How to install AhsayOBM on macOS (AMBaaS version)?
12 Feb, 2025
Please use the following steps to install AhsayOBM on macOS using the DMG online installer through the Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS).
Create a Free Trial account for AMBaaS
- Go to
- Click the Free Trial button at the upper-right part of the page.
- Select the Ahsay Managed Backup (AMBaaS) tab.
- Scroll down and fill-out the registration form.
- Click Submit.
- Open the email you used to register for the free trial account.
- Select the email with subject Ahsay Product Evalution Request.
- Click download page.
Install AhsayOBM
- From the AhsayOBM tab, look for macOS. Then, select the DMG online installer to download the package installer of your AhsayACB.
- After the download is completed, double-click the downloaded obm.pkg file.
- Once the AhsayOBM setup window opens, click Continue.
- Click Continue.
- Click Continue.
- Then, select Agree.
- Click Install.
- Enter your account password, then click Install Software. Installation may take up to a few minutes depending on your internet connection.
- Once the installation has been successfully completed, click Close.
- To launch AhsayOBM, open Finder.
- Click Applications.
- Then, click the AhsayOBM icon to open.
- Once you're on the AhsayOBM login page, enter your credentials to access your account.