AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v8.3.0.30 Release Notes (14-Oct-2019)
This release contains the major features listed below:
General / Miscellaneous
- Support OBM on FreeBSD 11.3 (ref: T-24648)
- Add checking of VMware Tools version to 10.3.5 to avoid App crash with Java 1.8 (ref: T-23194)
- Retry Logic, supporting resumable uploading/downloading files between CBS and OBC (ref: T-23292)
- CBS, OBC - Cleanup unnecessary job block folders for ADVANCED retention policy (ref: T-23724)
- Implement a tool for brief scan which backup set contain two or more migrate v6 CSV files (ref: T-23778)
Restore / Decrypt
- Performance tuning of delta merging speed during restoration (ref: T-19046)
Application specific backup - Hyper-V
- Enhance to create minimal size delta file by using CBT for the Hyper-V VM (ref: T-23595)
Application specific backup - MS SQL Server
- Find if there is another value (e.g. LSN - Last sequence number) as indicator to check if full backup required for MSSQL (ref: T-22867)
Application specific backup - Office365
- Support Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365 mailbox backup (ref: KXG-650-60164, QWP-215-85771, T-23446)
- OBM, Office 365 - Support restore checked out/ checked in file to OneDrive and Document Library when require check out setting is enabled (ref: T-24396)
- Support to create a site collection for Office 365 SharePoint Online (ref: T-24531)
Application specific backup - VMware
- Support VMware ESXi (RunDirect to different file system of datastore) (ref: KJC-822-28797, T-22177)
Backup Destination
- Support Backblaze B2 cloud storage (ref: AEA-600-60938, JTW-830-35386, MME-211-10211, ZIA-412-17637, T-15329)
- Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) (ref: T-23315)
- Support of Amazon S3 Region - EU (Stockholm) region (OBC) (ref: T-23053)
- Support Aliyun Bucket Region - London 英国(伦敦)(oss-eu-west-1) (OBC) (ref: T-23055)
- Set the checksum (sHexOfSHA256Hash) when calling getOutputStream to OBS Destination (ref: T-25233)
- Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (OBM NAS) (ref: T-25052)
- Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (ref: T-24962)
- Support wasabi cloud storage for destination and Cloud File backup source (ref: T-24706)
- Add show / hide “Save password” option by “custom.xml” (ref: KLI-185-16882, MRM-860-55762, NFS-750-95830, T-21732)
File backup
- Create a new backup job end status “BS_STOP_BY_MODULE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED” for the module quota exceeded (ref: T-24457)
- CBS, OBM - Enhance information in the delete message when running retention policy / space freeing up and remove files out of retention (ref: T-25192)
Group policy / Reseller panel
- Request to have “New Backup Set Wizard - OpenDirect” & “New Backup Set Wizard - Granular Restore” options in CBS Group Policy [GUI Settings] (ref: T-24016)
Operating Systems
- Support OBM on FreeBSD 12 (ref: T-22889)
- Support OBM on Ubuntu 19.04 (ref: T-23712)
- Support OBM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (ref: T-23917)
Reporting / Email report
- Show the error message when log end backup / upload failed and retry log end backup request (ref: WFC-145-69808, T-22162)
- Request not to show those obsolete retention policy log entries on the backup report (ref: ALO-141-51990, EXO-901-86833, IJI-295-21483, JUW-841-90334, KNH-301-11392, LZW-845-23463, NRK-425-89204, NVV-492-56763, TNR-925-84199, VIL-361-49573, WDS-128-57604, ZHO-875-43565, T-19145)
Synology / QNAP OBM
- Support of QNAP NAS TS-251+ (ref: AQI-509-66105, CGD-819-83238, T-23948)
- Upload correct computerInfo of NAS (Synology and QTS) when logging start backup to server (ref: T-24456)
- Support of QNAP NAS TS-253A (ref: PVT-769-90382, T-24417)
- Build OpenJDK JRE 1.8 for QNAP with CPU armv7 32bit (hard-float) model (ref: TBB-234-87893, T-23447)
- Support of QNAP TS-1079 PRO (ref: YWM-117-55087, T-22918)
- Add show / hide “Save password” option by “custom.xml” (NAS) (ref: T-23802)
System maintenance
- Remove outdated index files to save disk space (ref: ITC-524-59602, YBL-652-52553, YNU-649-79505, T-21024)
- Mark an indication to the destinations for the backup files (ref: T-22311)
- Translation of 8.3 new properties (ref: T-24851)
User experiences
- Cleanup unnecessary job block folders if no actionable data remains in the blocks data folder (ref: COT-132-85200, GVV-913-67241, IKA-369-34782, JVH-645-79771, TOW-823-61625, YNU-649-79505, T-21145)
- OBM Support 2-factor authentication login (ref: T-22803)
- OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (OBC UI) (ref: MZM-160-37445, T-21295)
- Suppress log4j message when running OBC batch files (ref: NFO-705-40615, OZW-482-66400, PXZ-557-90014, VMM-247-33047, ZOD-690-36876, T-22988)
- OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (NAS) (ref: T-23371)
- OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (CLI) (ref: T-23379)
- Add empty checking of host and password for VMware settings when creating backup set (ref: T-23730)
- OBM v7.12.2.2 the systemtray notification message for backup job status is not aligned with message on the UI or backup report (ref: T-24505)
- Enhance the usability of backup set listing page with sorting (ref: T-24453)
Bug Fixes
General / Miscellaneous
- OBM UI & Service could not be started “Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly” after upgraded to v8.1.0.50, causes backup not working (ref: EMR-841-70016, VRX-394-40311, T-23449)
- “[ProgressInfoList.remove] Cannot find the element..” is found in CBS Activities logs whenever there is a backup or restore job (ref: T-21508)
- OBM - Align add and update user contact logic on OBM with CBS (ref: T-22783)
- Change user settings on OBM which without latest user info will cause newer backup sets being removed (ref: HPR-450-86346, T-24921)
- OBM will not update the backup status of previous backup job if the previous job do not have terminated properly (ref: ADP-490-27615, T-24005)
Restore / Decrypt
- OBM, VMware - When perform VMware Run Direct restore on ESXi Ubuntu VM, warning is hit (ref: T-24391)
- OBM - Fail to perform manual migrate of VMware and Hyper-V backup set with no response when clicking “Manage Run Direct Virtual Machines” (ref: T-24854)
- Unable to restore folders with trailing space backed up by Windows (ref: JCK-261-28694, T-24901)
- OBM could not restore data from backed up mailboxes (Exchange mailbox backupset) (ref: KYA-485-82086, T-24320)
- Slow Restoration Speed. “Unexpected IOException, error=[ObsManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file.” (ref: XZS-821-95913, T-24452)
- Fail to restore data from file backup set and OBM client application is keep to return the message as Encryption key is incorrect (ref: OIA-708-83464, T-23695)
Application specific backup - Hyper-V
- OBM, Hyper-V - After removing the original VM from the Hyper-V Manager, restore completed with error [GetVirtualHardDiskSettingData] (ref: T-23836)
- OBM, Hyper-V - When backup .vhdx files with Non-English characters (e.g Korean), backup error Reason = “Disk … does not exist” is logged (ref: T-23817)
- OBM, Hyper-V - When restore VM with .iso attached, restore error “Reason = “Failed to import a virtual machine from a file….” is hit (ref: T-23820)
- OBM, Hyper-V - When “Host Component” is selected and restore to original location, ”[NullPointerException] null“ error is logged (ref: T-23821)
- OBM, Hyper-V - When run direct restore job failed with error, the next restore job will hit “Another job is still running. Restore stopped.” (ref: T-23822)
- OBM, Hyper-V - Unable to create Hyper-V backup set with “Access is denied” error pop up (ref: T-24224)
- OBM, Hyper-V Cluster, MSExchange DAG - Backup job hits “Virtual machine / Database does not exist” warning after upgraded from v8.1 to v8.2.4.0 (ref: T-25070)
Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail
- OBM Exchange MailLevel Backup error = Target is not a file, sParent=Indbakke, sName… (ref: XEI-817-36874, T-24107)
- Fail to run Exchange Mail Level Backup with warning “E-mail Account Not Available” (ref: XNU-699-59723, T-23407)
- Fail to run Exchange Mail Level backup with “Insufficient permissions to the mailbox ERROR=MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER” error (ref: SXG-424-12444, T-22342)
Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server
- Unable to perform Exchange Log backup in Mounted Volume with “\\?\Volume{4b488f8b-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\ is not directory” error (ref: ZML-344-90349, T-23503)
- In Exchange DAG mail level backup sets, mails are backed up in multiple DAG nodes even database is activated in 1 node only (ref: WIZ-571-53117, T-23889)
- OBM, Exchange DAG, HyperV Cluster - Show empty restore tree for v6 Exchange Server DAG and Hyper-V Cluster backup sets after stage 1 is completed (ref: T-25160)
Application specific backup - Office365
- Office 365 backup error ”[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/xxx@yyy.com' does not exist“ (ref: BYQ-468-42829, T-24408)
- OBC O365 SharePoint Backup cannot backup emoji and get error … Cannot open file “xxx.eml”. 500 Internal Server Error (ref: KCT-270-62506, T-24406)
- OBM, Office 365 - When restore from Chinese version Outlook to English version Outlook, new folder is created for Inbox (ref: T-24394)
- OBM, Office 365 - When restoring OneDrive data to Windows local computer, Missing Raw Files error for .ldi file shows in restore logs (ref: T-24103)
Application specific backup - Others
- Unable to perform Windows System Backup when Temporary Directory is set to a password protected network drive (ref: YLC-579-13529, T-23517)
- OBM v7.17.0.50 Oracle 11g database backup on Windows 2012 R2 completes with error “Unknown backup SPFile exception” (ref: QEW-278-25146, T-24086)
Application specific backup - VMware
- OBM, VMware - Fail to run direct restore VMware ESXi backup set with Error=[BackupSet.getBackupSeparator] Unclassified backup set type (ref: T-24911)
Auto Update Agent
- OBM - Fail to AUA from v6.29 to v8.2.2.0 with Error=org/sqlite/SQLiteException (ref: T-24801)
- OBM - Fail to AUA from v6.29 to v8.3 in Linux OBM with Error=org/apache/http/params/HttpParams in aua.log (ref: T-25181)
- OBM Crashing after AUA from to Error = “Cannot Find Class” (ref: WFN-584-67047, T-23587)
Backup Destination
- OBM Backup to Standard Destination “OneDrive for Business” returned with error “The request has been throttled” (ref: SNX-936-30733, T-24514)
- OBM file backup to Google Cloud Storage “Failed to access destination “Google Cloud Storage USA”. Reason=“javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException” (ref: IUR-104-75839, T-24423)
- OBM Free Trial user creation GUI cannot switch to another language (ref: LYU-599-57336, T-24091)
- Some OBC Spanish Translation (ref: MOG-197-37025, T-24092)
File backup
- OBM - When performing backup / applying filter on hard drive, “Backup source/Filter top directory…does not exist” warning is displayed (ref: T-25042)
- When restore 2nd backup job performed in v6 OBM, ”[CloudFileSystem.getInputStream] Failed to obtain InputStream for path” error is logged (ref: T-24778)
- OBM file backup crashes and generates large size .mdmp files in the bin folder causing the system drive C: become out of space (ref: NRU-747-54701, T-24763)
- CBS, OBM - When running retention policy, unnecessary job block folders with no bak files are not removed (ref: T-24845)
- OBM Mac backup Error=“java.io.IOException: Cannot get extended attribute of path…Unknown Error(ErrorCode:1) at com.ahsay.ani.util.MacUtil…” (ref: WHD-487-86585, T-24484)
- Add a warning message if user tried to exit in DIC test mode result page (ref: ULC-850-96444, T-24262)
- Backup job is completed successfully even the local predefined destination does not exist (ref: AQY-461-60457, T-22111)
- Backups fail and caused index issues, some files not restorable since upgrading to v8.1.0.50 on OSX 10.13.4 (ref: OUZ-521-60946, PDN-224-10230, T-23588)
- Mac OS X OBM File backup Throwable=[Bptree.KeyRangeIterator.hasNext] Error=[ABlock.parse] Cannot parse file error cannot be fixed by DIC (ref: URC-602-87364, T-23556)
Group policy / Reseller panel
- CBS, ACP - Unable to build CBS installer with no files found for Tomcat error in build log (ref: T-24812)
- Group policy preempted file backup set fails to backup from ${mac.x} sources (ref: MXN-437-34308, T-23291)
Operating Systems
- Scheduled backup cannot be run when windows username is in Korean (ref: AAC-305-71260, T-23957)
- OBM v7.17.2.2 on CentOS 7.5 GUI (GNOME) Korean Language not displayed properly (ref: T-24748)
- OBM - Unable to run backupset in FreeBSD 32bit, ”[SQLException] Error opening connection, database path: …“ occurred (ref: T-25147)
Reporting / Email report
- CBS does not flag backup jobs as failed for Office 365 backup set after password changes (ref: IOB-282-83739, QND-349-82235, T-23380)
- OBM - When performing file backup, Error “Failed to synchronize log files to servernull” is logged in .obm\log\System (ref: T-25057)
Synology / QNAP OBM
- Synology backup error [d] [c.S3AWS4Manager.bucketExists] Give up retry, retried 29 time(s). Error: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe (ref: LFR-879-26410, T-23760)
- OBM Scheduler on QNAP NAS is disabled but the scheduled backup job still runs (ref: WKI-861-65978, T-23761)
- Cannot install OBM on QNAP TS-231P (32bit ARM CPU) by returning “Error 6: Unexpected Error” (ref: NMO-171-19765, PHX-294-77009, T-23554)
- Cannot install OBM on DS114 (DSM 6.2.1) with error “The JVM provided is invalid, please verify.” (ref: FSR-132-49898, T-23602)
- OBM could not create backupset on QNAP NAS and showed a blank blue box (ref: GAS-921-74202, ZFR-501-61901, T-24567)
- OBM, Synology - When backup folder source on Synology DS715, OBM WuiService stopped (ref: T-24943)
- OBM, NAS - When save changes of browser type related destination (e.g. Google Drive) in NAS, unable to save with loading screen or error message (ref: T-25188)
System maintenance
- OBM - After backup user changed password and not yet logged in GUI, scheduled v8.3 migration job failed with Incorrect Password warning (ref: T-25189)
- OBC Spanish translation request (ref: IWP-518-66092, T-24529)
- Dutch translation issue on terms “Last” (ref: GPX-370-69228, T-24150)
- OBM missing French translation on some parts during backup set creation (ref: PNJ-911-98507, T-19579)
- CBS / OBM German Translation is missing on some places and some spelling mistakes is found (ref: WRQ-730-72227, T-19621)
User experiences
- OBM v7.17.2.2 when the login credentials for Windows User Authentication are incorrect the error message is duplicated (ref: T-24496)
- OBM - When click Previous button on the “Restore items from Users/Site Collections” page at Decrypt for Office 365 backupset, error was prompted (ref: T-25007)
- OBM v7.17.2.2 Incorrect Korean Translation (ref: T-25008)
- OBM v7.17.2.2 change the OBM/ACB login error messages to improve security (ref: T-25150)
- Backup End Status in UI and SystemTray one do NOT match for Korean (ref: T-23729)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS