Ahsay Managed Backup as a Service - AMBaaS
All the information you need on how to get started with Ahsay cloud backup service including steps on how to; download,
install, creating different backups on Windows, macOS, Linux (GUI/CLI), FreeBSD, Synology NAS, and QNAP NAS.
Ahsay with its intuitive user interface, standardize look and feel across different operating systems such as Windows, macOS,
and Linux GUI/CLI, is equipped with create backup set wizards to guide you every step of the way, to get all your backups up
and running in a matter of minutes!
There are ten basic steps in creating a Backup Set on Ahsay.
- In the Backup Set tile. Click the [+] button.
Enter the name of the backup set, then select the Backup set type, i.e. File, Microsoft 365, VMware, Hyper-V, MS Exchange,
MS SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle etc - Select the database or application version (if applicable)
- Enter the settings for the backup sets, i.e., database or application login credentials, hostname, port number etc. (if applicable)
- Select the files/folders, databases, items, or virtual machines you want to backup.
- Define the backup schedule or frequency you would like the backup set to be run automatically.
Select the storage destination you want to store your backup data and the backup mode; sequential or concurrent
(if there is more than one storage destination). - Choose the type of encryption that you will use to protect your data.
- Confirm and take note of your encryption key.
- Enter the domain name, username, and password for the Windows User Authentication (if applicable)
The Backup Set has been successfully created!
You can either click on Backup now button to run backup immediately or click on Close to quit and allow the backup job to run
automatically according to the backup schedule settings.