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AhsayCBS v7.9.0.0 Release Notes (27-Sep-2016)

This release contains the major features listed below:



  • CBS v7.7.2.0 JSON API can update the "ApplicationSettings" by "" (ref: TCH-155-99277, T-13994)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 JSON API can update the "LanPassword" by "" (ref: TCH-155-99277, T-13997)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 JSON API able to set the Encryption Key by "" (ref: TCH-155-99277, T-13998)
  • Update the password of Office365 a/c by using API "UpdateBackupSet" (ref: T-14544)
  • Update the password of FTP / SFTP a/c by using API "UpdateBackupSet" of cloud file backup set (ref: T-14545)

Application specific backup

  • Support of backup/restore of cloud (e.g. OneDrive, DropBox) files to/from CBS (ref: EDW-939-28206, T-13741)
  • Support task for Office365 Exchange mail level backup (ref: T-13785)

General / Miscellaneous

  • Modify the unsafe character to "?" when parsing users.xml (ref: DAX-672-43373, JSK-296-66863, VUS-391-73748, QGB-713-65787, DHH-181-63734, FXP-315-82371, XBH-670-28491, CRI-467-69601, IAM-921-70388, T-13885)

License / Billing module

  • License module for Mobile (ref: T-12141)
  • Upload replication meter usage for each user instead of total count to ALS (ref: T-13489)
  • Support "ACB Replication" module (ref: T-13730)
  • Upload meter usage for "ACB Replication module" (ref: T-13731)
  • License module for Office365 Exchange mail level (ref: T-13786)
  • Update v6 excel version billing module work with v7 (ref: DNF-831-10762, F-14625, T-14324)

Reporting / Email report

  • Able to change the date format for reporting in OBC interface (ref: XTE-840-96014, T-13516)
  • Enhancements for consolidated report (ref: IFM-702-47200, T-13723)
  • CBSv7 Option to customize the threshold value of the "Low Disk Space Alert" report (ref: WCC-115-92241, YXW-552-33171, MKU-798-15771, VYD-259-73158, KXF-203-78297, DFN-660-33423, KMU-343-52407, OXL-408-76321, RDA-968-32350, DJU-365-98886, DOI-305-34549, MKW-594-68663, BMS-526-17090, QBM-997-48629, UDT-496-59814, GVJ-950-54262, T-12858)
  • CBSv7 Option to select specific backup report type to be sent (ref: GTC-660-48796, BXG-308-76108, MOJ-777-37692, SBJ-116-75156, TOZ-712-62087, MNT-247-11649, OMC-218-23109, FAU-857-81115, PIN-108-99018, ZVG-835-49795, WVB-291-71324, WYH-855-25675, T-12859)
  • Request for centralize user quota usage page in CBS v7 (ref: RQG-376-60573, KHH-524-80484, GKW-239-49626, XUV-894-23015, GHT-966-84205, NMD-409-75467, AID-547-25130, CTI-355-61222, ARJ-778-30946, KIF-399-40524, CQO-961-18810, VMX-416-76922, ZZY-532-67194, WVJ-426-80934, EIR-618-19983, FMU-625-73369, T-13103)
  • Add the ability to view "User Summary" statistics table that was in OBS v6 back into CBS v7 (ref: CXA-742-61726, T-14382)

Restore / Decrypt

  • RunDirect of ESX guest VMs off CBS (ref: T-13737)

System maintenance

  • CBS v7.7.2.0 does not remove backup data from S3 after the user is being removed from CBS server (ref: CNL-617-92902, T-13990)
  • Backup all config files locally for extra protection (ref: T-13769)
  • Zip all context log files that are older than 24 hours (ref: T-14431)

User experiences

  • Show the OBM version of each user in the [Manage user] panel (ref: YXJ-230159, DPZ-324-78140, YZY-273-58238, T-3623)
  • Support user web console login on AhsayCBS 7 (ref: F-14446, IWZ-305-21623, MKM-741-74575, CCX-417-10104, OYH-396-82959, IAF-765-45882, YHI-490-26694, WPE-284-86849, VMX-416-76922, OUJ-498-44580, MUI-900-62372, HVH-738-93072, DFL-824-69218, T-12800)
  • Show all clients' statistic on OBS v7 web console (ref: WGX-204-58830, CQO-961-18810, OUJ-498-44580, PGZ-446-21002, ZLB-464-64227, ANW-478-24226, MTB-491-91654, MRJ-449-38408, T-13378)

Bug Fixes


  • API (v6) cannot enable ExchangeMailbox add-on module on CBS v7.7 (ref: GIH-370-39241, T-13935)
  • API (v6) cannot enable ExchangeMailbox add-on module on CBS v7.7 (ref: GIH-370-39241, T-13936)
  • CBS 7.7 Invalid Value of "AcbClientEnabled" is Returned from API (ref: FXW-306-79809, T-13944)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 API gets error {"Status":"Error","Message":"Invalid id in com.ahsay.afc.cpf.UserGroup ... Exception"} (ref: VRP-125-27862, HAN-389-86543, T-13975)
  • JSON API CBS Should return error if destination id is wrong (ref: CDQ-959-56109, T-14089)
  • CBSv7 API missing for defining "Client Host Limit" (ref: HVQ-645-96190, T-14145)
  • CBS 7720 fails to run API with IP not permitted on other machine even with the IP allowed (ref: CDQ-959-56109, T-14178)
  • CBS JSON API Cannot Set ClientType: ACB and LotusNotesBackupEnabled: true at the same time (ref: MCJ-601-68369, T-14222)
  • Unable to Login OBC after using "" to update the LanPassword (ref: T-14226)
  • CBS Incorrect Values Returned from JSON API for ("NumOfNewFiles") & ("NumOfNewLinkDirCount") (ref: CDQ-959-56109, T-13978)
  • Unable to update contact information using (JSON) for OBSv7 (ref: T-11035)
  • CBS RPS API is NOT Remotely Accessible With Default IP Restriction Settings (ref: T-13989)
  • OBM User is not able to decrypt a DEFAULT encrypted backupset that is added by using (JSON API) (ref: T-14220)

Backup Destination

  • CBS 7720 cannot not add Onedrive for Business as predefined destination fails the [NullPointerExeption] null error (ref: YMQ-316-28023, VZC-813-88138, T-13996)


  • CBS 7.7 message for "Please upload file with extension '.png'" is unclear (ref: RDH-907-76535, T-13879)
  • CBS 7.7 Report logo is blurry in PDF backup report (ref: TIU-480-77023, T-13931)
  • CBS v7720 does not have error shown for Branding which contains image of incorrect size (ref: AUN-971-73494, T-13999)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 Navigating to using a PC with a foreign sys language displays random character (ref: VDH-446-43551, T-14065)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 Branded Mac Installer Background image shifted (ref: SGF-515-22446, T-14278)
  • Custom OBM 7720 does not show language list from login screen when it builds with hided backup server URL (ref: DSB-525-21408, T-14291)
  • CBS 7720 builds OBM installer with Ahsay digit cert bundled even with the Digital Signature disabled (ref: WQS-948-37230, T-14292)
  • CBS v7720 Hebrew language is not showing at all on the web console (ref: FAE-548-65168, T-14359)
  • CBSv7 Ahsay Customization portal build failure (ref: FNI-984-28212, SGF-515-22446, T-14229)
  • CBS 77226 unable to build installers with custom SHA384 digital signature (ref: HEO-267-46264, T-14512)
  • Incorrect version of OBM icon in CBS rebrand client page for NIX and Synology OBM (ref: T-13167)


  • CBS 7.7 unable to add the same port for Connector using different IP (ref: SYD-437-42810, T-13926)
  • CBS 7.7 Login Page shows "E430 - XML parse failure. Please contact your system administrator" (ref: XJO-158-95347, DMT-413-11975, HPX-329-51188, FFZ-309-43351, OGG-266-35676, T-13948)
  • The CBS installer falsely shows the language options when selecting language for installation (ref: T-14639)

File backup

  • Unable to login to OBM, error: Character Reference "&# (ref: RML-629-52264, WDU-958-81869, IHD-456-27175, T-14276)
  • OBM v7.7 existing backup Filter being removed by adding a new backup Filter (ref: HXC-737-12256, T-13955)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS v7.7 large size console_<%Date%>.log file created (ref: BHX-781-75867, SSH-386-66874, AQN-766-40286, XUX-993-60959, SIL-642-95116, ERV-396-60011, EZV-779-59303, SRA-541-19532, T-14085)
  • AhsayUBS v7.7 Java process crash daily at 00:00 (ref: NPB-636-51135, T-14087)
  • OBM is hanged on running data integrity check with CRC (ref: HOU-314-33313, T-14550)
  • cbs_context_yyyy-mm-dd.log grows to be very large (ref: MFN-487-33301, T-14565)
  • CBS corrupt RDR.xml cause logging issues (ref: HWN-375-45165, T-14626)

Group Policy / Reseller Panel

  • [DefaultBackupSets.getEffectiveSettings] Policy list cannot be null on OBCv7.7 (ref: IRS-929-85669, T-13833)
  • CBS 7720 subadmin can assign policy to "All Users" group which will overwrite the default policy (ref: ALC-559-55111, T-14115)
  • CBS has no handling on export user while backup is running (ref: T-13244)

License / Billing module

  • CBS 7.7 cannot assign Hyper-V Guest quota even with enough quota (ref: LLE-362-69566, T-13905)
  • CBS resets assigned OBM license for subadmin after CBS service restart (ref: TWR-164-44649, T-13973)


  • CBS is crashed with a java crash log by running replication (ref: OQE-776-73623, NZX-238-78467, T-13985)
  • CBS cannot save replication settings under [Replication] > [Sending Data] "Failed to mkdirs" error is prompted (ref: CQD-224-41212, IHG-817-24904, VXN-871-78344, T-13986)
  • Getting the error "[Resync] Top dir:D:\ahsay\ardejo, backup set: 1450953004384, null" when replicating the data to Dropbox (ref: MDQ-435-84493, T-14460)
  • CBS 7720 replication to Amazon S3 is failed with the "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Connection pool shut down" error (ref: MNR-688-55592, T-14474)
  • CBS 77226 is still replicating data to predefined destination even with the replication disabled (ref: OET-777-33828, T-14489)

Reporting / Email report

  • CBS 7.7 no information is displayed in Dashboard if the rdr.xml is corrupted (ref: CBR-216-86094, BZZ-535-16215, ZWX-346-45197, JQU-583-31562, IXY-878-22960, SLH-249-29592, T-13941)
  • CBS 7.7 Email Report Contains Unconverted Tag %COMPANY_NAME_SHORT% (ref: SSV-894-70126, ZDH-318-47047, T-13958)
  • CBS German language email backup report contains encoded characters (& gt;) (ref: CPN-423-79771, T-14012)
  • CBS v7724 shows Odd characters on the Activities section of the Daily User report (ref: QID-195-42656, T-14095)
  • CBS no live activitives to show after upgrading v7720 (ref: ZIA-352-15275, T-14097)
  • CBS "Updated settings" e-mail sent right after creating a new user even when no settings has been changed (ref: NPB-955-18737, T-14315)
  • CBS & Missed backupset to a pre-defined destination will cause CBS to report the destination as [Removed Destination] (ref: FJG-890-59284, UII-724-17928, TWM-575-58272, FMW-744-18977, T-14323)
  • CBSv7700 gets the "Unmatched braces in the pattern.Unmatched braces in the pattern" message in the "To Dos > Email Errors" (ref: VTT-907-51590, T-14337)
  • CBS v7720 Daily User report does not show the backup jobs of an user (ref: UEM-197-19151, T-14198)
  • CBS 7720 User Daily Report does not have all PDF reports included in attached zip for completed backup jobs (ref: LKV-940-84284, DDR-792-59936, T-14360)
  • CBS reporting missed & successful backups job for same day on account using pre-define destination (ref: FJG-890-59284, IZF-234-78757, T-14558)

Restore / Decrypt

  • ACB "Unable to obtain DownloadInputStream from OBS. sStatus=01" error when trying to restore old files from CBS (ref: GIY-456-67325, T-14279)

System maintenance

  • CBS 7720 deletes users by removing user home under [Backup/Restore] > [Basic] (ref: JGU-944-92748, T-14108)
  • CBS v7.7.2.0 console frequently unresponsive (ref: OFM-376-78853, T-14137)
  • CBS 7720 keeps down after running for a period (ref: FQE-198-92528, T-14422)
  • CBS v7.7.2.24 crash with java crash log error - Problematic frame: C [tcnative-1.dll+0x7e63] (ref: TLW-650-83161, T-14439)
  • CBS 77229 is crashed with the Java crash log "C 0x00007ff8c0000120" (ref: PPR-503-64960, T-14547)

User experiences

  • CBS 7.7 Empty Usage CSV File can be Generated (ref: F-16182, T-13934)
  • CBS 7.7 cannot list user on CBS web console after selecting page 2 and then select OBM or ACB client type (ref: ZDX-998-79147, T-13943)
  • CBSv7.7.2.0 Retention Policy configuration for ACB Backupsets is not aligned on with ACB client UI (ref: WWW-472-65522, T-14374)
  • CBS 7.7 cannot display [S-T] users under "Users, Groups & Policies", "Backup Users" page (ref: SIH-246-57952, QMH-553-20480, ZAH-593-56850, T-13882)

Product Abbreviations:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayOBR - OBR
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayMobile - MOB
  • Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS