AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v7.15.0.8 Release Notes (06-Nov-2017)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Application specific backup
- Support of Exchange 2016 mail level backup (ref: HVE-290-39777, LSV-893-69231, SMW-559-59029, UUI-349-38116, PWE-973-91297, SHW-631-23142, XWB-433-15820, YSA-154-21039, KGB-235-92925, ZIF-923-25340, OUA-905-17840, KEC-905-98121, UTM-271-30146, ZFK-706-65996, IHS-977-15259, PKD-649-50934, T-12654)
- Improve backup speed by supporting Hyper-V CBT/RCT for all cloud destinations (including RunDirect non-supported destination) (ref: JWQ-516-83584, T-17205, T-17421)
- Support RCT for Hyper-V 2016 (ref: T-18206)
- Support Office 365 public folder backup (ref: T-19248)
- Improve handling for interrupting Office 365 Exchange Online backup job after pressed [X] button in UI (ref: T-19300)
- Improve memory management for Exchange2013 mail-level backup (ref: T-19003)
- Support customizing the color scheme for the AhsayACB/AhsayOBM client agents (ref: EFO-620-13268, OLU-371-53348, TDL-671-61239, KST-304-81978, TKA-952-16436, CAM-428-50746, RMQ-173-54043, SZV-460-56131, ZCF-585-40865, T-17759, T-18733)
- Support offline OBC installers (ref: EBZM-234-20797, SXP-483-82117, PWF-934-12517, T-17165, T-17185)
File backup
- Allow setting v7 Backup Schedule "Stop after XX hours" to more than 24 hours (ref: TIJ-949-77916, T-18151)
General / Miscellaneous
- Auto Update the Timezone information from the client OS when customer login OBM or performing backup (ref: VXN-660-74267, LUW-852-51325, T-16331, T-18292)
- Avoid re-uploading of files when index is corrupted because disk space of temporary directory is full and cannot be uploaded to CBS (ref: GJM-634-37820, T-17966)
- Rebuild v6 index before index migration (ref: T-18188)
Operating systems
- Support Ubuntu for OBM (ref: T-15218, T-18284)
User experiences
- Change description "Specify the location where you want to store the system backup" of Windows System and System State Backups (ref: IMD-369-89855, T-15361)
Bug Fixes
Application specific backup
- FTP cloud file backup is unable to view file under a directory containing space in name (ref: NIX-662-37422, T-18173)
- Office 365 backup looks hanged on one sending item (ref: GSS-922-47197, T-18750)
- Azure File Backup encounters "The type of a blob in the container is unrecognized by this version" error (ref: SWJ-303-60229, T-18950)
- [KB] OBM File Backup stuck during upload, no further update on log file is found (ref: HEP-948-49652, T-19267)
- Backup to Predefined S3 with error "Failed to upload cached index file...Failed to mirror directory..." (ref: ALH-211-40231, T-18987)
- Unable add OpenStack destination due to multiple region setting (ref: WSQ-386-42387, T-19086)
- VMware ESX 4.1 backup with snapshot is not removed from datastore when the log indicates snapshots is deleted (ref: T-18665)
- APPCRASH problem when performing Exchange Mail-Level backup (ref: ASH-700-83189, QXX-289-44268, T-18577)
- Error msg "[NullPointerException] null" shown when doing Exchange 2010 DB Backup (ref: AAF-465-59776, ZDJ-865-57417, T-18674)
- Multiple VMware ESXi 5.5 backupsets get "null" error during weekend backup jobs (ref: OPX-591-31212, T-18717)
- Lotus Domino backup gets error Database Fixup: Started: -J xxx.nsf (ref: SCA-762-40347, T-18772)
- Hyper-V 2012R2 backup fails with Reason = "Please check and fix the Virtual Machine configuration and perform backup again." (ref: ZVL-366-58240, MYH-454-16163, T-18857)
- Hyper-V 2016 restore from Google Cloud fails with "Snapshot chain is broken." error (ref: TDL-602-49839, T-19206)
- Office 365 Restore Interface Filter feature does not work (ref: GYB-754-76696, T-19212)
Backup Destination
- Backup to Dropbox with CBK v3.1 causes "too_many_write_operations/.." error (ref: MMM-384-73207, JFX-308-27467, T-18682)
- Backup to Google Drive with "User rate limit exceeded" error (ref: PRN-576-76843, T-17727)
- When Dropbox is selected as destination of a backup set, Exchange Database backup will completed with "too_many_write_operations" error (ref: UJS-788-40780, T-18653)
File backup
- OBM is not obeying the bandwidth control based on the time of day (i.e. it run at the bandwidth that it started with, but not varies across time) (ref: ESZ-167-18127, WBF-233-26658, T-15070, T-18354)
- Backup has no further update in log after running for a while (ref: T-18563)
- File backup Failed to delete '[BackupFile][ClientPath=...' because it is not empty. One of the existing files is '[BackupFile][ClientPath=...]' (ref: THK-156-87504, T-18087)
- File backup set backup job stops with Java crash (ref: WGJ-589-49178, T-18386)
- Unable to handle temp folder with Danish Character Ø (ref: LUV-847-17579, KGM-640-44077, T-18643)
- Initial local backup fails with "error=[RuntimeException] [SortedSetList.add] Cannot add obj ..." (ref: WQZ-881-57624, T-18678)
- v7 takes longer time than v6 for reading backup sources (ref: DKF-434-87776, T-18841)
General / Miscellaneous
- "Java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error" is shown when creating backupset (ref: WZT-567-39446, T-18023)
- Failed to delete backup data via OBM GUI by returning "Failed to Delete...because it is not empty" (ref: MMG-585-44864, T-18116)
- "[b] [CloudFileSystem.delete] Failed to delete ... because it is not empty. One of the existing files is ..." error message occurs in backup job (ref: ZLI-509-42735, T-18140)
- File backup encounters "Failed to run space free up of destination "Dansave CBS (1493116137356)"" error message (ref: NHP-594-39532, T-18270)
- Recurring Incorrect Statistics is reported in OBC Data Integrity Check every time (ref: KFW-216-59214, T-18755)
- Retention Policy does not work properly with duplicated log entries found for the Space Freeing Up Job (ref: YBE-742-60895, T-18930)
- Files bigger than 20 MB fails to be restored in the full size (ref: TYQ-457-36294, T-18984)
- Unable to install on Synology device when the system is using language as Italian. (ref: EMA-596-85844, T-19313)
- The branded OBM client application (Synology) will use the "" as default path of backup server. (ref: AKF-966-61578, T-18716)
- OBM Stops running schedule on Synology with no reason (ref: TGH-448-78241, NLJ-647-13449, T-18700)
- Cannot Start OBM services > Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly. (ref: UTW-540-17809, T-19114)
Reporting / Email report
- CBS DailyUserReport.html is found with FileServiceError without details (ref: RDK-535-89176, T-19269)
Software Update
- Improve handling for AUA when it failed to copy files (ref: BAA-482-72988, NJN-165-46776, T-18610)
- Auto Update doesn't work for v7 with proxy (ref: OOX-111-20488, T-18220)
- AUA upgrade failed on Solaris (ref: T-18976)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS