AhsayACB / AhsayOBM / AhsayOBR v7.9.0.0 Release Notes (27-Sep-2016)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Application specific backup
- Suggest to support Exchange Online backup for Office 365 (ref: UDY-374897, GWX-922-19817, ZBH-472-96331, WGM-607-39862, XJJ-643-96409, OHI-663-97590, RPU-743-48582, KHN-884-61825, ISJ-625-78211, TWA-376-42261, LSZ-570-97067, ANA-383-62941, YUY-159-67967, PKT-170-50214, TAH-412-33832, MKO-939-15878, TPN-772-53378, T-7452)
- Implement Hyper-V VSS writer to speed up VM delta generation (ref: T-13147)
- Implementing RunDirect of ESX guest VMs off CBS (ref: T-13151, T-13462)
- Support of backup/restore of cloud (e.g. OneDrive, DropBox) files to/from OBM/ACB (ref: T-13156)
File backup
- Speed up of backup/restore (ref: T-14170)
General / Miscellaneous
- Able to change the date format for reporting in Synology interface (ref: T-14194)
Reporting / Email report
- OBMv7.6.6.0, the "Skip running retention policy.." is not logged in the backup log (ref: T-13661)
User experiences
- Able to change the date format for reporting in OBC interface (ref: XTE-840-96014, T-14019)
Bug Fixes
Application specific backup
- OBM 2008 R2 database backup error "Cannot start shadow copy, reason =null" (ref: GOF-616-23443, T-12950)
- OBM backup reporting "In-file delta file chain broken" and constantly upload full vm image (ref: CCB-685-32799, T-13574)
- OBM 7.7 Backup fails to run with null error (ref: UZZ-256-11522, SIH-246-57952, URA-156-27126, T-13807)
- OBM v7.7 cannot create Exchange 2016 server backupset, returned error "Unknown error code" (ref: UIN-551-19382, T-13957)
- OBM 7.7 fails to restore Hyper-v run direct to original location after a successful backup (ref: HPW-104-39455, XXK-767-10845, RAV-275-46256, T-13959)
- OBM 7.7 cannot show database(s) in source if the name of the MSSQL is longer than 15 characters (ref: JKR-171-34211, JRR-783-74394, T-13971)
- OBM v7.7 cannot create Exchange 2013 mail-level backupset on Windows 2012 R2 (DN ERROR=MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) (ref: IVU-136-89552, T-14023)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 subsequent backup of VM on Hyper-V 2012 R2 Cluster does not backup VHDX file (VHDX file located on Cluster Storage) (ref: PCL-173-33771, T-14031)
- OBM v7.7.0.0 crashes when running the backup job of the Exchange 2010 mail-level backupset (MAPIWrapper2010.exe) (ref: RAC-913-61813, T-14067)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 Backup failure - VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE (ref: QFU-616-71508, PRZ-195-74381, TKH-715-16208, T-14068)
- OBM Fails to sync encryption settings to CBS (ref: SJV-478-19110, FUH-428-49480, WXC-528-38151, NDE-564-85239, IOR-923-59271, PJW-488-91791, BIO-378-56637, ILB-562-86027, GNQ-428-36886, FMW-744-18977, RTR-908-80141, T-14079)
- OBM 7720 Exchange 2010 Cannot get Server DN ERROR=MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND (ref: KNX-963-21022, T-14088)
- OBM v7.7 No database file found for "%DB_Name%" (ref: IDE-679-76998, TMO-103-32030, T-14123)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 Schedule Job with error: For input string: C (ref: VVS-110-11577, T-14148)
- OBM Window System Backup Set mapped drive is not displayed as selectable option for image spool path (ref: NAU-300-20586, T-14173)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 Exchange 2010 DAG database backupset gets [erro] [100] [RuntimeException] bad record MAC (ref: XKL-832-68541, TTB-749-93747, T-14176)
- OBM 7700 MSSQL 2014 backup fails with [erro] [-] Cannot start shadow copy, reason =null (ref: QKG-282-88146, T-14186)
- OBM 7700 VMware backup fails with the "failed to update backup file" error (ref: MPJ-429-49577, T-14290)
- OBM MS SQL backup gets "VSS" error on Incremental Backup and "No database file found" error on Full Backup (ref: YEA-212-83075, BIG-695-51187, T-14317)
- OBM 7.7.x is missing MSSQL database source if name matches with second instance name (ref: FBO-915-70251, T-14329)
- Upgraded CBS scheduled SQL backup fails but CBS Live Activities continue to show backup progress, finishing with BS_STOP_SUCCESS (ref: VRF-554-56546, T-14386)
- OBMv7.7.2.0 Hyper-V cluster backup missed with error (ref: UDV-166-66507, T-14407)
- MS Windows System Backup without Windows User Authentication failure after upgrade from v6 to v7 (ref: PAG-912-64239, T-14437)
- OBM MS SQL backup completed with warning "MSSQL_FAILED_TO_LOAD_CHANGES" on incremental only (ref: SNR-618-95700, KII-706-37012, FHQ-869-95515, T-14438)
- OBM 77226 MSSQL backup fails with null error (ref: FVC-803-22062, T-14454)
- OBM 7720 ESXi backupset gets [SSLException] Invalid TLS padding data, caused by [BadPaddingException] Invalid TLS padding data error (Windows 10) (ref: TXA-105-11756, CRF-401-95266, T-14511)
- OBM v7.7.2.26 MS SQL backup gets 'No database file found for "yyyyyy\xxx"' error but the selected databases do exist (ref: IWB-753-49490, T-14531)
- OBM MS SQL backupset wait for 48 hours to show the bkup source list for large no. of db and backup does not work (ref: BOH-236-49335, T-14553)
- OBM v7.7.2.26 cannot backup the HyperVM VHDX - Returned warning message (ref: XPT-774-19403, OLX-119-46339, T-14580)
- After upgrade the OBM from v7.7.2.0 to v7.7.2.26, the scheduled MSSQL backup job will never completed (ref: BIO-378-56637, ZTG-629-72513, T-14607)
- OBM Oracle Backupset 'JavaSysPriv role not granted. Please execute "Grant JavaSysPriv to System"' even after granting the JavaSysPriv (ref: EEP-490-59809, T-14623)
- OBM 75010 failing to create new backup set due to problems with SidebySide (ref: BPW-790-63439, T-13782)
- In v7.7.2.0, view backup log for Oracle Backup Set on OBM Backup page or on OBM Report page, it shows BLANK page (ref: T-13965)
- Backing up power on VMs on hyper-v would lead to reconnectDifferencingDisk error when restoring for OBC v7.7.2.0 (ref: T-14134)
- OBM 77224 crashes when creating MSSQL backup set on 32bit Windows 2008 (ref: UUI-384-46067, T-14396)
- Win-sys backup's "store system backup location" is set to "C:" after upgrade OBM to v7 (ref: T-12461)
Auto upgrade agent
- Fail to AUA Update for Linux OBM from v7.5.0.0 to v7.7.0.0 (ref: T-13787)
Backup Destination
- OBM v7.7.2.0 cannot not add Onedrive for Business as a backup destination fails the [NullPointerExeption] null error (ref: RLR-592-93254, VZC-813-88138, XTS-788-33153, EEX-475-32501, T-13995)
File backup
- After upgrade v7.7 OBM backup got error and data integrity check got error (ref: HXX-682-36711, FAY-990-68271, T-13742)
- OBM 7.7 gets High CPU usage during file backup job (ref: XFS-257-67726, UYG-445-85866, T-13939)
- OBM v6 will update file permission in next backup after move user to other user home on CBS 7.7 (ref: T-13951)
- The ACB client application is keep sending error message as quota exceeded after upgraded from v6 to v7 (ref: FYG-127-30969, T-14103)
- OBM v7700 backup with Error="[d] [ChunkedOutputStream.FlushData.execute] Failed to flush buffer (ref: BMJ-305-35633, YNO-783-62722, SRR-779-85402, T-14165)
- OBM 7700 file backup with Error=[BackupSrcShortCutManager.Windows.getBackupSrcShortCutPath] User SID cannot be null (ref: IDV-297-14859, TIP-181-47623, T-14201)
- OBM 7700 backup keeps failed with "Cannot get remote file list" error (ref: DSY-672-70205, ZWI-924-37098, T-14195)
General / Miscellaneous
- OBM v7 Cannot access backup set with String index out of range: 11 (ref: RFS-701-54919, MDI-362-59609, HHE-962-69123, T-13478)
- OBM v7 & v6 Cannot Handle Encryption Key with Non-printable Characters in Re-configuration (ref: LID-560-71034, IOR-923-59271, T-14139)
- OBM 7700 fails to create backup set on Synology with error if using pool destination (ref: GFC-850-11750, T-14157)
- OBM 7720 on Synology does not save the selected Chinese sub-folder (only the top folder tick box is being saved) in bkup source (ref: HCB-634-76488, T-14211)
- OBC v7.7.2.0 ListBackupJob.sh / ListBackupJob.bat not working (ref: AUD-482-70525, HQH-412-50165, T-14275)
- Scheduler service was crashed without error message (ref: LZK-630-82273, T-14625)
- CBS v7.7.2.0 Missed scheduled backup on most of the backup users (ref: EVF-336-35356, UII-724-17928, FJG-890-59284, LUI-262-49263, UYG-445-85866, AKY-150-50967, T-14326)
Operating systems
- Synology OBM 7.7 save password does not work if the connection is via https (ref: QSH-884-14441, T-13945)
- OBM 7700 crash on Linux with Windows Event Log enabled for the user account (ref: LLD-245-32505, T-14168)
Reporting / Email report
- after v6 upgrade to v7, obm report usage page's destination list items are duplicated (ref: T-13747)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 cannot update the usage in [Report]>[Usage] by "Space Freeing Up" or "Data Integrity Check" or running backup job (ref: PBC-415-56225, YEN-639-27747, T-14022)
- CBS7700 backup log and OBS status reports OK with "Encryption key is invalid." error in PDF (ref: DCC-640-58134, NHL-561-39046, FOH-446-37299, HHF-433-62016, OZW-688-71648, VTH-675-12383, ZKD-150-22762, T-14078)
- OBM ACB cannot show correct usage after deletion of backup data (ref: ZYB-800-49370, T-14093)
- CBS cannot show correct usage after deletion of backup data (ref: ZYB-800-49370, T-14105)
- CBS v7720 User setting changes email being sent even there has no changes being made for the user (ref: QKB-635-96531, T-14181)
Restore / Decrypt
- Restore failed with "Path does not exist" errors when restoring lots of files with permissions (ref: T-13768)
- OBM 7.7 fails to restore run direct to original location after a successful backup (ref: HPW-104-39455, XXK-767-10845, T-13921)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 restore prompts to delete all data in destination by running DIC with CRC when fail to delete file (ref: YDW-991-32443, T-14025)
- OBM hangs when selecting the destination to restore (ref: YOG-466-71614, KBE-980-28965, T-14135)
- Must change temp path to local before can set net drive as temp path for ShadowProtect restore (ref: T-12060)
- OBC Restore ESXi VM (with 2 or more snapshots) to Original location replace existing VM fails with "Fail to delete virtual disk" error (ref: T-13867)
- Provide restore statistics in UpdateProgress request (ref: T-14366)
User experiences
- OBM v7.7 prompts "[n] Internal Server Error" when login with incorrect password via proxy server (ref: ZBM-537-11477, T-13932)
- OBM v7.7.2.0 client usage reporting shows repeated and incorrect information regarding selectable destination and backupsets (ref: GAU-462-76753, T-14034)
- OBM & ACB Selecting another backup set type reverts user-inputted name to default name when creating new backup set (ref: WUC-476-42201, T-14086)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS