AhsayCBS v8.3.4.42 Release Notes (03-Aug-2020)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- AddSysUser & UpdateSysUser - Support of hashed user password when adding or editing system users (ref: T-27235)
- New APIs - ListRestoreJobs & ListRestoreJobStatus for listing restore job(s) of a specific user (ref: DBN-652-15819, DKL-724-63396, XPL-364-31995, T-23634)
- Better error message for API response "Message": "[Error] Parameter SysUser is null!" incorrect for syntax errors (ref: T-25923)
Backup Destination
- Support of Amazon S3 Regions - Africa (Cape Town) & Europe (Milan) on CBS (ref: T-27301)
- Support of Wasabi Region - EU Central 1 (Amsterdam) on CBS (ref: T-27305)
- Support of Aliyun Region - 华南 2 (oss-cn-heyuan) on CBS (ref: T-27303)
- Support of Google Cloud Storage regional location on CBS to specific location instead of using multi-regional type (ref: T-24161)
Application specific backup - Cloud File
- Accept folder name with "\" on Cloud file backup (ref: T-27312)
Application specific backup - Office365
- Performance Enhancement - Support the use of Microsoft's ChangeKey API (Graph) to enhance listing for Incremental Backup Jobs (ref: T-27176)
- Provide schedule options to run "Data Synchronization Check" (ref: T-27242)
File Backup
- Support Periodic Schedule Backup for all Backupset types (CBS) (ref: T-25881)
Group feature / Reseller panel
- Able to restrict sub-admin to access Free Trial Registration (ref: NHZ-435-43969, T-20414)
Operating systems
- Support of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (ref: T-27299)
- Allow change of number of Replication concurrent Backupsets up in CBS UI (ref: T-26718)
- Update Apache Commons BeanUtils to 1.9.4 (ref: T-25334)
System maintenance
- Password complexity requirements for Admin/Sub-Admin accounts (ref: T-23733)
- Performance Enhancement - Create a Separate Process to run the backup job for Run on Server backup (ref: USJ-279-11538, T-26857)
- Performance Enhancement - Speed up the start-up time of CBS Services which contain 600+ users (ref: CNW-631-89274, T-25463)
- Performance Enhancement - Speed up the start-up time of CBS Services when the same server is set as both AhsayRDR Host and client (ref: T-26200)
- Support TLSv1.2 Protocol for SMTP Server
User Experiences
- Speed up the User Listing in Users, Groups & Policies (ref: T-25902)
- Modification on UI for replication configuration in [Sending Data] (ref: T-23988)
- Modification on UI for replication configuration in [Accepting Data] (ref: T-23989)
- Improve presentation of username filter in AhsayCBS > Monitoring > [Administration Logs] > [Audit Trails] (ref: T-23739)
Bug Fixes
- BackupJobMode in ListBackupJobMode.do , response "M" but job is Scheduled (S) (ref: T-26598)
- GetLicense.do JSON API returns wrong values for "MaxUsers" and "EnableReplication" (ref: T-15394)
- Value of parameter "ClientVersion", "AllHostClientVersion" and "Version7Checked" are reset unexpectedly after calling v6 API "UpdateBackupSet.do" (ref: T-20538)
- Unable to call v2 AddSchedule, v2 UpdateSchedule, v2 GetBackupSet, v2 UpdateBackupSet, ListRestoreJobs, ListRestoreJobStatus (ref: T-27561)
- Align AddUser to UpdateUserProfile API to prompt error for negative quota value (ref: T-22248)
- Log user group changes for user when updated via API (ref: T-24703)
- UpdateConfig.do , able to input "AdminContacts" without bracket [ ], response is Status OK , but does not update changes (ref: T-25922)
- GetBackupJobProgress.do API always returns {"Status":"OK"} even when DestinationID or BackupJobID does not exist (ref: T-27258)
- When call AuthUser.do with incorrect "Password" , incorrect error message with extra string is returned (ref: T-27267)
- Backupset created by AddBackupSet API missing default Temporary directory (ref: FTP-486-65465, T-25484)
- UpdateReplicationConfig.do, passing in fake username, will result in response Status OK (ref: T-26628)
- Modify empty schedule ID and name in user profile during migration from OBSR v6 (ref: T-16143)
Backup Destination
- Cannot refresh Openstack token when Run on Server Backupset running (ref: WPL-102-52637, T-26007)
- Cloud File Backup - Folder names contains "\" in Wasabi could not be listed properly in Backup Source Tree & cause Backup job failure (ref: T-25105)
- When expand folder with ';' in wasabi source tree, it does not expand properly & when backup it causes folder looping and stackoverflow (ref: T-25608)
General / Miscellaneous
- Web Console enable schedule with invalid Computer Name and owner "-" will prompt message "The Backupset ... is owned by "null"" in OBC (ref: T-20242)
- When create Backupset, no "duplicated CBS destination error" returned when trying to add Standard & Predefined CBS destination together (ref: T-23003)
- CBS Web Console UI breaks on Microsoft Edge (ref: T-21203)
- CBS Web Console will be stuck in loading status when Stay button is clicked on Cancel warning prompt when using Microsoft Edge (ref: T-21245)
- Unable to set User Home, System Home and Replication Folder to path containing "Space character" in CBS web console (ref: T-17295)
- All "Default Values" sliders reset to DISABLED if CBS admin click [OK] button in a fast pace (ref: T-11742)
- Allow the creation of new admin users even if "Re-type Password" field is empty (ref: T-14184)
- Missing several choices of filter type under [Administration Logs > Audit Trails] (ref: T-20471)
- After login to a CBS which without valid license, page is not redirected to "ShowSystem.do" page. (ref: T-25399)
- Fix typo "Unlimit", change to "Unlimited" on CBS Console > [Backup User] > [User Profile] > [Backup Client Settings] > Quota (ref: T-25919)
- Cannot select France country code (+33) in Multi-Factor Authentication (Twilio on CBS Server) (ref: OCY-330-53109, T-26498)
- ProfileServiceError "[ProfileService.doGetProfile] [RuntimeException] Key already exists" during user login (ref: T-24627)
- Duplicated Backupset found in users.xml (ref: LIL-478-79652, T-25234)
- Chrome (Browser) cannot access to Subadmin Profile in CBS > Administrative Access occasionally (ref: UGF-213-57954, T-25619)
- Modifying CBS "Host Name" kicksoff Rebuild Client, but attempts to build for all Admin accounts (ref: CTU-982-62622, T-25473)
Restore / Decrypt
- Fail to restore O365 SharePoint with "Reason = "Save Conflict" (ref: ZRP-722-58230, T-26937)
- Restore OneDrive Cloud File Backup to CBS gets stuck when processing delta merge of a specific file (ref: RFE-480-11959, T-27096)
Application specific backup - Office365
- O365 Run on Server Backupset, Insufficient disk space available for temporary directory .... Required free space at least: 100MB (ref: CLW-450-90439, T-26616)
- O365 login failed due to "incorrect" credential error while MFA & Security Defaults disabled & correct credential provided (ref: GDR-667-48249, T-27086)
- O365 sharepoint backup gets stuck for many hours for "refresh digest" (ref: NMJ-274-27762, T-27183)
- O365 backup OneNote file in OneDrive cannot be backed up with error " SharePointManager is NULL" (ref: JBP-994-18556, T-27365)
- When perform Run on Server jobs, some jobs failed randomly due to Java crash (ref: T-27400)
- O365 client backup has missing site in source list, CBS shows incorrect O365 credentials prompt when trying to modify Backupset settings (ref: SXB-356-83784, T-26214)
- O365 China cannot list emails/files from source with sufficient permission granted (ref: QSK-139-92765, T-26484)
- After backup SharePoint site with delta TWICE, restore error "Fail to restore "Office 365/Site " is hit (ref: T-26640)
- "NullPointerException" Error when performing Incremental Backup with Source Changes (ref: T-27556)
- When Office 365 backup job is performed to Local and S3, hit error StringIndexOutOfBoundsException & crashes on S3 (ref: T-26904)
- When Site Collection URL contains special character, it cannot be listed on Source Tree (ref: T-26154)
Group feature / Reseller panel
- Trial period fixed to 30 days (ref: RIZ-965-78206, RXY-619-25482, T-26548)
- When create MSSQL Backupsets, Backupset schedule = OFF, while it is ON in Default User Policy (ref: OEE-999-23522, T-25721)
- Incorrect online help page for "Free Trial Registration" when login with sub-admin account in CBS Sub Admin console (ref: T-21093)
- Upon saving Sub-Admin accounts having excess license on System Settings> Basic > Administrative Access page, no warning message is prompted (ref: T-23846)
- Connection to CBS is still tested when disabling a server in Redirector host (ref: XMF-118-64380, T-27297)
- Fresh installed CBS has RDR configuration by default wrongly set to ENABLED (ref: T-19081)
- When Replication enabled, OBM Backup Failed to run space freeing up of destination ... http code: 500, java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed ReplicableManager.addMovedPath() (ref: MTJ-323-19072, NFA-355-81479, YWC-347-99702, T-25641)
- ReplicateFile, repeats "Delete" and "Replicating" for Backupset logs, which already existed on Receiver (or PreDefined) (ref: T-26624)
- v7 CBS failed to replicate any data backup with v6 OBM after user home is moved (ref: T-20340)
Reporting / Email report
- No PDF backup reports generated and no Email reports received after CBS upgrade (ref: OQK-191-33529, T-27649)
- "[ReportGenerator.generatePdfBackupReport] Client log is not found..." kept logged on CBS after Backupset is DELETED before PDF generation (ref: T-20185)
- Support generating correct sub-admin protocol-port pairing in hyperlinks in Emails (ref: ZJW-609-35697, T-22940)
- When missing backup in one of the scheduled hosts, backup report is "Missed Backup" instead of "Missed Schedule host" in Hyper-V & Exchange DAG Backup (ref: T-23116)
- CBS backup reports not being sent quarter hourly and customers get many reports at once (ref: TZR-822-69984, WIP-316-52618, T-25286)
- After backup job done, backup client log shows backup successful although backup PDF show Error and Activities log show quota exceed (ref: T-24738)
System maintenance
- Unable to view files of Symbolic Link Folder on CBS > File Explorer and SystemError (Too many levels of symbolic links) logged (ref: T-26141)
- License check flip flop between Local IP addresses of multiple connectors causing license error (ref: NGU-838-28723, T-26771)
- CBS server was extremely slow with high CPU usage (ref: EKF-908-20964, ENP-749-58667, JXS-164-71591, XBZ-194-17497, T-25709)
- access.log is now in "xxx_access_.YYYY-MM-DD.log" instead of "xxx_access_YYYY-MM-DD.log" (ref: T-22995)
- Security Patch, CVE-2020-1938 (ref: QLK-600-73720, T-26699)
- When viewing copyright message, year indicated is incorrect (ref: T-27586)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS