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Backup cloud data. Ahsay safeguard MSP and business data.

Backup cloud data Drive is more important than ever as it is increasingly used to synchronize and share files. Syncing files to cloud data is a simple and convenient way to share files across different devices and to collaborate with team members. Most people think that as their data is safely stored in the cloud, it is already backed up and safe. But data synchronization is not the same as a data backup! Without a reliable backup of your cloud data it is at risk of permanent data loss. The most common types of data loss for cloud data are; synch errors, data corruption, unhappy employees, ransomware attacks, and hackers. A backup to local, FTP/SFTP, and public cloud lets you access your data anytime. You can even keep unlimited versions of your files, not just the latest one.

Backup cloud data - take full ownership and control of your

If you lose important data, your business can suffer. Customers may leave you and you may face legal problems. Backup cloud data with Ahsay to avoid these risks. You will have full control of your data and keep it for as long as you want. You can even backup your data to your own local storage. You can access your data anytime, even if cloud system is down. No more worries!

Backup cloud data to avoid permanent data loss!

Use Ahsay to backup cloud data regularly. This will keep your important data safe. Don’t trust cloud system to do it for you. It's recycle bin only keeps deleted files for 30 days. Then your files are gone forever! Backup cloud data with Ahsay. The most affordable, secure, and reliable backup solution on the market. With immutable, data encryption backup, your data will be well protected and won't suffer data loss.   

The best for your budget

Subscribe to a Ahsay backup plan NOW! From as little as US$1.5/month for unlimited endpoints, you can protect your important data and take full control of it.

Ahsay Backup cloud data. Ahsay safeguard MSP and business data!

Why Ahsay backup?

Ahsay Backup and Restore

Cloud Backup is new trend for modern enterprises in the new hybrid working environment. While cloud storage offers some level of protection and security. It is not immune from data loss due to data corruption, accidental deletions, or malicious activities of hackers. With Ahsay anywhere to anywhere backup, you are able to protect your cloud data from any type of data loss. Learn more Ahsay backup as below:

Secure backup

With Ahsay immutable backup, your backup data cannot be changed, deleted, modified or encrypted. Data security is protected using AES 256-bit truly randomized encryption that is impossible to be hacked even by brute force attack with supercomputer. Ahsay also provides two-factor authentication (2FA) access control. You can prevent data loss or paying ransom in ransomware attacks.

Run the best practice of backup

Backup data to multiple destinations including; local drive, network share, FTP/SFTP server, and public cloud storage sequentially or concurrently. With multi-destination backup, you can implement the 3-2-1 backup rule for maximum data protection.

Faster backup and lower storage cost

Our data deduplication engine sources data from an advanced content-based chunking algorithm. This engine is designed to quickly identify and filter out all duplicate data blocks from the selected backup data. It then uploads only the unique data blocks to the backup destination or cloud storage. The engine also identifies unique data blocks for subsequent backup jobs where the contents are added, deleted, or updated. This helps save storage and cost from 50% to 90%.

Automated backups

Cloud backups can be scheduled to run anytime or on a recurring basis. High-speed multi-threading technologies enable fast backup and restore performance.

Restore different version data

Data being deleted from the cloud or older versions of files can be kept in the backup destinations as long as you want through retention policy settings.

Restore Drill available

Backup data can become corrupted over time due to hardware failure or storage problems. Ahsay Restore Drill helps ensure the integrity of your backup data with fully automated recovery testing. This testing can be done every 6 months, 12 months, or 24 months for extra peace of mind. A restore report is provided to certify the status of your backup data.

Point-in-time recovery

Cloud data can be restored from any point in time that backup was made. Multiple versions of an item can be recovered through a single restore operation.

Ahsay Backup and Restore

Ahsay Backup and Restore

Competitive pricing

We offer the most competitive and flexible pricing to fulfill your backup needs. Support multi-destination and unlimited endpoints. Learn more

Top notch support

Our Support Service runs from 9am to 2am everyday Monday to Friday Hong Kong time (GMT+8) that has coverage for most time zones. You can contact us by "Ticket" and "Live Chat". If you need 24x7 support, you can subscribe to our Premium Support Service.

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Words from our customers

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