AhsayCBS v7.7.0.0 Release Notes (10-May-2016)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- Support of Aliyun destination by JSON API (ref: T-12300)
Backup Destination
- No used/free quota displayed for Predefined Destination if the destination is cloud storage (ref: T-12867)
- Support backup and replication to Amazon Cloud Drive (ref: T-13369, T-13370)
- (Key Feature) Support building customized CBS installer (ref: XJX-321-90318, T-12771)
- (Key Feature) Support building customized UBS installer (ref: XJX-321-90318, T-12772)
- Support customization of terms of use for OBM/ACB installer (ref: PQB-922-30590, T-12838)
- Support customization of social media (ref: XJX-321-90318, RDS-339-92759, T-13085)
- Feature Change - Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v7 version branded CBS/OBM/ACB installer (ref: T-12806)
General / Miscellaneous
- Add checking of path existence when adding User Home Directory (ref: T-11253)
- Feature Change - Do not show user's hostname under the user profile page as it is not meaningful and cause confusion (ref: NJH-295-82421, T-13505)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- AhsayCBS should display "Read-Only" UI components according to preempted backup set policy (ref: T-11390)
- Add "Client type" in [Policy Group] > [GUI Settings] to indicate which settings are for AhsayOBM only and which for both AhsayOBM and AhsayACB (ref: T-11463)
- Feature Change - User under Sub Admin can login OBM either with Sub Amin's or Admin's hostname (ref: T-6667)
License / Billing module
- (Key Feature) Support controlling of the number of devices an AhsayOBM/ACB account is allowed to backup (ref: JSD-535-59016, QEU-632-23159, PJE-545-87097, LNC-847-41067, BOH-932-11191, AKK-943-19517, T-12747)
Operating systems
- Support using "IP" command to retrieve IP and Mac Address details on Linux (ref: ZCX-420-87405, T-10535)
- Maximum Traffic Limit must be at least 4Kb/s (ref: UPW-839293, T-5530)
- Replication performance enhancement with multi-threads support (ref: T-12796, T-12797)
Reporting / Email report
- Backup report shows the details of local copy (which is now local destination) (ref: NRC-664895, YZI-844147, JAS-310013, GEN-866420, FDF-884-61165, FNA-959369, IIS-288198, PBL-111-45612, QKH-141-57987, GIJ-402-68747, DZN-724-58906, JVD-672-92326, USJ-762-52590, NED-832-10222, MZM-446-58110, NOS-895-20298, T-2572)
- Show "Backup Error" on Backup Server > Monitoring page (ref: T-11831)
- Support customization for low disk space alert, low destination space reminder and consolidated report (ref: T-12703)
- Handling report email with large PDF files (ref: OWH-171-78511, T-13302)
- Change to generate compressed PDF report
- If it still exceeds mail size limit after compression, truncate the PDF report and include a link pointing to the full PDF report on AhsayCBS in email
- If the SMTP server replies with '5.2.3' for the truncated report, include the error message in error report
- Support languages other than English in all reports (ref: T-13566)
- Generate PDF report on-the-fly when requested by web access instead of saving the PDF report to save disk storage (ref: T-13702)
System maintenance
- (Key Feature) Support migration of v6 data to v7 data format. Note that once v6 data is migrated to v7 data format, there is no way to convert back to v6 data format (ref: T-13224)
User experiences
- Added the following languages support on AhsayCBS: (ref: T-12717)
- Catalan
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- French
- Greek Modern (partially ready)
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Support pre-v7 AhsayOBM/ACB in [Live Activities] -> [Backup/Restore Status] page (ref: T-12872)
Bug Fixes
- Various issues on Report API (JSON API) (ref: T-11217)
- Various issues on "GetSystemSetting.do" and "UpdateReplicationConfig.do" related to the parameter "TrafficLimits" (JSON API) (ref: T-11266)
- Various issues on "Filter & AllowedIP" API (JSON API) (ref: T-11230)
- Duplicated parameters with different names are included in GetBackupSet.do API (JSON API) (ref: T-12321)
- Encryption key and lanPassword are not encrypted when updated via UpdateBackupSet.do (JSON API) (ref: T-12732)
- Scheduled backup is enabled via UpdateBackupSet.do without setting the parameter "ComputerName" (JSON API) (ref: T-12733)
- "Invalid id" is displayed when calling GetUser.do and GetBackupSet.do (JSON API) (ref: RHO-797-44904, XLW-420-89377, RKK-794-64977, T-13107)
- "GetLicense.do" API returns incorrect quota results (JSON API) (ref: AJR-412-52781, T-13122)
- AddUser.do API returns OK even with invalid quota type (JSON API) (ref: NSJ-944-82045, T-13163)
- Cannot enable Windows SystemState module with UpdateUserProfile API (JSON API) (ref: NSJ-944-82045, T-13180)
- Duplicate objects for the same date is returned when calling GetUserStorageStat.do (JSON API) (ref: T-13197)
- Users are able to update empty password via UpdateUserProfile API (JSON API) (ref: T-13269)
- Unable to login after updating user profile without the password parameter with UpdateUserProfile APIs (JSON API) (ref: LSP-718-61927, T-13270)
- Cannot add predefined destinations with UpdateBackupSet.do (JSON API) (ref: T-13338)
- No checking for empty "LimitId" parameter with UpdateReplicationConfig.do (JSON API) (ref: T-13342)
- "GetReplicationMode.do" API fails to retrieve the replication status (JSON API) (ref: KBL-242-46897, T-13364)
- "GetLicense.do" XML API returns JSONObject[...] not found error (ref: KCF-380-85443, T-13402)
- "GetUser.do" XML API returns JSONObject[...] not found error (ref: KCF-380-85443, T-13412)
- Password is changed after UpdateUserProfile.do & ModifyUser.do XML API calls without pwd change request (ref: DBE-441-37124, KCF-380-85443, T-13614)
Application specific backup
- Empty dropdown box for [Delete archived logs...days] option in Oracle backup set created in AhsayCBS (ref: T-11430)
- In AhsayOBM, saving a VMware Player backupset which is created in AhsayCBS results in "Please enter the Port" error (ref: T-11446)
- Should not show "Remove temporary files after backup" option for Shadow Protect backup set (ref: T-12470)
- Loading backup reports of MS Exchange DAG and HyperV Cluster backupsets greatly affects the performance of AhsayCBS (ref: T-12680)
- Add VMware Workstation 12 to VMware Version dropdown list in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12943)
Backup Destination
- The checking logic for duplicated destination does not work for Amazon S3 with location set to US East (ref: T-11816)
- Previously backed up data become inaccessible if Standard Destination is converted into pool in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12138)
- "Failed to get the user profile from server." error is shown on the second Data Integrity Check job if Aliyun is added to the destination pool (ref: T-12185)
- For a backup set with CBS and other destinations, backing up to other destinations will create an extra backup folder in AhsayCBS (ref: T-13455)
- Duplicated %CBS_SHORT_NAME% custom properties are shown on CBS rebranding UI (ref: T-12519)
- Branded OBM/ACB shows language combobox even if "Show select language drop down list" is unselected (ref: T-12651)
- NullPointerException when uploading .ico file for custom OBM/ACB (ref: KJR-736-80946, SCT-980-99253, T-12754)
- Can't upload .PNG file with the extension in uppercase for customizing OBM/ACB (ref: KJR-736-80946, T-12755)
- Cannot show the correct AhsayOBM/ACB tag name for Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional) and Portuguese(Portugal) (ref: T-12795)
- MS Exchange DAG and MS HyperV Cluster backupset cannot be marked as migrated in AhsayCBS even the index has been migrated (ref: T-12901)
- Can't properly build signed OBM/ACB installer if both PFX and SPC certificate have been uploaded for digital signature (ref: T-12917)
- Branded OBM v7.5 Installer Setup Wizard Interface does not show the whole image (ref: YZO-955-87329, T-12933)
- Branding cannot upload icons for MAC OBM/ACB clients (ref: HPM-282-93650, DLE-754-56926, IWM-142-50268, T-13064)
- AhsayOBM/ACB scheduler service name is not showing branded name (ref: TBW-696-97383, T-13066)
- Mis-configuration on Branding setting results in 0 KB installer but still report successful build (ref: EHR-343-51838, T-13175)
