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How to allocate CBS module for active pool key using LMP

11 Feb, 2025

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayCBS: 7.9 and above

Operating System

All platforms


This page details how to allocate additional CBS modules on active pool key license applied on CBS. 


  1. Login to the Ahsay Partner Portal

    Navigate to [Tools]>[License Management Portal].


  2. Scroll down to the "License Pools" section and locate the row containing the appropriate pool Name of your Pooled License. For that entry, click on Edit.


  3. Ensure the AhsayCBS Quota has at least 1 quantity. Then scroll down to the Pool Keys section, click on the appropriate License Name that needs the CBS Module enabled, click DETAILS.
  4. On the next page, under the "Key Quota" column, scroll down to "AhsayCBS Enabled" and change the drop-down to "Enable".


  5. Finally, scroll-down and press the Update button.