AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v7.9.2.0 Release Notes (01-Feb-2017)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Application specific backup
- Enhance NFS server to handle every found crash case (ref: T-15534)
- Add java option "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m" to prevent [OutOfMemoryError] Direct buffer memory error (ref: T-15556)
- OBM v7 to support Hyper-V Backup/Restore with Windows OS which supports Auto Recovery functionality (ref: HVQ-372-39202, T-14988)
- Office 365 Exchange Online support to identify RSS Feeds folder and list mail items in subfolders (ref: T-14492)
- Migrate "OneDrive for Business" API to OneDrive API 2.0 (ref: T-14593)
Backup Destination
- CBS 7720 unable to add IBM Softlayer as Openstack destination (ref: QJT-287-72358, T-15025)
- Bundle Ahsay Product Sign for the drivers of Windows even customer branded installer (ref: T-15542)
- CBT Cluster service should not be installed to Windows x86 via installer (ref: T-14872)
General / Miscellaneous
- Self service for encryption key recovery (ref: T-15191)
- ListBackupSetFiles.sh / ListBackupSetFiles.bat on OBCv7 (ref: BKR-522-81671, T-14062)
- Request the feature to bypass the Windows Authentication on OBC v7 for backing up local data only (ref: FPE-640-57734, NNJ-369-25346, GVG-614-23203, VUM-113-89893, EHF-604-97795, https://forum.ahsay.com/viewtopic.php?f=170&t=16581&p=49410#p49410, MIC-306-64816, ONW-752-32935, BCY-870-95318, HQN-975-92811, HAO-527-72285, ELU-571-57890, T-14171)
User experiences
- Prompt user before terminate NFS service for Windows installer (OBM) (ref: T-14800)
- OBC v7720 no warning for remove encryption info during OBM uninstall when click no to remove all user settings (ref: EWU-103-13568, T-14763)
- Prompt for Reminding to Write Down or Keep Encryption Key in Safe Place (ref: GTM-775-46308, MRC-279-11998, T-14356)
- Prompt for Reminding to Write Down or Keep Encryption Key in Safe Place (Synology) (ref: T-15203)
Bug Fixes
Application specific backup
- Cannot customize the Ahsay logo and wording when create Cloud File backup set from CBS 7900 user login (ref: YPV-952-87814, T-15537)
- Cannot show another created folder when creating the Office 365 Exchange Online backup set (ref: ICN-648-89975, T-15261)
- Encryption key invalid after reinstall the OBM client from v7.7.0.0 to v7.7.2.0 (Synology Machine) (ref: IPM-185-29133, T-14820)
- Fail to run backup with error Failed to obtain link and Failed to retain non-empty directory (ref: UXH-841-44777, T-15696)
- Fail to run Cloud File Backup with error "Error=[d] DropboxManager.newFolderIterator" (ref: KUS-641-82378, T-16277)
- OBM 7900 Error with Office365 backup if the name of backup source that contain the character "/" (ref: JCF-116-51523, T-15211)
- OBM v7720 backup to CBS v7720 with Error="[d] [ChunkedOutputStream.FlushData.execute] Failed to flush buffer (ref: TIO-287-48154, CTO-918-58733, T-14598)
- OBMv7900 cannot create Office365 Backupset when " Temp directory" under Default Value (CBS Group Policy) is disabled (ref: PUR-980-80061, T-15523)
- Synology OBM 7900 fails to run backup with "Failed to get FileAttribute from cache" error (ref: XBR-729-79974, T-15202)
- OBM 7900 cannot create Exchange 2007 backup set with E_UNEXPECTED (ref: KTB-932-14273, T-15541)
- OBM 7900 Exchange backup with "Error="[M] [ReadAheadInputStream.Reader.readStream]@104287904 READ_TIMEOUT=5400000 exceeded" (ref: LBL-168-79501, T-15049)
- OBM 7900 views Exchange 2010 backup source with Unknown error code (ref: SJP-109-21656, T-15477)
- OBM 7900 views Exchange 2016 backup source with Unknown error code (ref: NGG-782-18244, T-15756)
- Backup crashes Hyper-V server with a Bluescreen after upgrading from v7.7 to v7.9 (ref: QXS-355-54944, T-15168)
- OBM 7900 CBTFilter with Bit Defender AV causing server blue screen (ref: HST-531-22044, T-15352)
- OBM 7900 Hyper-V backup the "Data.vhdx" disk file is uploading in it's entirety in every backup job (ref: RLM-312-91844, T-15320)
- OBM v7.9.0.0 Hyper-V backup crashes with Blue Screen of Death (ref: AOA-550-21368, T-15248)
- OBM v7900 Fail to run Hyper V backup with error Fail to load CBT (ref: RGL-696-29760, T-15204)
- OBM7900 Hyper-V Server crashed (ref: WXM-787-95029, T-15234)
- OBM 7.7.2.x - SaveToMSG ERROR=STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS (ref: PYU-388-66197, ZTE-450-79029, T-14758)
- OBM v7.7.0.0 crashes when running the backup job of the Exchange 2010 mail-level backupset (MAPIWrapper2010.exe) (ref: RAC-913-61813, T-14067)
- OBMv7900 crashed - Exchange Mail Level Backup (ref: IAM-937-76771, T-15317)
- After upgrade the OBM from v7.7.2.0 to v7.7.2.26, the scheduled MSSQL backup job will never completed (ref: BIO-378-56637, T-14607)
- OBM MS SQL backupset wait for 48 hours to show the bkup source list for large no. of db and backup does not work (ref: BOH-236-49335, T-14553)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL backup error "MSSQL_DB_REQUIRED_FILE_MISSING_TPLATE" (ref: KFQ-849-54289, T-15639)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL backup Error="[IOException] [ReadAheadInputStream.Reader.run]... Throwable=Direct buffer memory" (ref: ZUJ-469-62131, T-15578)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL backup fails with "Failed to run space free up of destination" randomly (ref: BWX-962-27422, T-15043)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL backup with error ""MSSQL_DB_REQUIRED_FILE_MISSING_TPLATE,SRV01%5cOPUS\\OPUS%5fTEST\\OPUS_TEST,components.xml" (ref: HJM-549-36569, SWI-434-21211, GKU-925-60092, REL-789-86509, T-15064)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL backup with error “MSSQL_DB_REQUIRED_FILE_MISSING_TPLATE,S003422%5cACA\RE001403,RE001403.mdf” (ref: OAB-976-91668, T-15257)
- OBM7900 MSSQL Backup error "MSSQL_DB_REQUIRED_FILE_MISSING_TPLATE" (ref: SZJ-174-65235, T-15430)
- OBM7900 MySQL Backup error "Skipping the data of table mysql.event." (ref: XME-188-58231, T-15657)
- Office365 backup mailbox with folder having "/" symbols in name gives "Backup source does not exist" error (ref: QRT-704-34142, T-15794)
- Getting the error message "TNS Listener Service is not started when creating the Oracle backup set (ref: YRT-104-57696, T-15072)
- Getting the error message "TNS Listener Service is not started when creating the Oracle backup set (ref: BBY-831-11083, T-15771)
- Cannot perform VM backup with VDDK mode after added a new VM in backup set (ref: YNG-308-98308, T-12810)
- OBM7900 VM Backup - Various error on backing up a VM (ref: SIS-422-73640, T-15175)
- Suspected bug for Office 365 backup (ref: OQV-621-85824, T-14878)
- Support to backup MySQL information_schema (ref: VDY-452108, T-4696)
- Fail to backup Office 365 Mail with 98MB attachment for Office 365 backup sets (ref: T-14588)
- The not supported Mailboxes (e.g. shared mailbox, equipment mailbox ...) are shown in the backup source of Office 365 backup set (ref: T-14740)
- Office 365 backup fail [RuntimeException] [ExchangeFolderIterator.hasNext] (ref: T-14727)
- Fail to backup ESXi VM (ref: T-14993)
Backup Destination
- CBS 7900 could not create Predefined Destination to AmazonS3 (Failed to access destination "AmazonS3-1". Reason="Access Denied") (ref: SRH-700-17345, T-15722)
- OBM v7720 minimized Icon on the Dock bar of Mac OSX is having a degraded resolution (ref: ODE-120-52809, T-14785)
- Installation of OBM/ACB stopped due to time out in a certain stage (ref: OTP-866-59156, T-15741)
- OBM 7900 is failed to install with "Download failed: The operation timed out" (ref: TZC-778-44376, T-15705)
- OBM 7900 is failed to install with "Download failed: The operation timed out" (ref: ZQA-951-60973, T-15685)
- OBM 7900 is failed to install with "Download failed: The operation timed out" (ref: MDZ-522-46545, T-15830)
File backup
- ACB 7900 backup with PST file to Amazon keeps failing with Error="[d] [ChunkedOutputStream.Flush Data.execute] Failed to flush buffer (ref: YWD-464-20215, T-15032)
- Cannot perform the Data Integrity Check (ref: ZZG-846-11321, T-15076)
- Keeping to get the error message "Failed to retain non-empty directory" during the backup procedure even updated as v7900 (ref: YED-332-64203, T-14998)
- OBM 62700 starts backup twice after the change of daylight saving on client machine (ref: HUP-594-98861, JNW-910-65710, DRO-282-76416, LAG-620-80476, NWG-373-55738, AOX-123-31916, SQP-898-89533, ITH-986-40803, RKT-320-19864, PZW-884-76002, T-15094)
- OBM Get the Error "Failed to migrate v6 index" when performing the backups job (ref: OVJ-758-25184, HRV-225-54980, DUK-339-24070, T-14239)
- OBM linux backup still fails with "Failed to retain non-empty directory" after CRC check (ref: CVT-292-55935, KIF-589-44295, RMV-593-39862, WZM-471-10129, JHP-814-60122, CUY-807-36083, XCV-513-93229, T-14008)
- OBM linux backup still fails with "Failed to retain non-empty directory" after CRC check (ref: GSO-862-48216, SCZ-989-62837, IDT-138-41873, DTK-940-87156, T-15001)
- OBM 7720/7900 on Synology NAS gets the "Failed" msg at the end of the File bkupset creation by choosing the predefined dest (ref: NQS-198-38827, T-15740)
- OBM 7900 Backup error : Failed to retain non-empty directory (ref: LHJ-155-10438, T-15335)
- OBM 7900 backup on MAC fails with "[CloudFileSystem.deleteLinkTarget] Failed to obtain link" error (ref: PMU-570-89663, T-15069)
- OBM 7900 Error="[b] [CloudFileSystem.getChunkBuffer] InterruptedException, caused by [InterruptedException] null" (ref: NDX-791-58328, T-15331)
- OBM 7900 Failed to obtain link '%%' for target (ref: HAX-583-81980, T-15293)
- OBM 7900 file backup error "Failed to delete '[BackupFile][ClientPath=...because it is not empty. One of the existing files is..." (ref: NGU-712-79056, T-15144)
- OBM 7900 Linux File backup get the error "[k] [CloudFileSystem.deleteLinkTarget] Failed to obtain link '...' for target" (ref: OMB-201-86471, T-15641)
- OBM scheduler stopped after client machine reboot but show "started" in Windows Services (ref: HOP-487-71454, T-15640)
- OBM v7.9.0.0 on Synology NAS slow performance (ref: YMF-302-86958, T-15188)
- OBM7900 Backup Error "[OutOfMemoryError] Direct buffer memory" (ref: FQG-330-43164, T-15743)
- OBM7900 Backup Error "FastPipedOutputStream has been closed by the reading thread" (ref: NPM-864-82810, T-15443)
- PDF Backup reports show errors "[CloudFileSystem.deleteLinkTarget] Failed to obtain link" (ref: OVX-268-93949, T-15356)
General / Miscellaneous
- CBS 7720 uploaded / generated large size log files under the user home path (ref: TXV-229-19762, T-15680)
- OBM 7720/7900 exposes the Amazon / AWS S3 Access Key and AWS Secret Key in plain text when exporting the Backup Set Settings to XML (ref: XXT-911-26056, T-15749)
- OBM7900 SynologyNAS OBM cannot install on support model "RS3617RPxs" (ref: UOW-949-73145, T-15942)
- OBMv6.23.0.0 cannot connect to OBS via HTTPS protocol with wildcard SSL (ref: GYV-916-68432, T-14642)
- OBMv79063 Backup Error "[OutOfMemoryError] Direct buffer memory" (ref: HQP-777-12118, T-15804)
Operating systems
- Synology OBM 7900 scheduler stops after DSM version update (ref: MTR-659-95154, T-15791)
Reporting / Email report
- French Interface shows invalid parameters (ref: T-15618)
- CBS statistics graph does not align with statistics summary and actual size of user home folder (ref: GEI-187-37421, T-15739)
- CBS Backup Job Status does not align with actual results in backup logs (ref: ZLA-659-75603, T-15027)
Restore / Decrypt
- OBM is hanged on restoring VM with Failed to flush buffer. Error='{1}' error (ref: MPJ-429-49577, T-14734)
- OBM 7900 is hanged on selecting destination when trying to restore file backup set (ref: STA-751-13871, T-15181)
- OBM 7900 is hanged on selecting destination when trying to restore file backup set (ref: RUZ-693-99318, T-15387)
- OBM 7900 is hanged on selecting destination when trying to restore Hyper-V backup set (ref: ISI-201-94700, JYH-567-27381, IGD-916-81936, T-15039)
- OBM 7900 linux restore with "java.lang.NullPointerException" error (ref: FWR-232-21583, T-15362)
- OBM 7900 restore relative symbolic link as absolute link no matter the 'follow link' is enabled or not (ref: VNU-855-14891, T-14926)
- OBR keep show connecting to the server (ref: QCB-946-88313, T-15456)
- OBM 7900 Hyper-V Run Direct Restore gives "Failed to create a checkpoint of a virtual machine" error (ref: WRK-618-93059, T-15997)
- OBM 7900 MSSQL restore fails to restore with "The system cannot find the file specified" error (ref: IJY-910-26696, T-15546)
- OBM 7900 restore with [erro] [Restorer.postRestoreTask.run] Path=... Throwable= Invalid file name (ref: RWT-484-64075, T-15318)
- OBM v7.9.0.0 Restore Oracle DB prompts an Error with blank message and no database shown in selection (ref: IYJ-155-87034, VCP-496-99313, T-14912)
- VMware vCenter restore with [ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException] -1 error (ref: T-15304)
- OBM v7.9.0.46 Run Direct failed error ESXi 6.0.0 fails to make connection to this machine. Please provide the IP address ... (ref: EZF-671-89932, T-15577)
- Restore VMware in OBM v6 cannot restore old backup files (ref: BCN-549-42926, T-14938)
- Unable to restore backed up VMware disks (ref: HYX-842-168155, T-14704)
- Data restoration for Office 365 Mail failed when dealing with large size data (ref: T-14858)
Software Update
- OBM 77226 cannot auto update to v7.9 when connecting CBS through redirector (ref: XLO-741-11241, YTS-291-13760, T-14914)
User experiences
- Client responds very slowly on any functions (GUI Slow + Freezing) (ref: T-14121)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS