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Reason Connection refused connect) (cannot enable replication)

When enabling replication to another AhsayCBS server, the following error is shown on the AshayCBS web console when saving the settings:



Failed to access destination "GCS" Reason="[GCSManager. getALLBuckets] Failed to list all bucket.."

Using Google Cloud Storage (GCS) as a destination, an error is displayed:

[e] Failed to access destination "GCS". Reason="[GCSManger.getALLBuckets] Failed to list all bucket: Invalid argument."

Microsoft 365 backup error "Failed to login to GraphService, reason ="

Microsoft 365 backup gets this error:

Failed to login to GraphService, reason =

This error occurs when the client machine cannot access the Microsoft 365 site. Failed to get latest remote backup job

When trying to run a backup job, the following error is encountered:

License error internal error 1012

Please use the following steps on License Error - Internal Error 1012.


The error message will be displayed if any of the following conditions is true:

Failed to check integrity of destination

Please use the following steps on Failed to check integrity of destination.


ERROR MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED Detail=Unspecified error (MS Exchange Mail Level restore)

Please use the following steps on ERROR=MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED Detail=Unspecified error (MS Exchange Mail Level restore).


The message exceeds the maximum supported size. Cannot save changes made to an item to store.

Please use the following steps on The message exceeds the maximum supported size. Cannot save changes made to an item to store (MS Exchange mail level restore).


No buffer space available (maximum connections reached) (Exchange mail level backup)

When performing an MS Exchange mail level backup (both Exchange server and Office 365 mail level backup set), the following info message is displayed in the backup client log:

Backup / Restore getting error insertion failed because database is full (database or disk is full)

When attempting to perform a backup / restore, the following error occurs:

Microsoft 365 backup getting "Mailbox move in progress. Try again later"

Microsoft 365 backup is getting this error:

How to run a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for legacy backup set created in v6 without a GUI?

This video provides instructions on how to utilize the (with CheckCRC option enabled) to perform a Cyclic Redundancy Check for legacy backup sets created in version 6 for backup clients installed on operating systems