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How to Install Latest AhsayUBS Release

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Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayUBS: 9.1 or above


This article contains information on how to install the latest release version for AhsayUBS. Upgrading AhsayUBS will also upgrade its integrated AhsayCBS version. 


  • The AhsayCBS configuration, SSL cert, any branding, and other configuration settings of your existing AhsayUBS and AhsayCBS server will be carried over after the upgrade.

    However, if your CBS is branded, the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client installers will beed to be rebuilt before they are updated to the latest release version. Therefore, it is recommended that the auto upgrade (AUA) feature is disabled for all backup users before starting the AhsayUBS upgrade process.

    Refer to the AhsayCBS Administrator - Branding Guide for more details on branding.

  • If your UBS is branded but you downloaded the new release of AhsayUBS from the Ahsay website, your branded UBS will result in taking on the AhsayUBS branding instead of your custom branding. If you must retain your branded UBS, then download from a separate CBS server upgraded with the newest release, afterwhich you will perform a Rebuild Web Console selecting ISO and/or IMG to build the branded UBS installer. Once built, you will then use this (ISO / IMG) to upgrade your production UBS and retain UBS branding.
  • When upgrading from an older v6 release, for example AhsayUBS version (aka v6.27.0.0), there are licensing and migration details to consider before proceeding with the upgrade, please read through AhsayOBS to AhsayCBS Upgrade Guide.

Follow the steps below to install the latest stable public release for AhsayUBS:

  1. From AhsayCBS web console, disable Auto Update Agent (AUA) for all users. This prevents any unintentional client upgrades until you have had the chance to do a post-upgrade checkup.
  2. Download the following IMG or ISO file suitable for your environment.

    Stable releases: Click here for the latest AhsayUBS installer. (refer to the Release Notes for more details)

  3. Follow the installation / upgrade instructions in Chapter 4 of the AhsayUBS Administrator's Guide to upgrade the AhsayUBS server. (The upgrade procedure is similar to how you initially performed the installation of AhsayUBS on your host.)
  4. Do a post-upgrade check of your AhsayUBS settings and the AhsayCBS settings.
  5. If branded OBM / ACB, confirm that branding is correct and no changes are needed. Then, perform Rebuild Client for each branded system user.
  6. Enable AUA for users, so they can auto upgrade to latest client version.