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How to recover AhsayCBS System Account Password

11 Feb, 2025

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayCBS: 7.5 - 9.11.2

Operating System

All Platforms


This Know-How article contains information on how to recover the AhsayCBS system account password.


The AhsayCBS system account password is not recoverable. You can log in to the AhsayCBS web console by temporarily resetting the system account password to "system", then modify the password again (to a password of your choice) in the AhsayCBS web console afterward (applies to AhsayCBS pre-v8.3.4.0).

On AhsayCBS v8.3.4.0 or above, there is a security requirement if the system account password is reset to "system", on the next login to the AhsayCBS web console using the system account it will automatically prompt you to change the password. Further access will not be allowed until the "system" password has been changed.

To reset the system password, amend the "cbs.json" file located in:


Value of ${Install-Home} for various operating system:

  • (Windows) C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS
  • (Linux/FreeBSD) /usr/local/cbs
  • (AhsayUBS) /ubs/mnt/eslsfw/obsr/conf


  1. Stop the AhsayCBS Service.
  2. Open "cbs.json" with a text editor such as Notepad++.
  3. Using a JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin, locate the unique system user ID in the "cbs.json" file:

    Scroll down to the AdminList section and expand the objects to locate the system user as shown below:

    Example: The system user object should contain the following items:

    Name: system

    ID: 24134 (This is an example system user ID. The value is unique for each AhsayCBS installation)

    Type: ADMIN

    Locate system account key in cbs.json

  4. Search for the unique system user ID in the "cbs.json" file. For example: 24134

    The ordering of the admin account parameters may be different on your AhsayCBS version.
  5. Edit the "Pwd" entry by replacing




  6. Save the changes to the "cbs.json" file.
  7. Start the AhsayCBS service afterward.
  8. Login to the AhsayCBS web console with username "system" and password "system":

    AhsayCBS Login page