- The background image "login_bg.png" does not show completely in the login page of branded AhsayOBM/ACB (ref: T-13331)
- Build process fails when use existing digicert password for 'SPC & PVK' with previously uploaded certificate (ref: T-13357)
- The backup and restore report does not show branded CBS destination logo (ref: T-13390)
- The product name of branded OBM display problem due to non-English characters (ref: XFY-910-61637, ROK-776-20165, PVP-633-87722, MAJ-536-93757, CRZ-861-74828, JFW-223-39377, T-13444)
- Editing custom properties clears all selected options in branding page > [Application Settings - OBM/ACB] (ref: T-13520)
- After upgrading to AhsayCBS v7, the port settings of AhsayRDR v6 is not migrated to AhsayCBS v7 (ref: T-12404)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS v6 to AhsayCBS v7, policy group with default backup sets disappeared (ref: T-12576)
- After upgrading to AhsayCBS v7, CDP backup type for non-File backupset types is empty in users.xml, resulting in CDP can't start up (ref: T-12723)
- After upgrading to AhsayCBS v7, the schedule type for non-File backupset types are set to "FILE", resulting in schedule backup can't start up (ref: T-12724)
- Missing log files when installing AhsayCBS v7 on Linux with CBS_HOME configured (ref: T-12727)
- AhsayCBS fails to start after upgraded to v7 due to system home path containing junction point which points to a network drive (ref: FKU-371-57934, T-13185)
- JavaScriptError on Branded AhsayOBM v7.5.0.8 on Mac OSX 10.10 (ref: VPN-979-68238, XKE-454-43245, WEB-555-21630, MLO-896-16901, T-13332)
- After migrating AhsayOBS from v6.27 to AhsayCBS v7, an extra folder "rps" is added under the v6 AhsayOBS' SYSTEM_HOME folder (ref: T-13405)
File backup
- When v6 AhsayOBM/ACB backup to v7 AhsayCBS, the statistics count shown in AhsayOBM/ACB summary page is doubled (ref: T-11102)
- Set AhsayOBM/ACB CDP "Only apply to files smaller than" option as "Unlimited" MB, AhsayCBS incorrectly interpret it as 0 MB (ref: T-11967)
- AhsayCBS crashed when the local user home drive run out of space (ref: NLI-746-12567, IQW-317-38946, T-12881)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS v6 to AhsayCBS v7, backup log shows that the local destination (which is migrated from AhsayOBM v6 local copy) has been removed (ref: T-13096)
- CDP backup occasionally encounters "ConcurrentModificationException" error (ref: T-13360)
- When there is backup error, backup job page has extra entry of "Removed Destination" & Backup not yet finished (ref: T-13677)
General / Miscellaneous
- Duplicate administrator contact can be added on System Panel > Email Server Settings page (ref: T-11240)
- Fail to add new user to the User Home Directory in network drive (ref: TYN-413-14893, T-11256)
- After performing "Export Users' Usage Statistics to CSV" and then de-selecting some users, the de-selected users are still included if perform "Export Users' Usage Statistics to CSV" again (ref: T-11347)
- "Owner" column is blank in the CSV file by "Exported Users' Usage Statistics" (ref: T-11349)
- Error prompted in [User] > [Backup Sets] > [Add System Destination] page will be cached such that the same error will prompt again when click the [Add] button again (ref: T-11501)
- Contradiction in "Add this destination to a new pool" and "Duplicate destination check" logic (ref: T-11571)
- AhsayCBS uses HTTP instead of HTTPS to test the connection between AhsayCBS and Ahsay License ServerS (ref: T-11711)
- Wrong email contact is assigned to Windows Active Directory backup users (ref: T-11725)
- No checking of QPS Ratio when adding user with exceeded Quota to "Manually assigned" Home Directory (ref: T-11818)
- [Standard Destination] section should be removed in [AhsayCBS] > [Add New Backup Set] > [Destination] (ref: T-11851)
- Selecting a newly added User home which is not saved yet will actually add the user home folder in AhsayCBS (ref: T-11893)
- Should not send Testing SMTP connection email when clicking Save button on Add/Edit SMTP Server page (ref: T-11921)
- The Estimated Time Left & Elapsed Time in [User Status] > [Backup Status] on AhsayCBS are always different from the one in AhsayOBM/ACB progress (ref: T-12033)
- "-1" should not be shown for "Current File Percent" in AhsayCBS' Backup Status Detail page (ref: T-12125)
- Duplicate SSL certificate can be uploaded to AhsayCBS connector page (ref: T-12445)
- Empty page shown after the "CA Cert is missing" prompt is shown when adding connector in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12446)
- No error prompt to stop users from deleting the last connector in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12447)
- Import User function still import backup data of the imported user even "Overwrite existing users" option is disabled (ref: T-12525)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS from v6.27 to v7 AhsayCBS, v6.27 AhsayOBM shows incorrect and unusual "Encryption" selection on "New Backup Set Wizard" (ref: T-12579)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS from v6.27 to v7 AhsayCBS, v6.27 AhsayOBM shows incorrect In-file Delta Type option on new backup set (ref: T-12600)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS from v6.27 to v7 AhsayCBS, v6.27 AhsayOBM shows incorrect options under Option tab for new backup set (ref: T-12601)
- When viewing "Backup Set" or "Report" on AhsayCBS, Windows Event Log maybe turned off (ref: T-12627)
- Import Error when import user.zip (with backup files) from Windows Server to Linux (ref: T-12630)
- "-Xrs" opt DISABLED if user Save in AhsayCBS [Advanced] page WITHOUT accessing the [Runtime Opt] tab (ref: T-12740)
- File Explorer re-download files when making a different page number selection (ref: T-12759)
- Default schedules created in AhsayOBM/ACB v6 with duplicate IDs were not properly shown in AhsayCBS v7 (ref: T-12798)
- If imported user has same name as existing user, the existing user is not overwritten even if Overwrite option is on (ref: T-12804)
- AhsayOBM v5.5.8.0 cannot connect to AhsayCBS v7.5 using Ahsay dummy self-sign SSL Cert via https (ref: T-12873)
- After upgrading AhsayOBS to AhsayCBS v7, when login with AhsayOBM v5.5.8.0, it keeps prompting for reset password (ref: T-12874)
- After AhsayOBM v5.5.8.0 runs backup with AhsayCBS v7, the backup status is not removed from AhsayCBS > [Live Activities] > [Backup Status] after the backup is completed for a while (ref: T-12876)
- Invalid CSR file generated with the Locality and Country code in wrong order (ref: YPR-546-89548, T-12910)
- Replication to SFTP destination keeps creating the sshd session (ref: BZX-498-16602, T-12918)
- AhsayACB v6.27 backup to AhsayCBS v7.5 results in error "Retry sending block in XXX second(s)" (ref: OLQ-887-94158, NVI-193-17705, T-12982)
- AhsayCBS on Linux shows incorrect storage size for the Predefined Destination Usage section (ref: CZU-427-60907, T-13006)
- AhsayCBS unresponsive due to Java Heap Error (ref: LJT-440-23740, T-13055)
- Problem with using AddUser API when admin is logged into AhsayCBS web console (ref: NSJ-944-82045, T-13172)
- Subadmin can access all the restricted "system" areas like license page (ref: WAT-353-77126, T-13223)
- Invalid estimated time left value on the Live Activities > Backup Status page (ref: XBV-666-81992, T-13233)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Add checking logic for duplicated predefined destination name in the page [Group Policy] > [Backup Set Settings] > [Destinations Visible to Users] (ref: T-11320)
- Should hide the checkboxes for the items defined in Preempted Values (ref: T-11437)
- Misalignment in handling the [Group Policy] > [Default Value] "Backup Set Name" in AhsayCBS and AhsayOBM/ACB (ref: T-11460)
- Schedule with options which do not match with the backupset type can be created in Default or Preempted value backupset (ref: T-11569)
- No checking logic for "Destination visible to users" when "Predefined Destination" is used in the same policy (ref: T-11712)
- No checking logic for "Destination visible to users" when "Standard Destination" is used by backup users (ref: T-11724)
- User failed to login AhsayOBM/ACB if Prepend Preempted Advanced Source is configured for the user (ref: T-11739)
- Backup sets created in AhsayCBS do not get Default values for Custom Encryption settings (ref: T-11750)
- After a User Group is deleted, [Effective Policy] shows "No policy defined". If AhsayCBS admin logout and re-login AhsayCBS again, [Effective Policy] shows a blank page (ref: T-11764)
- Policy control of "Destination Pool" in [Group Policy] > [Standard destination] not work (ref: T-11814)
- Unwanted OS-specific elements and Standard Destination list for Preempted Backup set are shown (ref: T-11873)
- Setting CBT option to DISABLE in [Default Values] takes no effect to backup sets created in AhsayCBS (ref: T-11966)
- [Effective Policy] shows "No policy defined" for trial registered AhsayACB users (ref: T-11978)
- Could not control the "Create Backup Set - backupset drop down list" by Group Policy (ref: FOH-301-10404, T-12078)
- Unexpected Error page is shown when reselect invalid Destination Pool (ref: T-12212)
- Sub Admin who is owned by another Sub Admin cannot create users (ref: T-12661)
- The job status of Backup Report email of Sub Admin's users is always "Backup not yet finished" even backup job has been completed (ref: T-12670)
- "Hostname is in use" error is shown when attempt to create more than 1 Sub Admin under the same Sub Admin owner (ref: TJE-289-75631, UWB-384-78871, T-12681)
- Unable to add to "Delegate setting and user management to Sub Admin" when login as sub-admin user (ref: T-12686)
- Unable to delete Sub Admin's from "Delegate setting and user management to Sub Admin" list (ref: T-12691)
- Cannot delete Sub-Admin accounts after migration from v6 (ref: T-12713)
- Hostname validation is missed when creating a new Sub-admin (ref: FOG-680-74863, T-12716)
- No duplicate username checking for users owned by admin and Sub Admin system users (ref: T-12782)
- Hostname error checking for adding and updating Sub Admin system user are not aligned (ref: T-12787)
- Backup schedule of enforced backupset is lost after migrate from AhsayOBS v6 to AhsayCBS v7.5 and [Save] button of "Users, Groups & Policies" page is clicked (ref: T-13047)
- The length of hostname (excluding the extension) is restricted to between 3 and 63 character (ref: PKU-839-37330, T-13053)
- If AhsayOBM is connecting to AhsayCBS by a sub-admin URL, the trial account created via AhsayOBM is not shown on the sub-admin user list (ref: SMC-263-58589, XOX-622-57573, T-13187)
- Backup jobs not listed on AhsayCBS for backup set with Preempted Predefined CBS Destination (ref: DNA-880-80431, T-13323)
- No backup jobs show up in [Live Activities] > [Backup Status] for read-only Sub Admin (ref: T-13382)
License / Billing module
- Can't set quota for add-on modules more than available quota under AhsayOBS 'Enable Free Trial Reg.' (ref: YYQ-909-45578, T-8731)
- No error message is shown when assigning add-on module which is not purchased to existing AhsayOBM/ACB users (ref: T-11701)
- Evaluation key license quota exceeded leads to "backup server stopped" error during 60 days evaluation period (ref: PBA-158-92115, T-12801)
- Used quota for sub-admin is not shown correctly (ref: LKC-224-74899, T-12776, T-12816)
- AhsayCBS keep sending email notification when AhsayRDR license expired (ref: VPV-835-73471, TEK-801-22742, GTC-660-48796, MPW-705-78387, T-12941)
- Incorrect meter usage for MS Exchange mail level, VMware, HyperV and NAS Client if AhsayOBM account runs on multiple hosts with other backupset types (ref: RZG-639-87216, T-13101)
- Incorrect license error if no CBS module is purchase and 60 day grace period has expired (ref: EXT-224-57310, JLU-756-22967, AWB-933-95177, GLC-853-96747, KYZ-586-35059, HZD-829-96736, GPM-865-14764, HEI-612-36723, XOX-240-85581, CAW-556-18401, AXX-204-25488, T-13356)
- Applying invalid AhsayRDR license name/product key on AhsayCBS does not give error message while the invalid license name/product key is saved (ref: T-13353)
- Encounter redirector license error when user does not use redirector function (ref: JTS-492-80603, PIY-316-23038, XCQ-342-79972, XXW-748-33138, T-13424)
- First time logon as a new trial user from AhsayOBM via Redirector with mismatched Admin hostname results in wrong error prompt, and duplicated users created in both Backup Server and Redirector (ref: T-11696)
- When quota exceeded under Redirector environment, inappropriate error message will be shown when users resided on an AhsayCBS, which runs on different machine from Redirector, login via AhsayOBM (ref: T-11763)
- Trial Registration in AhsayOBM/ACB v6 wrongly creates user accounts on AhsayCBS v7 which is acting as Redirector (ref: T-12688)
- "APIServiceError" type is always shown on the Activities Log after logging in AhsayOBM/ACB via Redirector (ref: KOQ-875-61577, IAU-589-75741, GBS-830-41221, NMW-495-93432, T-13435)
- Disable replication from backup server running on Linux to replication server running on Windows (ref: T-3600)
- Incorrect Timestamp/Time format shown in Replication Logs (ref: T-12412)
- Unresolved System Home path is pre-filled in Replication > Add New Receiver (ref: T-12415)
- Replication setting is changed when clicking SAVE button on [Replication] > [Sending Data] page (ref: WUG-349-32275, MQS-334-69128, WIT-668-93280, ZSI-633-58680, T-13117)
- AhsayCBS replicates more users & backup sets than is selected (ref: WUG-349-32275, T-13118)
- "No glyph for U+F022 in font Code2000' error" after generating PDF report (ref: PPM-150-98754, PEP-409-34754, T-13216)
- Null error hit intermittently when replicating data to Azure intermittently (ref: T-13411)
Reporting / Email report
- Add option "Bcc reports to email" for Administrator Contact in AhsayCBS System Panel - Email (ref: T-11836)
- Backup report email and PDF report should show new directories of the backup (ref: T-11957)
- Unable to send email notification for license error related to backup server (ref: T-11984)
- Backup and Restore Report show incorrect record if imported and existing user has same name (ref: T-12629)
- Backup status for MS Exchange DAG and Hyper-V Cluster backup are always "Backup not yet finished" in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12649)
- End time of AhsayACB CDP Backup Jobs not displayed in time format in the backup log (ref: T-12743)
- Moved Files displayed as "Total Size(No. of Move Files)" format in Backup Report Email (ref: T-12745)
- Backup report in PDF cannot display "Backup Source" if backup source is shortcut (ref: T-12749)
- Number of restored files in Restore Report in PDF does not match AhsayOBM Restore Report (ref: T-12761)
- Read-only Admin cannot see Backup and Restore Jobs of Admin's users in Backup/Restore Logs (ref: T-12779)
- Some Restore Report Filter View shows less than the maximum number of reports (ie. 25 reports) per page (ref: T-12799)
- AhsayCBS keep sendings "Trial account, will expire in x days" emails every 15 minutes (ref: MJM-380-28296, T-12604, T-12883)
- Google Drive quota exceed email alert will not stop even after setting quota to unlimited (ref: JQW-757-78570, T-13098)
- Status 'Backup not yet finished' reported for completed job performed by user under subadmin (ref: FDZ-653-45734, JLS-206-83174, RWV-488-95006, T-13317)
- AhsayCBS does not send out backup reports to the customers for completed even their backup jobs have completed (ref: IWM-142-50268, LWR-269-35230, BWM-435-41647, NPF-366-16254, IYT-344-65380, QYW-158-10817, T-13333)
- "Download" report button is missed for Local Copy backup jobs from AhsayOBM v6 (ref: T-13345)
- Reporting problems with backup job started at 00:00 midnight (ref: IWM-142-50268, T-13399)
- Incorrect Predefined Destination Name in Backup Quota Reminder Email (ref: T-13403)
- When AhsayOBM v6 backups to AhsayCBS v7, the figures in AhsayCBS User Backup Report is wrong if backup has delta or checksum files (ref: T-13408)
- Nothing is shown under Administrative Logs and backup/restore logs due to missing logger (ref: NPF-366-16254, AFM-747-88855, EDG-941-79695, TLA-684-86376, OKM-731-24545, ZPY-716-42852, T-13499)
- Redirector license error reported in Daily Admin Email Report when AhsayCBS does not use redirection (ref: OAL-443-96779, T-13605)
Restore / Decrypt
- Information is not auto-refreshing in Restore Status page during restore (ref: T-12045)
- After upgrading from AhsayOBS v6.27 to AhsayCBS v7, no files are shown under the Restore GUI for existing users from AhsayOBM/ACB v5.5.8.0 (ref: T-12875)
System maintenance
- Files which are moved to retention due to no checksum file found can still be chosen to restore (ref: WDZ-522-94289, T-10450)
- Lots of threads created after creating SFTP pre-defined destinations (ref: T-12793)
- User disappear after moving user via AhsayCBS console with the "Move user home to" export function (ref: LIG-261-98559, T-13503)
User experiences
- Able to create users with same username from AhsayCBS on Linux with AD implemented (ref: QQQ-667951, T-3540)
- Some dropdown boxes are empty when adding backupset in AhsayCBS without saving the User page (ref: T-10841)
- Login Name with password less than 6 characters can be created successfully in AhsayCBS (ref: T-11181)
- When admin user tries to logon with wrong password, improper error message "No such user" is displayed (ref: T-11242)
- For backupset created in AhsayCBS with system destination, it is shown as custom destination on AhsayOBM/ACB (ref: T-11392)
- "Sliders" in AhsayCBS > [Backup Sets] do not display correct values according to preempted backupset policy (ref: T-11394)
- Missing field validation for [CDP], [Retention Policy], [In-File Delta] values (ref: T-11470)
- No checking for invalid HTTP port when adding/editing Redirector>Backup Server (ref: T-11491)
- When going to previous or next page in the add backup set / preempted backup set wizard, some checkbox, on/off switch, filter and textbox setting/values are not preserved (ref: T-11684)
- Select "Always" type Bandwidth and save backupset in AhsayOBM, "Only within this period" type is shown on AhsayCBS (ref: T-11697)
- [In-file Delta] > "Day of selected months in yearly variations" fields in AhsayCBS should be dimmed (ref: T-11769)
- Some [Advanced Retention Policy] configuration fields are not updated accordingly when settings are changed (ref: T-11775)
- Incorrect field validation logic associated with the AhsayCBS User Home and System Home fields (ref: T-11918)
- New Replication destination and folder setting not editable after adding traffic limit or adding individual backup set (ref: T-11932)
- Can't add new user home by inputting the path and hitting Enter at "Add New User Home" page (ref: T-12133)
- When trying to add backup source for default values policy, the selected value of "Applied Module" dropdown box will be reset after users click on the "+" button (ref: T-12223)
- Unable to exit the Backup/Restore Report page in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12327)
- "Day Last" option for Advanced In-File Delta settings is missing in AhsayCBS (ref: T-12409)
- Unable to specify the destination folder name when Replication To another AhsayCBS is selected (ref: T-12435)
- Not proper input checking/error message for adding SSL connecters page on AhsayCBS (ref: T-12464)
- 'JSONObject["RdrLoginName"] not found' popup when saving User settings on fresh installed AhsayCBS (ref: T-12508)
- Use %OBM_SHORT_NAME% as the tab name on the download page (ref: JIX-231-24807, TDL-671-61239, JVO-925-72292, BPN-452-48215, KYH-298-90285, T-12758)
- Speed up unloading of dashboard when pressing the "Cancel" button (ref: T-12792)
- AhsayCBS shows 'OBS' instead of 'CBS' destination under user's statistics page (ref: T-12857)
- AhsayOBM CDP allows 0MB for "Only apply to files smaller than" results in no files being backed up (ref: QGJ-835-64406, T-13305)
- AhsayCBS shows 'OBS' instead of 'CBS' destination under [Users, Groups & Policies] > (Backup user) > [User Profile] > [Backup Client Settings] > [Per Destination] (ref: T-13319)
- When AhsayCBS is replicating to another AhsayCBS with "Connect with SSL" selected, adding individual backup set will reset it to deselected and saving it will popup error message (ref: T-13428)
- Incorrect "Auto Update" filter for Subadmin's backup users under CBS Backup User listing page (ref: T-13548)
- AhsayCBS shows wrong quota value/unit for quota value less than 1024 bytes (ref: T-13656)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS