AhsayCBS v7.15.2.2 Release Notes (06-Feb-2018)
This release contains the major features listed below:
- Help users to copy toast.ico from existing icon if they have customization and upgraded from older v7 versions (ref: T-19848)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Disable the OpenDirect / Granular Restore by default in [Default Values] and backup set creation when the add-on module is disabled (ref: T-19491)
Reporting / Email report
- Show message in [To do] page for certificate issue in replication (ref: T-19955)
- Add new "Migrate V6 Data Start" and "Migrate V6 Data End" filters in Activities Log (ref: T-17782)
Bug Fixes
- GetUserStorageStat.do - XXXRawSize is returning compressed size or incorrect statistics (ref: RUU-447-50362, T-19106)
- Unable to show the backup job report for v7 backup job by the API "GetBackupJobReport" after deleted the destination (ref: VPO-677-24098, T-19410)
- GetSystemSetting JSON API returns incorrect values for "QuotaSum" and "CurrentRatio" (ref: T-19754)
- GetUser.do XML and JSON API return key value names are not aligned (ref: T-14536, T-19904)
- Exchange 2016 mail-level backupset gets error [JBSetDestinationItemPanel] Destination ID cannot be null (ref: CPK-365-98916, RHX-759-73121, T-19755)
- UpdateUserProfile.do API returns "Office365 SharePoint module(s) quota exceeded." error but Office 365 Sharepoint is not supported (ref: T-19990)
Application specific backup
- Office 365 server backupset restore keep loading for several minutes after clicking the mailbox to select the email to restore (ref: FLW-448-31333, T-19340)
- Cloud File Backup to Google Drive get "[GDriveManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file, sParent=" error (ref: OXA-535-15212, T-17938)
- Cloud file backup with OnedriveForBusiness files is failed with "429 TOO MANY REQUESTS" (ref: XZY-305-35378, KFI-130-96095, T-19747)
- One drive cloud file run on server backup with "Fout="[d] [c.a] Target is not a file..." error (ref: HDJ-513-45804, T-19684)
- CBS does not remove "cloudcache" file from temporary directory of Run from server Office 365 exchange backup (ref: HLX-879-96864, T-19556)
- Multiple API messages that were all logged in the v6 system logs but not shown to the administrator. (ref: UST-412-36816, 19649)
- Block "GetBackupSet" and "UpdateBackupSet" Standard API (v6 format) from creating Exchange 2016 (DAG/non-DAG) and Hyper-V 2016 (Cluster/non-Cluster) backup sets (ref: T-20154)
Backup Destination
- Large amount of extra ahsay buckets is created on Google Cloud Storage along with the Predefined Destination bucket (ref: JMD-997-31571, T-19197)
- Unable to modify Branding text properties in Arabic field (ref: OFO-941-57613, T-19543)
- Branding sub-menu inaccurately lists required ICON dimensions (ref: T-18798)
- Ubuntu with versions newer than 16.04 is unable to start/stop CBS/CBSNFS service through /etc/init.d (ref: T-20149)
General / Miscellaneous
- Suspend account cannot stop the scheduled run on server backupset (ref: VXC-756-63508, CVI-791-89179, T-18963)
- Fail to change the filter option (User Page of CBS web console) from Default to Quota (ref: PUA-108-78157, T-19165)
- Add/Delete Backup User results in "Error = NULL" message prompts in CBS web console (ref: CSD-158-84667, T-19182)
- Office 365 run on server backup with "Error: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one..." (ref: KOQ-754-41718, T-19183)
- CBS on Ubuntu get "insserv: warning: script 'S99xxx' missing LSB tags and overrides" error when running apt-get command (ref: GEI-577-70896, T-19498)
- OBM failed to save encrypted backup set encryption keys to server. (ref: SOX-790-97488, WVM-564-53328, T-19654)
- Concurrent modifying the traffic log when flushing leading to logger thread vanished (ref: DOL-350-31447, T-19895)
- User Statistics Summary of multiple pages are displaying the same content (ref: XDU-992-53001, QSV-120-27385, T-19853)
- User Profile > Contact Email disappear without audit trail (ref: DVK-431-93931, TXZ-162-47210, T-19707)
- Exchange 2016 Mail-level backup sets (DAG/non-DAG) created via "AddBackupSet.do" JSON API would have "Data.ApplicationSettings.Source":null (ref: T-20129)
- SNMP MIB always gives a NULL value when using PRTG (ref: ECT-850-61611, T-19796)
- Unable to save Free Trial Options for Business License (ref: XLH-207-42368, T-19837)
- Unable to exit [Replication - Sending Data] page by clicking [Save] or [Cancel] button in CBS web console (ref: T-20148)
- OBM client shows "The backup client is of wrong type." when connecting to CBS (ref: TKT-480-96056, T-20194)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- subadmin can see other subadmin from "Delegate setting and user management to Sub Admin" (ref: NTI-744-51911, T-19600)
- CBS takes very long time to save settings and restarting service due to large number of subadmin (ref: XBB-725-10407, T-19810)
- Unable to disable "Enable Data Migration" when the hostname contains ".do" (ref: QQE-525-49297, T-20025)
- Missing user home in sub-admin after updated some custom properties from another sub-admin (ref: T-20157)
License / Billing module
- Disable RDR license checking when RDR feature is disabled (ref: T-19700)
- RDR and RPS can still function properly with expired CBS evaluation license (ref: T-20007)
- Receiving the email report "License Error Update License Failed. Redirector is stopped" for valid license when using proxy (ref: VJD-277-53714, T-19486)
- Show error message for wrong OBS system login credential provided when adding to RDR (ref: EQH-424-27630, T-19686)
- Redirector can still function normally even when License key does not contain valid CBS module (ref: T-19823)
- Backup user owned by subadmin unable to login OBC after upgraded to CBS v7.15 which is behind RDR (ref: T-19834)
- No "LocateBackupServerInfo" log for recording the v7 OBM user login CBS via RDR successfully (ref: T-20176)
- Unable to create parent folder when replicating to SFTP destination (ref: JVK-167-58160, T-19687)
- "Replication license error" is shown even after applying correct license key with enough Replication Module Quota (ref: T-14204)
Reporting / Email report
- Discrepancy size of Data between User Report / CBS Statistics and Data stored at Google Cloud Storage (ref: FWO-554-41323, T-18339)
- Statistics in CBS web console does not align with actual data in destination (ref: TVF-962-83158, T-18821)
- Unable to resolve the status "BACKUP_SKIPPED" for historical backup job (ref: T-19190)
- Live Activities Backup Status has backups get stuck at 100% when one of the backup jobs is missed (ref: XKY-170-35816, T-19602)
- Live Activities Backup Status has backups get stuck at 100% when client log is missing (ref: NCV-976-96039, URC-441-54488, NKC-549-44569, ILB-203-85220, T-19604)
- Live Activities Backup Status has backups get stuck at 100% when backup job is finished in an unexpected way (ref: FFR-430-14115, T-19729)
- LiveActivities Backup status, current file shows messy code for v6 backup set running CDP backup job (ref: T-20048)
- After upgrading from OBS v6 to CBS v7 the storage statistic on user accounts are under reported and in some cases is reported as zero. (ref: T-20050)
- Full backup report is not shown even if the backup is completed successfully (ref: OVG-784-29162, T-19562)
- Job Status on CBS Backup Report do not align with backup logs (ref: VTD-129-81845, T-19575)
- Fails to send email with "Generate PDF backup report failure for backup set...'Client log is not found for v7 client' (ref: SZE-937-59034, T-19783)
- If backup destination is removed before backup report generated, CBS would show "...[BackupSet.getDestination] Destination not found ..." error (ref: T-20069)
System maintenance
- Error "[AccessManager.getBFS] Invalid Backup Set ID "0x1d" at com.ahsay.afc.bfs.v6.a.a" (ref: ZVE-257-58797, T-19696)
- German Translation is missing on some places and some spelling mistakes is found (ref: WRQ-730-72227, T-19380)
- Italian labeling bug under Basic Backup/Restore > RunDirect tab (ref: DVM-870-99601, T-19690)
- Incorrect translation in Catalan language (ref: QHI-596-47966, T-19725)
User experiences
- Unable to login to CBS if the backup server URL contains upper case characters (ref: T-19983)
- Incorrect text position for Backup Data Migration page (ref: T-19813)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS