AhsayCBS v7.3.0.0 Release Notes (31-Aug-2015)
This release contains the major features listed below:
Backup Destination
- Support of AhsayOBS as a cloud destination (ref: T-9892)
- Centralize management of AhsayOBM/AhsayACB which backup to public cloud as well as AhsayOBS
- One single AhsayCBS installation package for AhsayOBS, AhsayRPS and AhsayRDR
External applications / systems
- Upgraded bundled Tomcat to v7 for solving cross-site scripting vulnerability (ref: WXJ-660725, HHF-250-84479, QUX-692-91478, XJI-527-22203, T-7388)
General / Miscellaneous
- New interface design
- Consolidate AhsayOBS, AhsayRPS and AhsayRDR in a single interface for easy management
- Display of various system setting and status in System Panel
- Dashboard for announcement and backup status for all users (ref: QBD-706118, T-3078)
- Reporting of replication status (ref: NUS-918989, GUR-663637, CDV-825232, EQH-822572, KAH-356318, BXU-687462, UQM-903448, T-3331)
- Reporting of redirection status
- Scalability enhancement for supporting large amount of concurrent backup
- Support setting bandwidth limit on AhsayOBS for a particular user by time period (ref: NYQ-271527, MMM-534458, EZU-782579, MWQ-435218, HAV-726082, XXP-202764, QFC-873690, VDB-975-64088, DLC-394-47434, RCN-990-59847, SFD-179-71121, YQN-459-75137, T-2800)
- Include the end trial date in the Trial Ending Reminder email (ref: JWQ-913257, T-2981)
- Add a second password box for confirmation when changing AhsayCBS web console passwords (ref: T-3093)
- Support managing AhsayCBS system alerts by SNMP (ref: NQR-880-64237, T-7247)
- Support of Java 7 (ref: HHF-250-84479, T-9990)
- Send a link for user to reset password instead of sending the new password to user (ref: T-10607, T-10688)
- Add encryption option for sending email to contact person for enhanced security (ref: T-11096)
Group Policy / Reseller Panel
- Revamp group policy design for easier management
- Enable checking of backup quota on uncompressed size by group policy
- Reporting of redirection status (on AhsayCBS System Panel)
- Support replicate to cloud storage
- AhsayOBS (as a cloud storage)
- Amazon S3 (Standard and Reduced Redundancy Storage)
- AWS S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
- CTYun
- Dropbox
- Google Cloud Storage
- Google Drive
- Microsoft Azure
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Microsoft OneDrive for Business
- OpenStack (SWIFT)
- Rackspace
- Reporting of replication status (on AhsayCBS System Panel) (ref: NUS-918989, GUR-663637, CDV-825232, EQH-822572, KAH-356318, BXU-687462, UQM-903448, T-3331)
- Lower memory footprint and lower CPU utilization required
- The need to resynchronize is minimized
- Resynchronization now works at backupset level instead of system level
- Support of pausing/resuming of individual backup set replication selectively without requiring resynchronization
- Users can choose to replicate different backup sets selectively
- Replication of different backup sets can be run concurrently
- Bandwidth control of replication is supported at individual/all backup set level
- As large files are now split to small files in the backup/replication process, there will be no more need to re-replicate large files if there is network issue during replication (ref: IAF-913963, ITC-182405, UPO-511593, OCL-256377, EAH-394674, MVX-529672, NIA-869344, JQB-293829, AFC-643432, FER-919125, ODV-200599, AHL-446821, T-4721)
- Speed up replication by offloading part of the changed file listing compilation logics to AhsayRPS (ref: T-10073)
Reporting / Email report
- New design of consolidated reports with UTF8 Support. Report in PDF format will be sent as attachment in email. (ref: ZZZ-987665, LLL-506443, HRN-936322, WWW-890618, CUL-169886, JXS-196761, ROD-181409, ZGZ-662885, IBG-461060, WOP-963740, TCS-854202, OQL-979568, EPB-374340, VHX-195889, IRG-707546, ZTK-279930, SUP-834-25262, HPT-127-86807, AMJ-225-47858, VKE-128788, T-2496, T-7440, T-11096)
System maintenance
- Audit trail for all administrative activities (ref: T-2487)
- Support monitoring of free disk space on AhsayOBS (ref: KYR-709229, T-3670)
User experiences
- New interface design
- Allow sorting of "Login name" and "Job status" on AhsayCBS log page (ref: MUW-882406, T-2788)
- Add 'Status' dropdown and checkbox on web console for easy status modification (ref: T-5055)
- Support more timezones (ref: PVF-163047, WLW-973-88765, JBA-312502, VIZ-798719, QSS-595423, UDM-870445, ZDL-314738, WWI-219521, UOW-818-50511, CQO-194-62262, IDM-294-21532, ZTO-784-24518, XRJ-874077, REA-804-90669, NDZ-715134, QJH-320-85086, ZGB-338-38094, T-2514, T-3117, T-3425, T-4729, T-4780, T-6479, T-7006, T-7113, T-7326, T-9140, T-9383)
Bug Fixes
General / Miscellaneous
- AhsayCBS does not support SMTP server with over 1024 bit SSL certificate with error "Could not convert socket to TLS" (Workaround is provided for DHE > 1024 bit) (ref: NLW-104-17243, T-10647)
Product Abbreviations:
- AhsayACB - ACB
- AhsayOBM - OBM
- AhsayOBR - OBR
- AhsayCBS - CBS
- AhsayMobile - MOB
- Mobile Backup Server (AhsayMobile) - MBS