21352)
- "Client host quota exceed" error occurred even if client host quota is still sufficient (ref: NDQ-755-44173, GLO-858-97443, PCU-361-30771, YAF-698-50378, TMR-501-99550, T-21448)
- Unable to restrict user from adding new backup set / backup user when CBS has no client license available (ref: OYA-642-66138, WQS-468-14836, RRB-540-46507, FHJ-627-28466, T-21597)
- Invalid owner field in users.xml when created backup set by OBM v6 (ref: T-19667)
- Some help pages on CBS [Backup / Restore] > [Basic] is redirected to WRONG help page due to addition of the [Quota] Help page (ref: T-21813)
- Mis-alignment between CBS and OBM restore to alternate location UI causing users are able to use invalid path/filename (ref: T-14681)
- Cannot remove backup source/deselected source of backup sets on CBS (ref: MDX-945-47607, T-22056)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Do not show any user group from [User Profile] > [User Group] after clicking the "+" icon (ref: T-21223)
- After upgrading CBS from to v7.15.6.55 existing user cannot create backup sets on OBM when non-existing predefined destination is found (ref: KLN-106-25504, T-21713)
- Cannot enable [Shared Quota] and [User Quota] policy settings after upgrading AhsayCBS to v7.15.6.38 or above (ref: HFP-781-49039, T-21766)
- Cannot alter retention policy settings due to shared flag by backupset -> retention, and policy -> retention (ref: AME-259-67934, T-21655)
- Unable to edit preempted values in policy page after viewed the preempted values in backup set of backup user (ref: T-21967)
- Redirector Host kept loading when saving changes, encounter "errMsg = Read timed out" error (ref: QOE-772-64284, T-21435)
Reporting / Email report
- Hebrew backup report shows the backup data path in wrong text direction (ref: WIP-133-72653, JOY-890-64267, KZB-218-67538, T-21503)
- Live Activities page does not show the predefined destination icon but can be shown on the Backup Status page (ref: VVF-816-88071, T-21744)
- Simple retention is shown in backup log when Advanced type of Retention policy enabled backup job is set and active (ref: T-21730)
- Daily User Report e-mail messages not being generated to user and CBS admin randomly (ref: LAP-481-77822, TCS-318-18712, GTR-492-89341, T-21907)
- Backup/Restore report filter by user does not work for subadmin owned users (ref: ROB-959-58037, T-21699)
- On-the-server O365 backup sends a backup report when backup not yet finished, no update in Live Activities (ref: WJF-951-13401, QGP-303-58290, T-21729)
System maintenance
- CBS suddenly re-add users as new users and remove the data of the existing backupsets, causing re-uploading of all data (ref: AVG-110-93322, OHI-960-67409, DPC-335-49596, T-21951)
- Unable to restore v6 files even no v7 backup job has been run before (ref: T-21954)
- CBS reset backupset name to the previous one and remove the v7 data completely after upgrade and reboot (ref: AVG-110-93322, OHI-960-67409, DPC-335-49596, T-21971)
- Incorrect Spanish Translation (ref: JAF-978-55812, T-21507)
- Branded OBM cannot show accentuated French characters properly for Terms of use (ref: LKX-163-97576, T-21526)
- Backupset Data Migration - appears hung and with lots of "Skip migrating invalid file" messages (ref: QAA-793-91540, ZFT-517-74729, QIK-106-71714, ZBJ-658-33622, MNN-368-53902, SOG-279-17333, XDQ-586-22453, JVH-717-94462, XDL-338-66777, XCF-667-58248, XAK-884-29962, GCS-357-84595, WIJ-311-17463, JQT-610-58913, EOK-109-98879, TSS-498-12266, T-21691)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS