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Hardware Requirements for version 8

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

Ahsay Software: 8.1 and above

Operating System

All platforms


The following table lists the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for all Ahsay products:

AhsayCBScbs / AhsayPRDprd AhsayOBMobm / AhsayACBacb / AhsayOBRobr
Quad Core architecture or above[1] Quad Core architecture or above[2]

[1] For Run on Server (Agentless) Office 365 and Cloud File backup jobs, automatic weekly Periodic Data integrity check (PDIC), Post backup data validation checks and other application processes (e.g. retention policy job, Data Integrity Check (DIC) ... etc.) are performed on the AhsayCBS server, resulting in increased processing power requirement and memory usage. It is recommended the AhsayCBS backup server should be installed with multiple sockets.

[2] Automatic weekly Periodic Data integrity check (PDIC), Post backup data validation checks and other application processes (e.g. retention policy job, Data Integrity Check (DIC) ... etc.) are now performed by the AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client application, resulting in increased processing power requirement and memory usage.

16 GB (at least 50% free memory available)
4 GB (at least 50% free memory available)
24 GB (at least 50% free memory available)
8 GB (at least 50% free memory available)

[3] 24GB RAM or more is recommended for better performance, especially if hosting Run on Server (Agentless) Office 365 and Cloud File backup jobs.
The default maximum Java memory setting (Java Heap Size) for AhsayOBM; on Windows server grade operating system (Windows 2008/2012/2016/2019) is 4096MB or 4GB.

Installation Space:
Minimum: 2 GB Minimum: 500 MB
Network Protocol:
Network Bandwidth:
--- 10 Mbps or above connection speed [4]

[4] To ensure a stable and consistent backup / restore performance.

OpenJDK Version:
OpenJDK 1.8.0u181 or above[5] OpenJDK 1.8.0u181 or above[5]

[5] Performance and stability is dependent on the operating system platforms and / or hardware architecture.