AhsayCBS v8.1.0.50 Release Notes (11-Feb-2019)
This release contains the major features listed below:
General / Miscellaneous
- Update CA cert for Comodo CA because it is renamed to Sectigo (ref: SRN-248-68924, DRS-453-42784, T-23105)
- When viewing “License” tab of sub-admin [Backup User Settings] on Sub-admin console, unable to show the name of Office 365 add-on module (ref: T-23046)
- User Statistic cannot be shown using FireFox 64.0.2. Error = “The start date should be on or before the end date” (ref: MSW-677-15305, T-23067)
- The wordings in Policy Group (Default Values>IP Allowed for Restore) is not matched in effective policy page (ref: T-23070)
- User with backupset ID=0 not handled correctly under Backup Data Migration (ref: VWP-783-45845, T-22887)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- User login can see the Administrator tabs by changing the URL (ref: YMG-651-72366, T-23035)
Operating systems
- Support of Windows 2019 for CBS
Restore / Decrypt
- Run Direct restore of CBS destination failed with error “Session not found” once preparing VM data for over 15 minutes (ref: T-22929)
System maintenance
- Support identifying the type of custom SSL certificates automatically and update server.xml accordingly
- CBS Translation Issue Portuguese (Brazil) (ref: NIS-680-92207, T-22914, T-22907)
- CBS could not start after upgrade due to using v6 format server.xml (ref: KOP-450-23239, T-23069)
User experiences
- “v7” wordings persists in Backup Server version drop down on Replication Receiver & Replication to another CBS settings (ref: T-22370)
- CBS on Windows won't open when shortcut icon is clicked (browse.bat) (ref: ICC-237-66744, T-23072)
- typo on CBS Edit SSL Certificate page (EditSsl.do). “Valid Util” instead of “Valid Until (ref: T-23079)
Bug Fixes
- UpdateBackupSet.do API unable to update run on server Office365 backup set settings when destination list is NOT provided (ref: T-23060)
- Office365 Mail module(s) quota exceeded error returned when updating backup quota for user with v2 UpdateUser.do API (ref: OWR-257-45440, T-22706)
- JSON API ListBackupJobStatus.do output incorrect BackupJobStatus for Backup not yet finished job (ref: XRP-355-46954, T-22705)
Application specific backup
- In User Console when edit & save the settings for Office365 backup set with Encryption enabled, login credentials error occur (ref: T-23103)
Backup Destination
- Fail to add “OpenStack” as predefined destination because the user account is not allow to access the main page to detect IdentityAPI version (ref: PEQ-104-23637, T-21814)
- Subadmin uses SAN as hostname will get “Hostname does not match with the common name of certificate binded to the connector” error (ref: QEJ-882-45259, T-22690)
File backup
- Error “Cannot parse file, xxxxx\moveFile.bdb” is shown in backup because moveFile.bdb is corrupted due to unstable connection/no diskspace (ref: NNG-914-37316, T-22932)
- Unable to delete backup data (Space Freeing Up) with API created and updated backup set data after performing DIC (ref: KJD-642-97747, T-23056)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS