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How to Install Latest AhsayACB/AhsayOBM Release

11 Feb, 2025

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB: 9.1 or above

Operating System

All Platforms


This Know-How article contains information on how to upgrade (install) your AhsayOBM or AhsayACB client to the latest version. The client software is only available from the AhsayCBS Backup Server.


Auto update all supported AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client agents

If your machine already has AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client installed, then the AhsayCBS Admin may consider using the Auto Update feature found in AhsayCBS UI, to push out the updated client to user devices.

To auto update all supported AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client agents, perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the live-update files:
    • For default Ahsay-branded installation

      The live-update files are ready after the AhsayCBS upgrade.
    • For custom branded installation
      1. Login to the AhsayCBS web console.
      2. Under System Settings, select Basic > Administrative Access > %system_user%.
      3. Review all branding properties, as upgraded CBS might have new changes under Rebrand Clients.
      4. Click OK, then Save.
      5. Return back to the Branding properties, then click on Rebrand Client. Click the Build Branded Client button to rebuild the client installation file and live-update files.
  2. Enable the Auto Update feature on the AhsayCBS server. Please refer to the Auto Update section in the AhsayCBS Administration - Backup / Restore for more information.
  • Auto Update does not support AhsayOBM installation on Synology and QNAP NAS.
  • Auto Update is not for first time installation on a device.
  • Auto Update cannot be used to push a backup server URL change.

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB installation on Windows

  1. Download either the executable (EXE) or the offline (ZIP) file from the AhsayCBS web console.

    • AhsayOBM

      AhsayOBM download files

    • AhsayACB

      AhsayACB download files

    More information about this release can be found in our Release Notes.

    Contact your service provider if you do not have access to download the upgrade file.
  2. Follow the instruction based on the client agent and downloaded file:
    • If installing AhsayOBM and have downloaded the:
      • EXE file,double-click the obm-win-port-hostname-https.exe file to start the AhsayOBM Setup Wizard.
      • ZIP file, unzip the file, then open the directory and run the obm-win.exe to begin the AhsayOBM Setup Wizard.
    • If installing AhsayACB and have downloaded the:
      • EXE file,double-click the acb-win-port-hostname-https.exe file to start the AhsayACB Setup Wizard.
      • ZIP file, unzip the file, then open the directory and run the acb-win.exe to begin the AhsayACB Setup Wizard.
  3. Click Yes to uninstall the previous version of AhsayOBM / AhsayACB client.

    Setup Wizard

  4. Continue to the next steps with the information provided in the Setup Wizard to re-install the client agent.
  5. Installation is now complete.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayOBM in Installing AhsayOBM on Windows.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayACB in AhsayACB Installation Guide for Windows.


AhsayOBM / AhsayACB installation on macOS

  1. Download the dmg or zip file from the AhsayCBS web console.

    • AhsayOBM

      AhsayOBM download files

    • AhsayACB

      AhsayACB download files

    More information about this release can be found in our Release Notes.

    Contact your service provider if you do not have access to download the upgrade file.
  2. Follow the instruction based on the client agent and downloaded file:
    • If installing AhsayOBM and have downloaded the:
      • DMG file,double-click the obm-port-hostname-https.dmg file.
      • ZIP file, double-click the obm-mac file. After the package is expanded, double-click on the DMG file.
    • If installing AhsayACB and have downloaded the:
      • DMG file,double-click the acb-port-hostname-https.dmg file.
      • ZIP file, double-click the acb-mac file. After the package is expanded, double-click on the DMG file.
  3. Double-click the:

    • obm.pkg file if installing AhsayOBM,
    • acb.pkg file if installing AhsayACB,

    to start the Setup Wizard.

  4. Continue to the next steps with the information provided in the Setup Wizard to re-install the client agent.
  5. Installation is now complete.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayOBM in Installing AhsayOBM on macOS.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayACB in the AhsayACB Installation Guide for Mac.


AhsayOBM installation on Linux

  1. Download one of the available SH / TAR GZ / RPM / DEB file from the AhsayCBS web console.

    AhsayOBM download files

    More information about this release can be found in our Release Notes.

    Contact your service provider if you do not have access to download the upgrade file.
  2. Install the AhsayOBM client agent using:
    • SH

      Rename the downloaded file, removing all characters after .sh, then run to install.

      # sh
    • TAR.GZ

      # tar zxvf obm-linux.tar.gz
      # sh
    • RPM

      # rpm -i -replacepkgs obm-linux-noarch-port-hostname-https.rpm
    • DEB

      Rename the downloaded file, removing all characters after .deb, then run to install.

      # dpkg -i obm-linux-noarch-port-hostname-https-0O.deb
  3. As an example, the following messages will be displayed after the re-installation is completed.

    # ...
    # Untar jvm and component files finished
    # Install Application Path: /usr/local/obm
    # Restore Previous Setting backup ...
    # Restore home.txt
    # Restore config.ini
    # Restore application opt file (afc.opt)
    # Restore application opt file (cb.opt)
    # Previous Setting backup restored
    # Done

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayOBM in Installating AhsayOBM on Linux (GUI) and Installating AhsayOBM on Linux (CLI).

Synology NAS

AhsayOBM installation on Synology NAS

  1. Download the upgrade package file from the AhsayCBS console.

    AhsayOBM download files

    More information about this release can be found in our Release Notes.

    Contact your service provider if you do not have access to download the upgrade file.
  2. Sign into DiskStation Manager (DSM) with the admin account. In a web browser, enter the Synology NAS device IP address, followed by :5000.
  3. In Package Center, click Manual Install.

    Synology Package Center

  4. Browse to the AhsayOBM package file which you have downloaded (e.g. obm-443-hostname-https.spk), then click Next to proceed.

    Synology Manual Install

  5. Enter the URL (as displayed in the download page) of the backup server, click Next.

    AhsayOBM Update

  6. Review the information on screen, then click Done to update AhsayOBM.

    AhsayOBM Update

  7. Allow the update process to complete.

    AhsayOBM Update

  8. Installation is now complete.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayOBM in Installing AhsayOBM on Synology NAS.


AhsayOBM installation on QNAP NAS

  1. Download the upgrade package file from the AhsayCBS web console.

    AhsayOBM download files

    More information about this release can be found in our Release Notes.

    Contact your service provider if you do not have access to download the upgrade file.
  2. Sign into QTS with the admin account.
  3. Open App Center, click Install Manually.


    QNAP App Center

  4. Browse to the AhsayOBM package file which you have downloaded (e.g. obm-443-hostname-https-0O.spkg), then click Install to proceed.

    QNAP Install Manually

  5. Click OK when prompted to confirm.
  6. Allow the update process to complete.

    QNAP Install Manually

  7. Installation is now complete.

You may find more details about installation or upgrading AhsayOBM in Installing AhsayOBM on QNAP NAS.