AhsayCBS v8.5.2.62 Release Notes (05-Jul-2021)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- New API "AddPolicyGroup.do" to create Policy Group (ref: GTT-396-28828, RBY-243-78768, SJN-124-10153, T-17161)
- New API "AddPolicyGroupToUserGroup.do" to assign Policy Group to User Group (ref: GTT-396-28828, RBY-243-78768, SJN-124-10153, T-17161)
- New API "AddPredefinedDestination.do" to create Predefined Destination (ref: SJN-124-10153, TGR-615-63221, T-17162)
- API Update "ListBackupSets.do" support to list all backupsets detail with single request (ref: T-30951)
- API Update "UpdateSysUser.do" support to update System User Status (ref: T-30635)
- Option to hide the "Free Trial Login" in Customization (ref: BEV-441-27838, WBU-952-12119, T-30848)
- Option to hide "Save Password" Option in Customization (ref: T-21733)
Operating systems
- Support CBS on Ubuntu 21.04 (ref: T-30760)
- Support CBS on FreeBSD 13 (ref: T-30762)
Reporting / Email Report
- When Backup & Restore PDF Report failed to deliver to recipient due to SMTP attachment size limitation, remove the attachment and deliver a Download Link in Email report (ref: QIZ-478-51245, T-30888)
- Hide Cloud Storage information (Cloud Provider name, part of access key and bucket name) for Predefined Destination in Backup Quota exceeded reminder (ref: FFG-917-89662, PVN-412-16263, T-16953)
Bug Fixes
Application specific backup - Office365
- Backup encountered error "File: %Backup_File_Path%\.bak" NOT Found (ref: WNN-742-41273, T-31081)
- Backup gets error "[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/xxx' does not exist" after changing email address (ref: VRY-889-36821, T-30811)
- Backup gets error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space + multiple "Connection pool shut down"" errors after upgraded to v8.5.2.33 (ref: CUS-872-42392, HPE-198-35665, PPG-879-38672, T-31013)
- Routine Job error "Failed to update refresh token of Office 365 Backup Source" is hit 90 days after the last successful scheduled job (ref: T-30280)
Group Feature / Reseller Panel
- With Policy Group disabled showing OpenDirect, OpenDirect still being shown when creating the backupset from the "Backup" button (ref: CYQ-221-12190, T-31060)
- Replication to Azure keep failing on the same files before getting it uploaded, massive amount of failure message logged (ref: FUA-672-31058, T-30459)
Reporting / Email report
- Backup runs in French shows "{0}" and "{1}" in the backup logs and backup reports (ref: SLP-544-50249, T-31095)
System maintenance
- Outdated System logs are not zipped and move to archive folder (ref: AKD-441-88356, T-31054)
- Tomcat issue caused CBS Server get 100% CPU usage (ref: T-30963, Upgrade Advisory)
- CBS shortcut on Windows Desktop cannot startup CBS Web Console on browser (ref: ZYK-732-36409, T-31073)
- RDR identifies server as a NAS and stopped server due to "RDR JVM Royalty module is not enabled. License Error." (ref: SQT-414-38425, T-31035)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS