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Backup getting error "Failed to save encrypted backupset encryption keys to server"

Article ID


Last Reviewed Date

Product Version

AhsayACB / AhsayOBM: 7.17 or above

Operating System

All platforms


When performing a backup of any type, the following warning message is received in the backup report:

No. Type Timestamp Log
* ... ... ...
* info ... Downloading server file list... Completed
* ... ... ...
* warn YYYY/MM/DD
Failed to save encrypted backup set encryption keys to server. Failed to get OutputStream of file: backup_id/settings/EncryptionKeys-YYYY-MM-DD.json.rgz, [ObsManager.newFolderIterator] Failed to list path: backup_id settings.
* ... ... ...


The message suggests that the encryption key of the affected backup set cannot be saved to the backup server. A possible cause of this issue may be related to unstable connection between the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB clients and the AhsayCBS server.


To resolve the issue, increase the upload timeout value for all affected client(s).

  1. Open the afc.opt file under the AhsayOBM / AhsayACB installation folder with a text editor.
  2. Add the following line to the end of the file:

    The value 180 seconds is for example purposes only, you can adjust the timeout value to another value if required.
  3. Save and exit from the text editor.
  4. Restart Ahsay Online Backup Manager Services / Ahsay A-Click Backup Services and client user interface.
  5. Perform the backup again to see if the problem persists.
Further increase the timeout value (e.g. to 300 seconds) if the problem persist. Alternatively, contact Ahsay support for further assistance.