How to install AhsayOBM on a Synology NAS (AMBaaS version)?
12 Feb, 2025
Please use the following steps to install AhsayOBM on a Synology NAS device using the DSM SPK online installer through the Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS).
Create a Free Trial account for AMBaaS
- Go to
- Click the Free Trial button at the upper-right part of the page.
- Select the Ahsay Managed Backup (AMBaaS) tab.
- Scroll down and fill-out the registration form.
- Click Submit.
- Open the email you used to register for the free trial account.
- Select the email with subject Ahsay Product Evalution Request.
- Click download page.
Install AhsayOBM
- From the AhsayOBM tab, look for Synology. Then, select the DSM version of your Synology NAS device to download the compatible online package installer of your AhsayOBM.
- After the download is complete, open your Synology NAS device.
- Click [Package Center] and manually install the obm-synology()-443....-https-54255O.spk.
- Upload the package file and click Next.
- Select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next to continue.
- On the Synology section under the AhsayOBM tab of the download page, copy and paste the CBS URL. Then, click Next.
- Click Done to install.
Installation may take up to a few minutes depending on your internet connection. - Once the installation has been successful, click Installed from the Package Center.
- Launch AhsayOBM by clicking Open.
- Or go to your Synology desktop ad click the AhsayOBM icon.
- From the AhsayOBM login page, enter your credentials to access your account.