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How to install AhsayOBM on Linux GUI (deb) (AMBaaS version)?

12 Feb, 2025

Please use the following steps to install AhsayOBM on Linux GUI using the DEB online installer through the Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS).

Create a Free Trial account for AMBaaS

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Free Trial button at the upper-right part of the page.
  3. Select the Ahsay Managed Backup (AMBaaS) tab.
  4. Scroll down and fill-out the registration form.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Open the email you used to register for the free trial account.
  7. Select the email with subject Ahsay Product Evalution Request.
  8. Click download page.

Install AhsayOBM

  1. On the AhsayOBM tab, click the DEB online installer link to download the AhsayOBM Linux GUI online installer.
  2. After the download has completed, open Files and go to Downloads then double-click the obm-linux-noarch-443-....-https-42235O.deb file.
  3. Click Install to begin the installation. Depending on your internet connection, this could take up to a few minutes.
  4. Once installation has completed, AhsayOBM will be added to Applications.
  5. Click the Ubuntu icon.
  6. Select the AhsayOBM icon to startup the application.
  7. Enter the root password.
  8. On the AhsayOBM login screen, enter your login credentials and click OK to continue.